Karuk Tribe – Council Meeting
November 17, 2011
Meeting Minutes, Orleans CA
Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by Arch Super, Chairman
Arch Super, Chairman
Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary / Treasurer
Crispen McAllister, Member at Large
Bud Johnson, Member at Large
Joseph Waddell, Secretary / Treasurer
Russell Attebery, Chairman
Sonny Davis, Member at Large
Verna Reece, Member at Large
Dora Bernal, Member at Large
Florence Conrad, Member at Large
Florrine Super read the Council Mission Statement and Sonny Davis did the prayer.
Florrine Super motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes October 20, 2011:
Sonny Davis motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the minutes of October 20, 2011, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Swearing in of recently elected Council Members:
Ron Hockaday is present from the Election Committee to conduct the swearing in for both Russell “Buster” Attebery and Joseph “Jody” Waddell. They took their oath of office and took their seats, excusing Arch Super and Florrine Super.
Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman:
Michael took the opportunity to present Arch a plaque for eight years of services to the Tribe. He then presented Florrine Super a plaque for her services as well. He thanked them for their dedication and serving the Karuk Tribe and its Membership.
Florrine Super, Former Secretary/Treasurer:
Florrine thanked the Tribe and noted that it is an honor to serve the Tribe and she is happy to be a part of the Tribes history.
Arch Super, Former Chairman:
Arch then thanked the Tribe for supporting him during his time in office. He noted that he supports Jody and Buster for office and hopes that the Membership serves them and support them. He feels that it has been an honor serving the Tribe and its membership.
Buster first thanked Arch for his services and then noted that he has plans to work together and it’s a positive note on the unity in the Tribe and how they work together. He noted that it is not about any individual but the Karuk Tribe and its Membership as a whole.
1.) Alan Crocket, Happy Camp Community Member
Alan is present to speak to the Council. He has an idea on a proposal. He is working on the creation of some banners using aquatic animals of the area that include the name, Karuk name and the scientific name as well. Also, he would like to have the banners around Happy Camp, which will be super colorful and they will honor the various animals native to the area. This would also provide for an educational opportunity. He is present to seek the Councils support in this direction. Sonny noted that this is something more or less similar to what the language program wants to do at this time. He noted that the Tribes language program is interested in doing similar things so he is unsure of what direction this group is working in. The banners are short lived and if the Tribes project wants to continue that would be great, this opportunity is just an educational tool.
He considered having some high school students do some art work, which can be placed at some events. Erin announced that the language program is working on another funding proposal for the ANA program regarding the language program. She would like him to work with Jaclyn Goodwin, grant writer and then to also speak to the language speakers to see if they approve of the list. Darlene would like to see that this go into the Head Start program as well. Alan noted that it is a short notice deadline and he will get in touch with a few people but wanted to first approach the Council to receive their support for the project. Erin inquired what his deadline was. Michael isn’t opposed to supporting this project but he is concerned that the community would think that they are taking over in their space as several agencies in and around Happy Camp do not like the Tribe or support their endeavors. Alan noted that this is a Karuk opportunity to use the writing and the language of animals in Karuk country which connects the history to education and art in the community.
The Council will get back to Alan on the Tribes support.
2.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director:
Daniel is present to seek approval of the TANF plan. The third year of TANF has ended and a slightly revised plan needs to be approved. The resolution is 11-R-125 for the TANF plan. Daniel provided a history of the program for the new Council Members based on Erin’s request since the newly elected Council Members may not be familiar with the program.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve resolution 11-R-125, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
He then presented procurement for the Tribe to purchase three vans. He completed the research and received quotes for the best possible pricing and would like to move forward in purchasing.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve procurement and allow the purchase of three TANF vans from Harper Motors in the amount of $69,119.25, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Director Reports:
1.) Jim Berry, KTHA Director
Jim is present to provide his report to the Council. He congratulated and welcomed the two new representatives to the Council. He thanked Arch and Florrine for their 8 years of service.
Jim provided an update on home replacements. The Yreka Elders deck project is underway. The project in Orleans was successful and they appreciated the assistance so KTHA is doing the same project in Yreka. They are currently working on the FEMA homes.
