Karuk Tribe – Health Board Meeting
August 11, 2011 – Meeting Minutes
Yreka, CA.
Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by Arch Super, Chairman
Roll Call:
Arch Super, Chairman
Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary/Treasurer
Wilverna “Verna” Reece, Member at Large
Dora Bernal, Member at Large
Charron “Sonny” Davis, Member at Large
Alvis “Bud” Johnson, Member at Large
Crispen McAllister, Member at Large
Florence Conrad, Member at Large (travel/excused)
The Health Mission Statement was read aloud by Dora Bernal, Council Member
Prayer was done by Sonny Davis, Council Member
Florrine Super motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes of July 14, 2011:
Dora Bernal motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the minutes, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1.) Duke Arwood, Education Coordinator:
Duke is present to seek Council approval of insurance coverage for the upcoming All Star event that is being co-sponsored by the Tribe at the Happy Camp High School.
Florrine Super motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve insurance coverage for the event, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Director Reports:
1.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director:
Daniel is present to review his report with the Board. He and the other supervisors met at a recent conference to discuss the TANF reauthorization for the Tribal TANF departments. This was a good opportunity to gain knowledge on the other programs.
He would like to seek approval of the TANF Plan to include the Quartz Valley Tribe.
Dora Bernal motioned and Florrine Super seconded to approve the TANF Needy Families Program Plan Amendment, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Daniel then sought approval for him and Alphonso to attend the ATNI Conference in Tulalip WA, September 18-23, 2011. Daniel noted that both he and Alphonso are both on the TANF Board for the local TANF boards. Verna inquired why both Alphonso and Daniel are on that board and leaving no supervisor at the office. He noted that Michelle will cover the daily business.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve out of state travel for Daniel Pratt and Alphonso Colegrove along with a TANF Board Representative to Tulalip WA, September 18-23, 2011, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2.) Eric Cutright, IT Director
Eric is present to seek approval of his action items. His first action item is a revision to the former agreement with the power company to use their poles for fiber optic use. Pacific power included the fee schedule for inspections which will be covered under funding provided for engineering. Agreement 11-A-046 (R)
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the revised (R) agreement 11-A-046, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
His second action item is with Anthem Blue Cross to provide telemedicine services. It is a contract but includes no money or fees. There was previously an agreement with Telehealth but they stopped providing telemedicine services. In return the Tribe has chosen to contract directly with Blue Cross under an Agreement.
Michael Thom motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve agreement 11-A-081 between the Karuk Tribe and Anthem Blue Cross, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Eric then would like to seek approval of the second bidder for contracting audio services at the Yreka building. Eric discussed the previous contractor RadioStar and their unavailability. He then contacted the second bidder, Delta AV. He included one option of a hearing assist which will increase the cost. Also, they have additional options that the Council may decide on, which would increase the contract amount. The base price was $23,000 and with the hearing assistance will increase it further by $1,000.
Michael Thom motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve the contract as posted selecting the second bidder Delta AV, 11-C-083, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Eric then reviewed his report. There are serious problems with the phone systems in Orleans. This began in June and within the last month this service has been terrible. The fault lies with Verizon and they are working on a fix. Eric checks in with them daily to determine the fix or an estimated date of completing the needed fixes but Verizon is still trouble shooting.
Eric also noted that the fiber optic option is that now there is the opportunity to consolidate phone numbers and save a significant amount of money per year. Florrine asked how that would change services. Eric noted that there would be a new number routed through 1600 and 1400. He believes that the organization overall could save a lot of money by linking phone systems together. He would like to seek the Council’s input on this phone number change. He will report on this further as time allows.
Dora Bernal motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Eric’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
3.) Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:
Vickie is not present but her written report is provided. She asked Eric to present a request to approve procurement to purchase dental x-ray equipment which they selected Kodak in the amount of $5,677.77.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve procurement and allow the purchase of dental x-ray equipment from Kodak in the amount of $5,677.77, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Vickie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4.) Lessie Aubrey, EDHHS:
Lessie is present to review her report. She noted that her third party budget is over but there are charges that will be moved to other line items and they will balance out.
She went on to read her report. The NIHB Conference was noted in her report and she has changed her mind on attending. She has accreditation coming and needs to focus on that. In her report she has an Epi-Center resolution completed that needs approval. Michael inquired if anyone was attending the NIHB Conference in her absence. Lessie is unaware of anyone attending but noted she is unable to, in order to focus on the Health Program’s accreditation.
Florrine Super motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve sending Michael to NIHB, September 23, 2011, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve resolution 11-R-091, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Lessie then went on to review her report. All Tribal Programs are opposing the medical cap for services.
Lessie then provided information on a nomination for a California representative to sit on the National Tribal Advisory Committee (NTAC). She left that for the Council to determine who amongst themselves would like to be nominated to attempt to gain a seat on this committee.
