Karuk Tribe – Council Meeting

June 28, 2012

Meeting Minutes Orleans CA.

Meeting called to order at 3:00pm, by Russell “Buster” Attebery, Chairman


Buster Attebery, Chairman Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman Joseph Waddell, Secretary/Treasurer
Crispen McAllister, Member at Large
Verna Reece, Member at Large Sonny Davis, Member at Large Amos Tripp, Member at Large Bud Johnson, Member at Large Dora Bernal, Member at Large


None at this time.

Quorum is established.

Sonny Davis completed a prayer for the group and Verna Reece read the Mission Statement aloud for the audience.


Dora Bernal moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 8 haa,

0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Minutes of May 24, 2012:

Verna Reece moved and Michael Thom seconded to approve the minutes of May 24, 2012, 8 haa,

0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Old Business:

None at this time.


1.) Julian Lang, Tribal Member:

Julian is present to provide a copy of the new catalog which is in exhibit at the Clarke Museum in
Eureka. He assisted in the essay development and writing, pictures, and also provided input on the documentation covered in the book. He provided an overview of each category including gambling, fishing, bows and both world renewal ceremonies from men and women. He is hoping that the Council purchase some of these catalogs and also another interesting point is that the Natural Resources Department worked in collaboration with UC Berkeley to include a timeline of Karuk culture. He is hoping as well that the People’s Center would purchase some to have them sold in the Tribes Museum. Also, he is hoping that the exhibit would be displayed at the Tribes Museum as well. The fourth of July there will be a book signing at the Clark Museum.
Ron noted that it was nice to provide a timeline that also provides education to the public regarding this educational tool.

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2.) Randy White, Computer Center:

Randy is present to seek approval from the Council to be able to utilize Social Media such as
Facebook for the KCDC Computer Center. He would like to request this use as a modern professional tool. Emma Lee Johnson, Kelly Worcester and Randy will all be able to administer this site. They plan to monitor the site at all times and can do this by smartphones now, automatically notifying them of recent postings. He would like to use it to advertise classes and events for the Computer Center. Michael personally thinks that this is a good idea. He did note that there was no monitoring and it is unknown how this will be used for the Tribal programs. Dora would recommend that the Council discuss this and get back to him. The request will be moved to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.

3.) Franklin Thom, Tribal Member:

Not present.

4.) Bessie Grant, Tribal Member:

Not present.

5.) Ron Reed, Karuk Fisheries Biologist:

Ron thanked the Council for the opportunity to speak. He would like to introduce Kari Norgaard. She has done a lot of work with the Tribe and they submitted a proposal regarding modern
management concepts to identify barriers, success stories, natural resource management and how traditional knowledge will play a functional role in effective management.
Kari noted that it is an honor to be present and it is an honor to work with the Tribe for the last eight or nine years. She first worked with the Tribe on FERC relicensing and denied access to traditional foods. Since that time, she has done work with the TMDL in connection with traditional foods. She and Ron have co-supervised document development regarding muscle studies. She then introduced another student that is working with her on projects in coalition with the Tribe.
Tia (India) is present to inform the Council on her education direction for her master’s degree. She wanted to initially put links with indigenous people and what happened with them to what is happening in India. She is coming back in the Fall to research spiritual significance of fire and how that benefits tradition. Seeing the Tribe and learning of its different experiences provides her with the needed research in comparison to her own interests close to her heart.
Ron then thanked the Council for their time.
Buster thanked Kari for providing him a book which contained a lot of information specifically parts that she had written regarding her studying and working relationship with the Tribe and work done on the river. He and Craig work on information to take to different meetings and they will be contributing aspects of Kari’s book to the upcoming CATG Meeting.

