Russell Attebery, Chairman
Joseph Waddell, Secretary/Treasurer Alvis Johnson,
Member at Large Charron Davis, Member at Large Crispen McAllister, Member at Large Wilverna
Reece, Member at Large
Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman
Dora Bernal, Member at Large
Sonny Davis did a prayer for the Council and audience and Verna Reece read
the Mission
Statement for the group.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sonny Davis motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the minutes of February 23,
2012, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Phil is present to introduce himself and to announce information from the after
school program. He is the Director of the after school program that covers
several schools. He began his position in 2006. Last year he was awarded a
grant for the Orleans program which is California State funded. The program is
for safety and enrichment for children after school. The grant funding
will be available for quite a bit and he does not foresee any changes. The
other sites have
modular’s that the children use, however the Orleans
facility does not have a location to hold their after school activities.
Currently, they are working with what they have, shared space, however it is
not meeting the programs goals. The program is set up to support academic
enhancement and cultural enrichment.
He is present to seek approval to have the afterschool program housed in
Orleans and at one of the Tribes buildings. Phil met with the School Districts
CFO and attorneys to draft an agreement. He sent it to the Administration
office for review by Erin and Bob, but they have not had time to review it to
date. So he is not seeking formal approval today but will be seeking approval
once revisions are made. Phil identified one restriction such as felons being
around children and the Tribes building being accessible to the public. Phil
has procedures in writing regarding how to
effectively protect children in a public building. He is only seeking for the
use after school until
6pm. Erin noted that she was unable to access her computer system and due to
priorities his agreement was not reviewed. Phil noted that no one else is using
that facility. Verna inquired about Laverne doing her baseketweaving
classes. Phil will check on that. April noted that the
Council Meeting, 3.22.2012, Page 1 of 11
room is used on Thursday’s and Friday’s. Erin noted that one thing that she has noticed is that there is no centralized location for a calendar to all the spaces in Orleans. Erin would like to suggest that Tawnia track that room use and schedule it. Erin noted that the room was intended to be used for cultural activities and enhancement so the more use is better. Phil did note that any costs related to his in particular course will be covered by the district. Any children that attend Orleans Elementary School can register/enroll in the afterschool program which is beneficial for the students and increases the enrollment increasing funding.
Eric noted that the question on most people’s minds is what happened to the
Tribes network. Eric noted that over the weekend there was a physical failure
in the store room in Happy Camp; two servers had failed over the weekend. He
was sick, but his team was working on this. They replaced the bad units, and
when there are two failures, everything must come down. They turned everything
off Monday afternoon and the system was re-built. Once back
up, there was a
cascading server failure. When everything was turned back on, some items
did not come back up
and they were unsure why. This lead them to
immediately prioritize bringing the health clinics back up first and right away.
With equipment failure they began working on that to complete repairs. By the
end of yesterday, things were intermittently still down.
Eric noted that this is one of the worst nightmare experiences he has ever had
and is possibly the worst thing that can happen in an IT Department.
Jody asked if there was a way to have a better back up system. Eric is working
on this, and he is unsure why the backup system failed and they have considered
offsite backup, but the internet speeds where the Tribe is housed isn’t fast
enough to get that back up done to an offsite location.
Laura asked if there is a way to check every morning to verify if each backup
is complete. Eric noted that yes, but it is not working still. Eric will set up
a policy on checking the backup nightly or verifying it was complete every
morning. Buster inquired if there is a difference in costs for backup systems.
Eric noted yes, that last year they paid $12,000 for a backup system. One on
location and one centralized in Happy Camp. This then becomes stored on tapes
which are data archives. Eric explained that what failed are the copies from
the outside offices to the central location and they found that they failed to
come to the centralized location and it went unnoticed.
He is unsure how to determine what caused the failure but he is attempting to
replace equipment to ensure smoother service at a lower cost, rather than full
replacement. He feels that this will ensure a better backup system. Jody felt
that it was cheaper to purchase it and get it onsite as well so that the
offices can be back up and running when there is a failure. Laura felt that
other than equipment having a member of the IT staff determine if the backups
worked and verify this daily moving forward, would be beneficial. Eric did note
that Jason is administering network checks and within the Tribes 100 systems
they are working on automatic systems to notify Jason of failures.
