Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman
Joseph “Jody” Waddell, Secretary / Treasurer Wilverna
“Verna” Reece, Member at Large Dora Bernal, Member at Large
Charron “Sonny” Davis, Member at Large Crispen McAllister, Member at Large Alvis
“Bud” Johnson, Member at Large
Russell “Buster” Attebery, Chairman
Dora Bernal motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the agenda, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve the minutes of January 26, 2012, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Pauline is present to seek assistance from the Tribe for funding toward the
Happy Seniors organization operating costs. She would like to obtain listing as
a historical society but this will take some funding which they do not have.
They pay property taxes and that generally takes most
of their money leaving nothing for improvements or obtaining the needed items.
Laura Mayton
noted that the Senior Citizens have an account at the Tribe that has been there
for more than 10 years and it’s possible to just give that money back to them.
Pauline then noted that there are problems with their heating system. Michael
asked if she had an estimate of what she actually needs for the repairs to the
heating system. Michael explained that the Council will take action on the
account that is theirs and she should work with Laura on the additional amount.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to issue the Happy Seniors the money held on the Tribes account to them, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Krista Reynolds and Seined Talley are present to introduce themselves and
announced that the
Youth Council is continuing to raise money. There will be an Indian Taco feed
coming up and
Council Meeting Minutes, 2.23.2012, Page 1 of 9
then a salmon dinner following that. They are doing
a raffle as well. They are trying to obtain donations from the local businesses
as well and they will be making jewelry. Seined noted that Phil Albers made a
drum and Rene made an acorn item. Frank Lake is donating an elk horn hair
The Second Annual Youth Council tournament was a success. They received an
update on teen violence and that was well received. Overall the group was
successful in raising money.
Laura Olivas sent the youth to seek approval from the
Council of a proposal to fund their upcoming Youth Council Event.
She will seek approval next week at the Thursday’s Planning Meeting but the
Youth wanted to give the Council adequate time to review the proposal.
Eric is present to seek approval of his action items. He first introduced
the new IT Manager. He is from Siskiyou County. And has several action items
for the Council to approve. He has procurement which represents 10 computers, 5
printers, accessories and cases. The quotes were received and the lowest bid
was from Tiger Direct.com. Eric listed what all the equipment was for
and for whom and with what department is going to pay for it.
Verna Reece motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve procurement and allow the purchases from TigerDirect.com, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Eric then agreements for California TeleHealth
Network which would replace the internet lines from AT&T. The
savings isn’t feasible this year, because of breaking the contract in the first
year but in the next year they will save $30,000 in that year alone.
The first agreement is for $7,260. Eric noted that this would provide faster
services between the clinics. They need to be approved by March 1, 2012.
Darlene inquired if she can now disconnect her service; which Darlene noted she
is sending the bill to the Karuk Tribe.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve agreements 12-A- 033, 12-A-
034 and 12-A-036, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Jim is not present. His report will be tabled to later.
April is present to provide her report. She has no action items but listed
her activities since her last report. She went on to explain that the
basketball tournament was held. Her program along
with TANF was able to partner with each other to provide information to the
youth on teen violence.
Tanya then went on to note that the kids had a good time with the presenter
that was present at the tournament. The topic discussed covered what healthy
relationships are and interaction to education and outreach. April then noted
that there was a meeting for CTAZ and she also had additional meetings to
continue to work on separate items. Dora was going to work on the law
enforcement portion, Joe Snapp working on Substance
and Alcohol Abuse, She and Tanya will be working on victim witness, and Chuck
will be working on OVW will continue working on that.
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Crispen will work on seasonal camps to OJJP and
together they will pull all that information together. They attended court
safety training in Klamath and they were able to view each site and she is
hoping to have the areas more safe.
Bud noted that the security issues are a concern. April announced that they are
brainstorming to conduct a safety plan because it is vitally important to have
a plan.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve April’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Darlene is present to review her report. She thanked the Council for the ACF
training. She liked it and found it to be eye-opening.
There was a break-in at Amkuuf and almost a second which has lead them to inquire about alarm systems. This is
an ongoing issue and they have installed bars on a venting system that is
allowing them to gain access to the building. She has added the security of her
list of items to do.
She continues to work on the vendor contract for strategic planning at Blue
Lake in April which will be presented to the Council at their upcoming Planning
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Darlene’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sandi is present to review her report. She noted that there is a
transportation enhancement application which she has been working with a
consultant on. The application is a lot like the bikeway application and this
round will be for the Happy Camp beautification project. She will bring the
full application forward when she has it signed off by the internal reviewers
and approved. She has already discussed this with Caltrans and the deputy
director feels that they may
have identified funding to assist in paying for this.
