Karuk Tribe Human Services
Mission Statement:
To provide culturally Appropriate wellness offerings, and behavioral health, services to Karuk and other Native American Children, youth and adults thorugh an effetive systems of care that empowers individuals and families to work toward and achieve self-sufficiency 
The Karuk Tribe Human Services provides services for Tribal and non-tribal Medi-Cal or private insurance including children, youth, families, adults and older adults, for the prevention, early intervention, and treatment of mental illness and/or substance use conditions. We are committed to supporting treatment of the whole person to achieve wellness and recovery, and promoting the physical and behavioral health of individuals, families and communities we serve.

We strive to provide Integrated and culturally sensitive services by mental health clinicians, alcohol and drug counselors, and Recovery coaches!

We offer the following services in Yreka, Happy Camp and Orleans: 
Behavioral Health: provides confidential outpatient counseling to children, adolescents, and adults.

Substance Use Disorder Programs: At the Karuk Substance Use Disorder Program, clients can begin the path to recovery, gain skills to live a balanced life and establish lifelong connections for staying healthy. Cert# 470003BN Expires 5/31/2025

Batterers' intervention Program: in Happy Camp ONLY: This program emphasizes domestic harmony. Participants will explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, in regard to their interactions with others, over 52 sessions. These sessions meet for two hours each week.
DUI (Driving under the Influence): classes in Happy Camp ONLY: A fee based service offered to those individuals needing to complete a court or DMV ordered program in order to regain their driving privileges. Lic# 47-003-01-120 Expires 6/30/2024
Rehabilitation referrals. All of our departments work closely together to help our families and people thrive as Indian People. 

Yreka: 530-842-9200.ext 6300

Happy Camp: 530-493-5151,

Orleans: 530-627-3106




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