Eric then presented action items to the Council. He presented Karuk Tribe
Highway 96
Broadband Project Draft Revision (1), March 1, 2012. It is a white paper that
he drafted for Bob, Dora and Buster to take to DC to seek funding and support
for broadband. Eric also put a costs sheet for the broadband project. They
continue to work on bringing internet to Orleans. They are considering ideas to
bring internet to the area, by seeking partners. The cost is too high for the
low volume of users in Orleans.
Council Meeting, 3.22.2012, Page 2 of 11
He provided two options for the Council one being linking to Hoopa and the other going to Willow Creek. The Hoopa and Yurok Council’s are reviewing this same information to include partnerships. Eric would like to seek consensus from the Council to work on the grant funding that is due in May. Buster noted that if the computers are up, then he should work on that. Jody also noted that with KCDC they have been waiting for a year to have work done. Eric noted that he is trying to get someone contracted to complete the Amkuuf shop project however with the recent failures that was pushed back. He will continue to work on the needs of the programs but in the larger picture bringing broadband to Orleans will greatly improve systems for the Tribe.
Consensus: to support Eric in working on the additional funding opportunities, while the network is up.
David is present to seek approval from the Tribal Council to support the 2012 Karuk Mountain (Jump) Dance with financial assistance. They are requesting portable toilets, garbage (one dumpster), liability insurance, and a water truck. This will be the 19th year that this dance has been done. He noted that when things are learned and there is a commitment to learn, then there is a tremendous amount of spiritual growth.
Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the list of items that they are providing for the Mountain Dances, not to exceed $6,000, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Verna inquired if there was a river jump dance. David noted that this is a mountain dance and an anthropologist once called it a jump dance so that is how it came to be called a “jump dance”, so the group now will go back to its correct name, which is a mountain dance.
Jim Berry is not present but Buster provided his report for the Council to review. This will be tabled to later, because the Council just received it.
April is present to review her report. She has no action items.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve April’s report, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Jody Waddell).
Darlene arrived late and provided her report to the Council. She noted that
they are behind in drawdowns because of Chris’ absence but they are posting for
a replacement and that will assist her in getting all the financials in order.
The HUD RIF drawdown access has been received. The automated payment system has
been done and is a three year grant for the Happy Camp Community Center.
Amkuuf provided a listing of the items that have been
stolen and provided to the insurance agent. The Orleans Verizon line was
disconnected. She received a call from Jim Berry and Babbie
Peterson stating that it was a positive thing to do because of the garbage in
the area.
The Peacemaker Agreement is on hold for the KCDC Board to approve. The School
Readiness was chosen as a model to go statewide to prepare in getting kids
ready for school. Verna asked
Council Meeting, 3.22.2012, Page 3 of 11
why there were no drawdowns on the KTHA funding
after it was approved. Darlene noted that they are behind, because she is
having issues as identified in the audit. She is preparing to bill out the KTHA
projects at this time.
Darlene met with Sue Burcell and solidifying the agenda for Blue Lake. Monday
night 4/2 she would like one of the Board Members to be present. Buster and Crispen will attend to meet with Sue Burcell, presenters,
and staff.
Darlene wanted to clarify the list of attendees because she feels that there
are people that should be attending that are not, and also staff that have
expressed an interest that need to be added to the list. They are requesting
Jim Berry and Bob Goodwin attend. The Council approved a list of attendees
previously and that was forwarded to Darlene; Barbara provided a list of
individuals that were approved to attend to Darlene. Tabled to closed session.
Buster met with Patty this morning regarding the Head Start building and
classrooms. There are a couple things that he has received that he will forward
to her regarding physical education.
Darlene would like to work with Dora and Bob to obtain some funding to attend a
criminal justice program training as well.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve Darlene’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Daniel is present to review his report. He apologized for not having his
Council report in late. His report included discussion of losing a member of
their department. They have filled that vacancy
with Philip Titus. He has worked of the maintenance department in past and
knows the program so he should fall right into place.
The crew continues to work at the old KCDC log building. That is almost
complete with having one more office to complete. He hopes to have the whole
project completed in one more week. Bud has requested for some poles to be cut
for the Brush Dance pit in Happy Camp and that should be done as soon as possible.
The project of the bathrooms at the ranch is coming along, but he isn’t sure of
the details as Fred hasn’t included him in the discussions of that project.
There is a severe ant issue at the administration complex and he will be
addressing it.
The table that is going to be refinished in Happy Camp Admin meeting room is
being done. A piece of tempered glass will be installed on it and finished in a
couple weeks. Sonny would like to have a curtain around the table in Orleans as
well. The color will be determined and ordered at a later date.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sara is not present she stayed in Happy Camp to complete finger prints as its
election year. Her written report was provided and she has one action item. The
approval of her revised position
description, which will be tabled to closed session.
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Duke is present to provide his report to the Council. He has no action
items. He completed a review of the education department activities within the
recent month.
The tutor in Yreka is working very well. It’s exciting to see the children get
right off the bus and attend tutoring and things that they will not be able to
access at home are being provided by KTHA and the Education Department working
together to bring access at the KTHA Computer Center. Duke would like that to
work in Happy Camp as well, so he asked that the Council representatives that
are also BOC to assist in finding this space.
Duke noted that the Junior visit day to COS was
beneficial for the students. They learned some interactive tools to address
their time management and how to successfully pay for schooling. The program
also assists in budgeting which is nice because they are Juniors
and have already had some insight to the process. They had a decision model to
determine if they should attend a dance or a basketball game, and based on math
you can determine what activity to do.
A meeting is requested from the Council and a person from DNR, with the Fish
and Game, to discuss options for youth employment. They will determine what
works and try to get some Council Members to attend as well. Further
information will be distributed as it becomes available.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve Duke’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The Tribal Chairman’s Association meeting was changed so Duke was not able to do a presentation. However with some meetings and acquaintances he did get to send information on to them and the NCTCA did support the Tribes project. Duke has been unable to schedule a meeting with the Siskiyou County Superintendent. April noted that she sits on the site Council in Yreka and there is some crisis in that area.
Robert is present to discuss the LIAP budget. The department received 2/3 of
the usual budget. He is unable to get in touch with the representative in DC
and according to the original award letter; it notes that there is only $60,000
for one fiscal year. He noted that the good news is that the auditors from the
State provided a nice review which will be $16,000 which in turn will assist
128 different applicants with assistance. The only restriction is it cannot be
used by Descendants. Tiffany has been working on the REACH grant which was
received in 2008 for $50,000. Tiffany
drafted a proposal for next fiscal year. That will allow for some use this year
and some of it is
used for energy conservation and education. This would include a conservation
calendar for each month, including conservation tips per month. Also, there is
an incentive plan to raffle an energy saver item.
The work experience program has been discussed. The Committee is discussing the
program, and it is in limbo but he does have some ideas. He is hoping to have
staff on board that will create some ideas on where to place some work
experience people.
The HIP program is moving forward. There are a couple applicants and he is
hoping for the best. It appeared that there were a couple applications that may
be successful.
Buster noted that there are small things that create independence and small
things being met are great advances. Such as being on time and making an effort
for the work experience people. Bob
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agrees that there are several success stories of the program and he is willing to work with them and empower them to take control of their future.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Robert’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Tiffany is present to provide the grant writers report. She introduced
herself to the Council and the audience. She is from Arizona and has many years experience in grant writing and resource
development. She thanked them for the opportunity to work for the Tribe.
She then went on to present resolution 12-R-029. She will partner with Happy
Camp agencies on energy conservation activities.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve resolution 12-R-029, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Jaclyn noted that she met with Sue Burcell regarding the planning session at
Blue Lake. She believes that next week there should be a final agenda out to
the group.
She then went on to update the Council on the CTAS proposal which the group is
working on. They continue to work on the purpose areas and one of the main
purpose areas is law enforcement and safety. In order to accomplish this
service, the group decided to draft a planning grant to meet those needs, which
Tiffany drafted the narrative for. She is working on the Tribal Youth Program
purpose area and April is working on the Domestic Violence portion. Jaclyn is
working on the IMLS grant as well and she is hoping to expand that. She is
hoping to get funding to fund enhancing the activities of the library staff.
She would like to seek reimbursement for Electronic Health Records which will
be by resolution 12-R-030 and Eric has reviewed it.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 12-R-030, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Jaclyn and Tiffany’s reports, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Helene is present to seek approval for out of state travel for the IMLS grant training, which is a grant requirement from two separate grants the People’s Center has. It’s to OK, June 3-8, 2012. The earlier the travel is done the cheaper it is.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve out of state travel for Helene to OK, June 3-8, 2012, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Helene then presented a letter of support for another tribes grant application. She was contacted by the Tribe and they need the letter by tomorrow if the Council approves it. The Tribe will not be competing for the funding because the Karuk Tribe is not applying for the same grant.
Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the support letter, 5 haa, 0 puuhara,
0 pupitihara.
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She is working on a preservation grant, and with training she is hoping the
proposal will be stronger. There are a lot of THPO activities at this time. The
monitoring procedures have to be worked out and they will begin to review those
to ensure a clearly defined process is in place.
Basketweavers Gathering is April 20-22, 2012 in Happy
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve Helene’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Laura has no action items. She noted that she received the indirect cost
rate. She had to justify adding Scott Quinn to the indirect cost pool, and she
believes that the rate will be accepted at
50% of wages.
Bud Johnson motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Laura’s report, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Crispen absent).
Not present, no report provided.
Erin is present to review her written report. She explained that she did
send out the information for the Orleans clinic project. There is a walk-thru
and there will be time allotted for questions and answer. This time will allow
for clarification for a typo in the RFP which was an omission to “c” on the
She provided a list of items that were non-compliant on projects that were
submitted without approval. She submitted a letter to the Hoopa Tribe asking
that they follow up on their reports. She is hoping to develop a checklist for
the Council to determine if appropriate reviews are done, and to assist them in
identifying if all the needed items are in order determine if they are
She provided the Council with an updated HIP report. She met with Annie Smith
regarding the activities that they could collaborate on regarding their clients
and safety in the event of an emergency.
Erin and Eric have been working with Stephanie with Busters permission, to
discuss legal concerns regarding broadband issues. This will be discussed later
in closed session.
Erin then went on to discuss the presentation that Phil did earlier this
evening. She noted that the opportunity does seem like a good option and was
included in the ICDBG block grant that was written to build the Orleans
facility. With proper review it seems that that program could utilize the facility.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Erin’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dion is present to review his report. He noted that he did review the duties for the TERO Commission. He would like to meet with the Council on the hearing procedures if there should be one.
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He is waiting for direction from the Council regarding Tribal OSHA and would
like to have direction. He would like to seek approval to continue moving in
that direction, if that is what the Council wants to do, or remove it as a
priority if they no longer support that direction.
He met with Caltrans and they are working on replacing 84 culverts. Dion is
meeting with Caltrans and the Contractors on hiring Native Americans when they
begin these jobs. This is setting precedence and will be for the State as well.
Buster asked if they will be hiring any Native Americans other than laborers.
Dion went on to thank DNR, Sandi and Scott for creating relationships that he
is able to work with now, because of that relationship building. And Dion is
unsure of the extent of workers and needs, but he will be gathering all that
information and assisting Caltrans in identifying workers. There was a really
good Yav Pa Anav meeting
and the group is going to now be productive, with their budgeted $37,000 for
enhancement services. The staff continues to work on a combined application, as
the different programs have different requirements and information they need,
but they will continue to work on that concept.
Dion would like to present an MOU to the Planning Meeting 3/29.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Dion’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sandi is present to update the Council on the Mid Klamath Restoration Plan.
She noted that that plan is up for an award through the California
Transportation Foundation. She has a letter of thanks regarding sharing
equipment use.
Sandi went on to seek approval of the IRR program budget, which will have at
least four modifications each year. She would like to seek approval of
resolution 12-R-027 amendment (1) with Federal Highways.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve resolution 12-R-027, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sandi would like to meet with the Council at their upcoming Planning Meeting
to discuss and provide an overview of the IRR program and MAP 21; she is on
that agenda.
She attended an IRRPC meeting with Sonny and Scott in Sacramento. As the
transportation legislation is moving forward that will be monitored and Joe
James will be filling Scott’s vacancy but Sandi will put in for the next
vacancy when one becomes available. Sandi noted that the Stage program is
working and they are going to work on an incentive program to increase use of
the service.
She would like to disregard action item two regarding lumus
and associates and will go out to bid for that.
She then sought approval of resolution 12-R-031 which is with Caltrans for the
Happy Camp
Beautification Project. The project will be to beautify the Happy Camp area and
make is safer.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 12-R-031, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Council Meeting, 3.22.2012, Page 8 of 11
She then sought approval of a position description for an Administrative Assistant. She feels that she is in need of assistance because of how large her program is and the support staff needs have been identified. It is 16 hours a week and the person will share her office in Orleans. Sandi worked with Sara on it and is in need of the approval of the position description.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve the Administrative
Assistant position description for the transportation department, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sandi then noted that she will be putting in for a Tribal Transportation
grant. And then she noted that there is discussion on hoping to have the Evans
road completed. She noted that there is no access for utilities but there is
access for lights and conduit. Sandi noted that when there is infrastructure up
there then she went on to note that the road goes to Lessie’s
not further. Scott noted that if there wasn’t inclusion of the water lines,
then she may need to work with KTHA to include access for water lines.
David Tripp thanked Sandi and the Council for working on the road last summer,
because it’s really beautiful.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Sandi’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Scott is present to provide his report to the Council. He announced that he
passed his Class A
driving test. The Council congratulated him.
He noted that he attended a meeting with Sonny, Sandi to Sacramento FHWA, BIA,
Tribal Officials and staff. He attended the KRAB meeting. He will be drafting
some comments on privately owned allotments in the Cobell
land consolidation program.
Scott will be working with another title company on language regarding the
agreement for the
Orleans property.
Eric is discussing his grant for fiber optics and Scott assisted in potential
coverage. Eric may try to include some use of USFS sites and will include that
as part of the environmental compliance report.
The Terry Williams property should close escrow tomorrow and he is working on
agreements with TANF and April Attebury. He requested
to be added to the agenda on Thursday’s Planning Meeting for approval of those
Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Scott’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leaf is present to review his report. He has one action item. He would like to seek approval of resolution 12-R-034 authorizing participation in the recently release EIR from Fish and Game that was discussed on Monday.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve resolution 12-R-034 (will include the Pacific Coast Confederation, Fisherman’s Association, Friends of the River), 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
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Leaf then provided the Council notice that on 3/29 he would like to get
approval of the signs that were left at the Planning Meeting three weeks ago. He
would like to have feedback on those to seek formal approval.
He then updated the Council on the information that was forwarded to DNR that
was from Tribal In departmental Project. They are scheduling a meeting with
Hoopa and Yurok representative next week to discuss those particulars. The
timeframe for this is 2 months. He will be briefing the Council and making
recommendations to the Council on any direction that is discussed for the Tribe
to move in.
Jody Waddell motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Leaf’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
March 20, 2012 stay for travel March 22-23, 2012. Passed.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve resolution 12-R-036, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 12-R-035, 5 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to take the information provided by Tribal Member #4297 and table final decision on appeal to Thursday’s Planning Meeting to review file.
Consensus: for Tribal Member #3001to assist in the KTHA issue with Tribal Member #1035, including a revision to the addendum to be presented to the KTHA Board to seek a final resolution to the issue.
Consensus: to allow the Childcare Director to assist and follow the childcare plan and administer up to $5,000 to resident, #TT for completion of becoming a licensed childcare facility/business.
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Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve a loan in the amount of
$5,000 with full repayment in 12 months to employee #3355, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to deny mediation with the City of Yreka regarding clinic status.
Consensus: to allow a release regarding asphalt plant in the Yreka area.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the Peoples Center loan policies with the following list of approved borrowers only; Luanne Hillman, Michael Thom, David Arwood Sr., Robert Attebery, Bud Johnson, Erin Hillman and David Tripp, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (any additional requests must be approved by Council).
Verna Reece motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve seating Whitney Furness to the
PCAC, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve a loan in the amount of
$2,000 with $100 monthly payments to employee #6746 with a co-signer by Jody Waddell, 4 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Jody absent for vote).
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve contract 12-C-063 between
Kathleen Davis and the Karuk Tribe, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Sonny absent for vote).
Consensus: to table the $900 assistance request from Tribal Member #3809 to Thursday’s
Planning Meeting.
Consensus: to update the list of attendees to Blue Lake and allow Jaclyn Goodwin to attend and with KTHA approval, Jim Berry.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve $6,100.00 and allow sole source with Falkenstein to complete the restroom install at the Ranch, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve paying Tribal Member
#1357 $120 in fuel for traveling to meetings from discretionary, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Verna Reece seconded to not readjust the loan again, but to stay with the last approval for Tribal Member #1357, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Sonny Davis).
Crispen McAllister motioned and Verna Reece seconded to pay $1,228.77 for Tribal Member
#110 medical expenses, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to adjourn meeting at 9:12 PM, 5 haa, puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
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