Yesterday she held three public meeting regarding the stage coming to the area.
She posted late because of her being out sick but se
did get information out and will hold them again at a later time. She is hoping
to put a schedule out to the boxholders in each
community so that the community knows that this will be done. She is hoping for
staff to work with the departments to see if their clients or staff can access
use of the stage.
She provided information about the stage service and the notification that ran
in the Siskiyou Daily News. Sandi then provided some conduct rules to follow.
Sandi noted that this takes place on them and they will have rules regarding
Jody asked if her department could discuss this with the USFS because they have
closed the camps and facilities along the river. Sandi believes that it is
going to be a good program and she hopes to have better services.
Justin Harrison, Sr. is excited about this opportunity and that the Tribe is
providing services. Dora Bernal motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve
Sandi’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara,
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Scott is present to answer questions regarding his report, but he is severely ill so he will not be providing an overview of his report.
Dora Bernal motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve Scott’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leaf is present to review his report with the Council.
He provided an update regarding the GeoEngineers
addendum to the contract that was approved previously but the amount was
Dora Bernal motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve the revised amount bringing the total to $42,695 with GeoEngineers, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leaf then noted that there is a Native Plant Garden in Orleans. They are not
asking for approval on the sign at this time as they are currently still being
revised. Leaf would like the Council to review them and provide input regarding
the sign within the next month.
Earl is present to seek approval of resolution 12-R-020 authorizing submission
of a proposal to the EPA 319H program.
Dora Bernal motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve resolution 12-R-020, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Jody Waddell motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve DNR’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sara is present to review her report. She noted the staffing updates.
Mandatory all staff training will be April 17, 2012 in Happy Camp. The Reunion
will be August
25, 2012 also in Happy Camp.
Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Sara’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Duke is present to review his report. He is conducting more cultural
participation announcing that at the Happy Camp High School every Wednesday
9-10am he has a Karuk language class and he
asked if the Council was interested in assisting. They are welcome to join and
assist in teaching
the language if they would like.
He continues to seek applications for higher education. He has begun the Native
American Arts club in Yreka. Florrine Super has been
doing a great job participating and helping the group in making necklaces.
The primary grades K-8 and Mercedes DeAcosta has kept
the Indian Parent Committee alive in Happy Camp, which he thanked her for. He
could use some assistance if there are any other parents interested.
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Tutoring is working well and there is a tutor now housed at the Computer
Center in Yreka which works for the student schedules and accessibility.
There are some tutors in Happy Camp and there is now one identified in Orleans.
The 4-H group is going to begin by the middle of March. He is hoping to get 20
students from Happy Camp and 20 from Yreka. He is looking for mentors and he
needs 7 people to participate and assist in several projects.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Duke’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Helene noted that she is working with Yurok THPO on dam removal. She is
doing some phone consultations regarding that and they are proposing a summit
between all the Tribes sometime in March which will be discussed later. She has
been working with a group to discuss how the Clark Museum is being reorganized.
Del Norte NAGPRA grant has been received. The Seiad
Project has been moving forward and she will be onsite to view that project
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Helene’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Laura emailed her report and provided a hardcopy as she was on vacation and
it wasn’t in the Council packets. There is carryover of $25,000 for FEMA
funding and that will cover some costs to each department for the Orleans
generator project.
Her second action item is a discussional item on
having 2 Social Workers instead on 1 LCSW. Prior to staff presenting this as an
option, she wanted to update the Council on the revenue that will decrease. She
is using carry over for several items and with the revision of having 2 Social
Workers that will not replenish that carry over and will be spending money on
staff that will not be at the same billable rate as an LCSW. She understands
the need for services but from a
budgeting standpoint that was not identified at budget time. She met with Joe Snapp and reviewed the budget to explain it to him.
The fieldwork for the auditors went well. The draft will be received by the end
of April and at that time it will be reviewed and will be submitted well in
advance of the required deadline.
The Tribes indirect rate cost proposal has been done and she is awaiting word
on that being approved.
She provided the Council a report that they discussed at their planning
meeting, and she will provide additional information regarding the Tribes
finances moving forward so that they are aware of what the financial business
of the Tribe is. She will be providing them with different budgets for their
review and if the Council would like to see anything in particular then they
should just let her know.
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Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Laura’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Daniel is present to review his report. He noted that the crew continues to
work on the KCDC Building remodel.
With the earthquake that may have been felt in Orleans the crew did provide an
inspection review on the Tribes buildings downriver. Another project is a
bathroom at the Ranch which they are moving toward installation out there.
Jody Waddell motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara,
0 pupitihara.
Robert is present to review his report with the Council. He continues to monitor his budget and review levels of care. He noted that the LIAP Committee has been formed and seems to work well.
Bud Johnson motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Robert’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Jaclyn is not present but her report was provided for review.
Dora Bernal motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Jaclyn’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert is not present, he is on travel. His written report was provided.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Robert’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Erin is present to seek approval of action items. Her first action item is
to seek approval of technical assistance approval modification (1) to 11-A-012
between the Tribe and Indian Health
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve modification (1) to 11-A-
012, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Her second item is the increase to the number of hours to Barbara Lee Norman’s contract, which the Council has already approved but a modification to her contract must be approved and signed for compliance.
Dora Bernal motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve modification (1) to contract 12-C-
011 between Barbara Norman and the Karuk Tribe, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Her third action item is the Council’s contract with the electrician for the generator.
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Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contract 12-C-052 between
The Electrician and the Karuk Tribe in the amount of $51,050.00, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
She then sought approval of an action item from Bob Goodwin, which is for $500 regarding addendum (1) to agreement 10-A-024 with Marion Dugan.
Dora Bernal motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve addendum (1) to agreement 10-A-
024, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Erin then went on to note that she received the cultural survey on the Orleans clinic site. She is finalizing those documents. She requested a receipt of funds from HUD and they have 15 days for that. She and Fred will do a walk-through March 15, 2012. She requested several emergency service equipment for the Tribes facilities.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Erin’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dion is present to review his report. He will have an updated Workforce
Protection Act document soon and he will distribute that when he does. The few
employees that have been working on a
Tribal OSHA continue to do so, but he is unsure of which direction the Council
would like him to move in, since they did not want to bring in a consultant. He
noted that he would like to have
more direction regarding this. The group set out to have Flo Lopez work with
the Yurok and Hoopa Tribes to develop the plan. Also Sara will be contacting
Redding Rancheria to see how they work.
Caltrans is going to do 86 culverts and 3 of those are adjacent to them and
TERO will be enforced to this.
For the NEW Program he thanked the Council for their support. The NEW grant
does not allow childcare expenses and with amendments he may be able to do so
moving forward however it in the instances where this has taken places then
they will have to move those old expenditures.
Dion then noted that the NEW program has approximately $39,000 and he would
like the Yav Pa Anav group
oversee that funding and work on it. Moving into Childcare the State budget is
laying people off and the folks are working on getting assistance from Tribes
now. He is working with the State to work with Tribal programs.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Dion’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
None at this time.
1. Request approval to allow employee #AC full travel 2/12-2/16. Passed.
2. Request approval for Buster to travel to DC and Michael to stay in the HC
office, while Jody covers the Pala trip for consultations. Passed.
3. Request approval to approve Administrative Leave for employees to have the
option to attend appreciation BBQ for former Council Member. Passed.
Council Meeting Minutes, 2.23.2012, Page 7 of 9
4. Request approval to provide assistance to Tribal Member #LC in the amount
$30.95. Passed.
5. Request approval to provide insurance for youth basketball camp, January 28,
2012. Passed.
None at this time.
None at this time.
Jody Waddell motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 12-R-023, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve resolution 12-R-024 relinquishing membership, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to stop payments on Tribal Member
#HP. loan effective immediately, conduct a full review of the payments and loan documents and then revisit this, once it is done, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. Verna and Michael will take the concerns of the living conditions to the KTHA staff and Board.
Update: Barbara Norman provided an update on the Social Services Department activities and the outcome of several items that she has been focusing on since the increase to her contract.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to pay $1,000 toward LGR’s funeral, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Jim Berry’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve insurance liability for Volleyball at the Happy Camp High School Gym, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: for Michael to call the Subaru car dealer and discuss options of the Council vehicle.
Michael Thom motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve seating Tribal Representative #MJ
to the KCDC Board, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal and Jody Waddell will check on reports of staff using equipment for personal use.
Consensus: for the IT Director to attend the Planning Session to determine when and if the
Verizon line is needed in Orleans any longer.
Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Crispen to attend the VA
conference April 10-11, 2012 in Spokane WA, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Bud Johnson motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve paying hotel bill at the Holiday
Inn Express in Yreka for Crispen’s stay during bad weather and Council Meeting on 1/26/2012, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
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Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to pay the $50 membership fee and have
Michael be the Tribes representative to HC Chamber of Commerce, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to reduce Tribal Member # DM
payments $50 until paid in full, effective February 1, 2012, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve office changes at the
Administration office, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to adjourn at 7:30pm, 6 haa, 0 puuhara,
0 pupitihara.
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