Director Reports:

1.) April Attebury, Tribal Court Administrator:

April is present to provide information regarding resolution 12-R-073 which will be to ANA to work with CILS and a document management component. Also a training/consultant will be
written in regarding family unity.
Jaclyn noted that there is some concern from the Health Program and she wanted to ensure the
Council that they are not requiring additional staff to complete work that is not within their scope

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of work currently. April believes that partnering with CILS and working with the committees that are already set up will prepare a good user guide for clients that use the program. It is based on communication and education for the membership and the staff, which April feels is vital.
They have received support letters for this grant. The Yav Pa Anav and CILS have not submitted letters of support for the project. The ICW Committee had also not submitted a letter of support to date.
Dion commented that the Yav Pa Anav did have concerns regarding HIPAA regulations. Also there are concerns about the miscommunication and supervision of staff. April noted that yes, there are concerns, but there would be the opportunity to provide data collection on the clients/Tribal Court cases. She commented that there are no HIPAA violations because they are not health employees but become reporters to the court. She has not had the opportunity to speak with Kim Dodge and Lessie Aubrey to date because their schedules did not line up, so their concerns haven’t been addressed. She did speak with Shannon Klymer and she was willing to support the proposal. April thought that everyone understood what the regulations and thoughts were regarding child welfare cases.
Amos had comments regarding the resolution itself. He stated that it should state that the total amount should state what the funding is for and also Amos noted that the resolution template should be “as amended in occurrence with PL 93-638” due to recent changes to the compact.
April then introduced the Tribal Court judge. She is originally from New Mexico and is present onsite one week each month. She comes from a traditional community. She noted that the Tribes development and progressiveness of the Tribes Tribal Court is amazing.

Michael Thom moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve April’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

2. Robert Attebery, LIAP Administrator:

Robert is present to review his report. He would like to report on his recent trip to New Orleans that he attended. Robert was able to meet with his representative and they specifically discussed funding proposals that were submitted, such as the REACH grant. He was able to meet with the lady who runs the Federal funding CSD programs which provided him the opportunity to meet representatives that deal with his program specifically.
It was a good conference and he had the ability to meet with other tribes to determine how they operate their programs and communicate with other tribes on their daily services.
Robert did have a concern regarding a HIP home and funding that is available but had not been spent or appeared that the program wasn’t moving forward. Tiffany did add a scope of work and she will be working with Fred to move that project along.
They met to discuss the NEW program and the clients were asked to seek employment within the Tribe. He included information on the Adult Services and the NEW Program to the Newsletter to keep the membership informed.

Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Robert’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

3.) Sara Spence, HR Manager:

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Not present, report provided.

Dora Bernal moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Sara’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara,

0 pupitihara.

4.) Jaclyn Goodwin, Grant Writer:

Jaclyn is present to review her report. She did note the Tribal Court proposal and the deadline quickly approaching; it will need finalized Thursday. Also, she will move on to work on the HRSA proposal next. She will be trying to gather ideas for the next round of ICDBG FY13
proposal so if the Managers and Council would begin to consider options or ideas and provide
them to her that would be appreciated. The ANA Language grant was not funded and she will be working with the language restoration group to meet and discuss other funding opportunities.
Buster asked about the Wellness Center in Yreka. Jaclyn noted that ICDBG was calculating data incorrectly and with a letter they were able to calculate this correctly. The shortfall is significantly lower.
Erin explained that Jaclyn has worked on the model activities and it was appreciated, because that was the needed next step and Jaclyn took the initiative to ensure it was done.

Verna Reece moved and Dora Bernal seconded to approve Jaclyn’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

5.) Tiffany Ashworth, Dir. Of Administrative Programs and Compliance:

Tiffany noted that mid month she was still a grant writer. She would like to request approval of a revised amount to the PPG grant, there is a match included which is $10,264. There is a funding
shortfall because of CWA319 has a cap of 3%, which would need approximately $7,000 in discretionary funding to cover this shortfall. It is for resolution 12-R-064.