She then provided information on CRIHB Tribal Personal Responsibility and Education Program. This will be discussed at the Planning Meeting.
Michael asked the Council to select him to be nominated for the NTAC. He has past experience within the Health Program and his continual seat on several health boards even when he was no longer in the health program kept him fairly familiar with the changes in the nation on healthcare. He is and continues to be an advocate for the health concerns of Native Americans and hopes to closely monitor the activity of health activities across the Nation. Due to his experience and his involvement he would like to ask that the Council approve selecting him as a nominee.
Florrine Super motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 11-R-096 nominating Michael Thom as a representative to NTAC, 7 haa, 0 puuhara 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
5.) Annie Smith, PHN:
Annie is present to review her report and seek approval of agreement 11-A-081 between University of California Berkeley School of Ophthalmology and in conjunction with the eye center at Berkeley under agreement 11-A-078 for $3,600. The funding will come from the diabetic grant and will provide further services to the diabetic patients. MediCal allows for services but with a diabetic diagnosis that care requires another screening per year and this will assist in that care.
Florrine Super motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve 11-A-078, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve 11-A-081, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
She highlighted the remainder of her report. She attended the Native fitness 8 course in Oregon. She would like to have others attend in the future. She leaves on Sunday for a Native Nursing conference shortly and is looking forward to attending this one, as it’s her first.
Michael inquired if the MOU as noted in her report was prepared. Annie noted that it was not finalized to seek formal approval.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Annie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
6.) Vickie Simmons, DQMCH:
Vickie is not present but her report is provided. Included in Vickie’s report and for the Council’s review are the quality improvement reports of the health program and the clinics. The meeting minutes from the monthly CQI Meeting were provided for review as well. Reports; including the monthly immunization clinic report, GPRA report, flu reports and the ONM report.
Dora Bernal motioned and Florrine Super seconded to approve Vickie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
7.) Chad Tiraterra, Database Administrator:
Not present, written report provided.
Michael Thom motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Chad’s report and have him provide an explanation of his reports so that the Tribal Council is aware of what information he is providing from the RPMS package 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
8.) Mike Edwards, Children and Family Services:
Not present, written report provided.
Dora Bernal motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Mike’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Non Health Employees:
1.) Jaclyn Goodwin, Grant Writer:
Jaclyn is present to seek approval of resolution 11-R-090 authorizing submission of a proposal to the BIA for Native American Business Development Institute in the amount of $43,838.00.
Michael Thom motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve resolution 11-R-090, 7 haa, 0 puuhara 0 pupitihara.
2.) Ruth Rouvier, Language Program:
Ruth is present to seek approval of a contract with Jack Kohler in the amount of $2,532 for a video editor to produce a video as a part of the How to Document Your Language Project. The number is 11-C-084. There were three bids and one provided a $75 bid but that didn’t seem accurate and was deemed unacceptable.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the contract 11-C-084 between the Karuk Tribe and Jack Kohler, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Closed Session:
Consensus: to have a letter drafted including language that the Tribal Council discussed and have it reviewed by an attorney. Further recommendations will be reviewed by phone vote next week.
Michael Thom motioned and Dora Bernal seconded to approve contract 11-C-080 with Biostream, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve contract 11-C-081 with Thomas Cannon, 6 haa, 1 puuhara (Verna Reece), 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to pay the $450 from discretionary for Tribal Member #131 rent, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Michael Thom seconded to pay $315.75 from Third Party for the purchase of necklaces and hair sticks sent to Circles of Care Conference, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to table the request from Tribal Member #1661 to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Michael Thom motioned and Florrine Super seconded to approve Crispen McAllister to attend the ATNI Conference, September 18-23, 2011 in Tulalip WA, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Crispen McAllister).
Dora Bernal motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve sending Michael Thom and Crispen McAllister to Portland October 30-November 4th for the NCAI Conference and rescind former approval for Bob Goodwin to attend, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Crispen/Michael).
Dora Bernal motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve resolution 11-R-093, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Dora Bernal motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve a 30 day extension to the eviction of Tribal Member #506, with stipulation no harm or harassment be demonstrated to those in or around the area, 5 haa, 2 puuhara (Michael Thom and Verna Reece), 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve out of state travel for Dora Bernal to Washington DC August 16-18, 2011 for the ACF Conference, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Dora Bernal).
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to cover fees from Dora’s DC travel in the amount of $88 which was room and perdiem for her stay in Medford, OR, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Dora Bernal).
Crispen McAllister motioned and Florrine Super seconded to allow 2 days lodging for Dora Bernal in Yreka to cover the Booster Club fundraiser, 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Informational: the Tribal Council was advised of a personnel issue regarding Tribal Members #1766 and #1266.
Consensus: to set a meeting with Mike Downey, Humboldt County Sheriff ASAP.
Next Meeting: September 8, 2011 at 3pm in Happy Camp, CA.
Verna Reece motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to adjourn meeting at 5:02pm, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider