Press Releases & Campaigns
Press Releases


AFS Report

American Fisheries’ Society Report confirms Tribal Oral Histories: Salmon once thrived in Upper Klamath Basin
Click here to view report
A new report, released today by the California Wilderness Coalition, describes California’s 10 most threatened wild places ...The report highlights what the Karuk Tribe has known for years, some of their most important cultural and natural areas are slowly but surely being destroyed.

Day of Action Release

On Monday March 14, 2005, over 200 members of the Karuk, Yurok, Hoopa and Klamath Tribes will rally at the state capital to urge Governor Schwarzenegger to serve as “Conan the Riparian” and increase his efforts to restore Klamath River salmon

Karuk Health Study
(1-31-2005 )

Washington Post report on a study by University of California sociologist Dr. Kari Norgaard documenting how the denied access to traditional food sources has affected the physical health of members of the Karuk Tribe.   Click here to download report
Bring the Salmon Home Campaign

A series of studies: Dam removal, sediment, economics, etc. for Klamath river basin
General background on the Klamath Dams, their impacts on the river and basin communities, and what you can do to help Bring the Salmon Home
Statements and citations from various agencies, decision makers, and commissions regarding the removal of Klamath Dams
For more information contact the Klamath River Campaign Coordinator,
Craig Tucker, Ph.D.

  Click here to email Craig