Michael Thom moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve resolution 12-R-064 for PPG FY12, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

She then noted that she needs have a contract 12-C-088 approved, which is an additional piece to include a waiver of sovereign immunity to the contract. Bob clarified that an amendment to the contract is a limited waiver of sovereign immunity with Adams Contracting for the Orleans Wellness Center. After several questions arose regarding the direction to move with the contract and specifically what the contract will cover; Tiffany asked for the item to be tabled. The Council tabled it to the Thursday Planning Meeting.
Another action item is regarding emergency preparedness. Erin previously requested that all employees complete the ICS Emergency training. Tiffany would like clarification regarding the employee’s mandatory requirement to complete the training. The ICS 100 and 200 courses are introductory courses providing general information on what it required in an emergency event. Tiffany would like to still have this required.
Michael noted that it should be on a voluntary basis because if there is an emergency then staff may be in the way if called on or feel that they are trained. Tiffany agrees that some if some learning is required or mandatory and is not of interest then it may not be retained, however it is important to understand. Bob then went on to note that ICS 100 is basic, and then he would recommend that the Management Team take the ICS 200 in addition to the basic training. The

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management staff would be the ones delegated to in the event of an emergency by the Council anyway, not the other staff.

Consensus: to maintain the mandatory training for all staff.

Verna Reece moved and Michael Thom seconded to approve Tiffany’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

6.) Darlene Snapp-Silfies, KCDC CFO:

Not present, written report provided.

Jody Waddell moved and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Darlene’s written report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

7.) Duke Arwood, Education Coordinator:

Duke provided an update on his report. Within the last month, he attended a lot of graduation ceremonies. He went to the HSU workgroup in Trinidad which provides to be challenging. They are forming an alliance which will be comprised of Tribal and School representatives which will oversee budgets.
There is funding received that he obtained by working with Ron Reed. They will be identifying the Youth that will be working through them and obtaining several youth positions based on that funding being received.
The California Tribal College is moving along. There is a fundraiser that was done, and possibly implementing an online course will be done to ensure they get started, which will run out of the Yocho De He Tribe. Duke actively participates in this. Yocho De He is putting on a language course. He would like to attend along with David Arwood, Crispen McAllister and Buster Attebery.
Dora asked if Duke was working with the Youth Council on making necklaces for the recent graduates. Dora noted that the Tribe purchased the materials for the necklaces and he should evaluate if he is able to move forward working on them.

Verna Reece moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to allow Duke Arwood to attend the

August 14-16, 2012 Brooks California language course training, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Crispen McAllister moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Duke’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

8.) Dion Wood, TERO Director:

Dion distributed updated information to the Council covering the recent interview dates he selected to hold interviews for vacancies within the Tribe. Dion then would like to have the Management Team have a review of the Workforces Protection Act. TERO has hired a few site monitors. There is an issue with the summer food program site monitor – Orleans. He would like to get 12-C-085 with Grant Gilkison not to exceed $2,000.00. Dion then submitted a draft for amendments for youth workers, which would allow him to hire at risk students without income
limitations that would enable him to work with more departments.

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Dion thanked the Council for assistance in working with the Board training. He would also like to make the minutes and the agendas all uniformed and also discuss the voting regulations for the Council as identified in the training. The Council will be discussing this at a later time.
The math and science camp is scheduled August 6-9, 2012 and the stage buses can be used for the field trip. And they will go to the Ashland Science works which will provide a nice field trip but
it will also be educational.
On the State level, the Federal representatives have issued a letter regarding the tribe’s exclusion and he is working on developing ongoing inclusion and identifying how the Tribes should be with consulted with when working on the calculation of childcare counts.
HCES provided a letter to Dion Wood and it is coming from their principal. The Elementary School is now asking that the Tribe pay for everything for the Kindergarten Camp that is done at the school. The Childcare program initiated this, and then it should really go to Head Start and the Elementary School to coordinate and work together on it moving forward. Dion wanted the Council to provide feedback regarding this. The total cost is $1,400. Dion feels that this is not being bought into by the Elementary School and it was their discussion that the Head Start kids were not able to attend school and be prepared. He worked with all the programs to ensure they came up with a plan and previously it was a collaborative effort not just paid for by the Tribe.
This will be tabled to Thursday.

Jody Waddell moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contact 12-C-085, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

The child count is to be submitted in August and he will bring that final count for next year’s childcare funding to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.

Verna Reece moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Dion’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara,

0 pupitihara.

9.) Daniel Goodwin, Maintenance Supervisor:

Fred’s report provided, Daniel not present and did not provide a report.

Michael Thom moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

10.) Helene Rouvier, People’s Center:

Helene is present to seek approval of a grant that will fund the transportation and testing for pesticides. This must be submitted ASAP and will cover expenses on items that are repatriated.

Crispen McAllister moved and Verna Reece seconded to approve resolution 12-R-070, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

She then would like to hire a person to be contracted to complete accession to the collection. The contract would be with Benjamin Brown under contract number 12-C-092 for $9,619 and that would include the collection to be cataloged.

Verna Reece moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contract 12-C-092, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

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She then would like to seek approval of contract 12-C-091 for cultural monitor training this summer for $3,761 with Humboldt State University. This will re-certify monitors. She does not have a list of the persons that took the training in previous years but those certifications have expired so they will need to attend the recertification if they need it. Michael noted that the training is mandatory every two years so all previous participants have most likely expired.

Michael Thom moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contract 12-C-091, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Amos Tripp is on the KRAB Committee. And Helene needs a list of the approved borrowers for regalia. The Council previously approved the list and it was included in the policy approval. Barbara will forward that list to Helene.
There hasn’t been word on the National Park listing for Tishanook Project. People’s Center
Advisory Committee meeting is on July 9, 2012.
Humboldt County Book Mobile is going to start stopping at the Computer Center library and not at the USFS, which will be nice.
The Crawford Creek project will begin again. There will be another contract drafted.
The Section 106 training took place and was attended by USFS representatives as well as the
Tribal representatives.
Eric and Helene are working on the broadband project to ensure any development along the culturally sensitive areas is identified.

Verna Reece moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Helene’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

11.) Laura Mayton, CFO:

Laura is present to review her report. Her audit was submitted on time, although just barely. There are hardcopies being emailed directly to the funding sources because of it not having time to arrive in Happy Camp and her submit them. Laura was scheduled this week to go to KCDC to work on the Indirect Cost proposal; it will be a loss of funding if this is not completed.
Laura noted that there is insurance needed. Last year was $38k and this year will be $43,877. Michael Thom moved and Jody Waddell seconded to approve property insurance from Tribal

First in the amount of $43,877, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

The fiscal staff will be having training on August 14, 2012 at 9:30am in Yreka, CA.

Crispen McAllister moved and Bud seconded to approve Laura’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

12.) Robert Goodwin, Self-Governance:

Bob would like to seek approval of modification (4) to the BOR AFA FY12 under resolution 12- R-066. The funding will be to include summer student youth employment project and development of restoration options for Scott Valley. This would increase the AFA an additional
$60,000 for this type of funding.

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Crispen McAllister moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve resolution 12-R-066, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

The BOR AFA started out at $400k and to date the Tribe has received $700k, because of the work that is done by the DNR staff. Toz worked on the FY13 AFA and it will be added to the Planning Meeting agenda for final approval.
The BIA Compact will be increased to almost $1million. If there is not a resolution to an issue regarding the BIA not providing funding as noted in the compact then there will need to be serious discussions on how to address this. This will be tabled to the Thursday Planning Meeting.

Michael Thom moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Bob’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

13.) Erin Hillman, ED KTHA:

Erin is present this evening to provide her report and to update the Council on the activities of
Erin noted that there is a vacancy on the KTHA Board and the Board will be reviewing the letters of intent and then they will submit their recommendation to the Tribal Council.
She noted that there is no CFO at KTHA, and she noted that there are some internal issues being worked on that cover the daily operations, ensuring the organization is meeting its needed tasks.
She works and meets with KTHA staff weekly to ensure she is getting up to speed on the construction activities of the Housing Authority. She overviewed different activities of KTHA.
KTHA is working with Sandi Tripp from the Transportation Department to ensure they are working collaboratively with speed bumps and streets signs.

Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Erin’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

14.) Sandi Tripp, Department of Transportation:

Sandi is present to provide an overview of her report. She noted that the House and Senate both came up with the approval of Map 21. It still needs to be fully approved and signed by the
President which needs to be implemented. The Karuk Tribe will benefit from Map 21 financially. This will increase her budget quite largely but transportation projects are very expensive. The House Republicans were attempting to insert into the bill the Keyston Excel Pipeline.
She would like to request approval of contract 12-C-090 for the environmental process for Red Cap bikeway. It will be on both sides of the road, one area will be a class one area. The bikeway will be routed around larger trees. The project may take up to a year.

Michael Thom moved and Bud Johnson seconded to approve contract 12-C-090, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Sandi’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

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15.) Scott Quinn, Department of Land Management:

Scott is present to seek approval of agreement 12-A-047 between the NCTCC and the Tribe. Scott discussed this with Laura Mayton and they are staying within fair market value.

Dora Bernal moved and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the amended change reducing rent from $650 to $500 under agreement 12-A-047, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Scott went to a meeting in Coeur d’Alane regarding Cobell Settlement and Allotment. He noted that the Tribe may be able to access some of this funding for the Members or on behalf of the Tribe. This is contingent on a lien being placed on the property however a lot of Tribes do not like that option.

Dora Bernal moved and Michael Thom seconded to approve Scott’s report, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

16.) Leaf Hillman, DNR Director:

Leaf is present to review his report. He would like to seek approval of procurement to purchase seed on an annual basis from Pacific Coast Seed in the amount of $9,250.

Verna Reece moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve procurement and allow the purchase of seed from Pacific Coast Seed totaling $9,250, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Craig then went on to provide a memo to the Tribal Council. Craig discussed this avenue with the Tribal Council previously. The development of some long term goals needs to take place, but the recent study displays that there are issues with water in Siskiyou County. Craig would like to seek that Siskiyou County not be able to issue well drilling in the Valley until there is a long-term solution sought regarding the long term impacts to surface flows. Craig would like to move on this, which begins the process of getting this on the table for the Board of Supervisors to discuss this formally. He would like them to develop a moratorium in the County until there is a discussion on the effects. He is also setting meetings with USFS, Fish and Game and USFW
along with an invitation to the BOS Representatives to participate in the meetings to discuss options and outcomes from the needs identified in the model that the Tribe has. Jody inquired if this was just for industrial and agricultural use but not personal use. Craig explained yes, that the intention is not to hinder homes or the families in the area but to stop them from issuing more wells that are only hindering the water flows.
The Council would like to view the document once he completes it and then they will decide. Jody Waddell moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve DNR’s report, 8 haa, 0

puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Closed Session:

Bud Johnson moved and Michael Thom seconded to approve resolution 12-R-071, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Verna Reece moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve resolution 12-R-072, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Jody Waddell moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve waiving the 3 month suspension due to delinquency for Tribal Member #2402 and refer the request back to TERO, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

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Dora Bernal moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to waive the delinquency policy and to provide $300 for Tribal Member #1128 from Third Party, 6 haa, 1 puuhara (Verna), 1 pupitihara (Amos Tripp).

Dora Bernal moved and Michael Thom seconded to loan Tribal Member #1147 $1,372 and then forward it to TERO to determine what is allowable under their program, then reduce the loan based on their allowable criteria, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Consensus: to refer Tribal Person JH to the Hoopa Tribe for assistance and the Vice-Chairman will assist with a follow up phone call to the Tribe as well.

Michael Thom moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to pay $1,000 to Tribal Member# 190 for funeral services, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Jody Waddell).

Dora Bernal moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve $35 from the educational fund for a student to take a sign language course being offered in Happy Camp, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Consensus: to add the voting documentation and district meetings to the Council agenda. Consensus: to draft the needed documents for the Gaming Commissioners.

Verna Reece moved and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Buster’s travel to Brooks CA, July 9,

2012, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Consensus: for a letter to be drafted regarding cultural sensitivity and not fighting over sacred land.

Next Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 in Yreka CA.

Dora Bernal moved and Crispen McAllister seconded to adjourn at 8:20pm, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Respectfully Submitted,

Russell “Buster” Attebery, Chairman

Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider

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