Some Yreka staff has requested support from the Tribe on a Christmas Party for the Elders in that community. Erin announced that all three communities received $200 from a funding source last year.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to provide $200 for the Elders party in Yreka from discretionary, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to approve Jim’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2.) April Attebery, Tribal Court:
April is present to provide her report to the Council. She noted that she has two action items tonight for the Council to approve. She did an RFP for two legal consultants and there were interviews held. She would like to enter into contracts with both for a six month period, only utilizing the services when needed.
Bud Johnson motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve contract 12-C-029 between the Karuk Tribe and Vena A-Dae Romero not to exceed $6,000, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve contract 12-C-130 between the Karuk Tribe and Barbara Norman, not to exceed $6,000, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Bud Johnson motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Aprils report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
3.) Sara Spence, HR Manager:
Sara is present to provide her written report. She provided highlights of her report, including the recent hires for the Tribe.
Michael Thom motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to table the personnel policy revisions until the Council has time to review them, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
She noted that the new vender for printing the newsletter and she would like to also have the newsletter addresses sent to the printer to have them mailed out directly from the printer. This costs $450 per edition at $1,800 per year.
Michael noted that there was an email to hold that discussion to the Planning Meeting but he feels comfortable having it completed at the meeting.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve allowing the addresses to be distributed and the new vender for the Newsletter, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Sara’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4.) Dion Wood, TERO/Childcare Director:
Dion is present to review his report.
He is developing a workforce protection plan and there will be the development of a safety ordinance. Jody noted that he would like to participate in the workforce protection workgroup.
He continues to work with Caltrans on an MOU to ensure that the TERO Department is coordinated with during Caltrans projects. He received a call from Caltrans in which were inquiring about having basket designs on their bridge work. This close working relationship is duly because of the DNR working with them and all the parties involved being open to communicate and collaborate with each other. The TERO Department has adopted a portion of Highway 96 so the Tribes flag will be out there on a sign and this would just require some staff to volunteer to pick up trash at that part of the Highway. It is nice to have the Tribes flag out there for people to see though.
He continues to work with CMSP and it is geared to work with single mothers and fathers. It is meant to bridge gaps between programs. Dion will be taking two commissioners, Council member and HR to Las Vegas for an employment conference. There is a lower childcare count this year so he is concerned over budgeting. He would like to reserve time in closed session to discuss how to address the childcare shortfall.
He has the toy lending libraries stocked up. Sometime in January families will be able to go to the local Karuk Head Starts to check out educational items for their children to play with or the family as a whole. The state is having a big initiative on childcare and discussion on reauthorization. Dion was previously approved to attend that meeting in Washington DC but he canceled, because it was not most beneficial for him to attend. However, he is using his national board and collaboration to continue to stabilize that funding. He did announce that due to cutoffs his funding is being reduced.
Bud Johnson motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Dion’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
5.) Duke Arwood, Education Coordinator:
Duke is present to provide his report. He congratulated Buster and Jody and welcomed them to the Council. He is hoping for their great success so the Tribe prospers.
He thanked the Council for approval to add volunteers to the Tribes insurance to take students to the HSU open campus day. This is a beneficial opportunity for the youth to participate in educational ideas and viewing campuses and what each school has to offer.
Dr. Barnett is in charge of the 4-H program in Northern California. Duke noted that there are pros and cons to entering into the new endeavor but he would like to seek the Tribes permission for himself to begin a 4-H program here in Happy Camp. 4-H conducts several positives to the community and they will have several options to work on that will be specific to the local area, economy and projects that are specific to the Tribe.
Jody asked if this will tie into the current 4-H and Duke has not addressed this yet as he was unsure of the direction the Tribal Council would like to move in. Jody noted that there is a pretty large group already participating in 4-H. It was determined that that 4-H operates but has significant travel to participate and this opportunity would be local to Happy Camp. Duke has the option to request some funding for related travel and training. The Council is not opposed to Duke reviewing this option and bringing education experiences to the youth.
Michael noted that if the RN project works well and COS actually selected a couple Native Americans into their program then this would be beneficial and the Tribe could support that program further. However, with no entrance into the program then that makes it hard to support their program when there is only one Native American currently enrolled.
Michael Thom motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Duke’s report, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Crispen McAllister).
6.) Robert Attebery, LIAP Administrator:
Not present, written report provided.
Bud Johnson motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve Bob’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
7.) Jaclyn Goodwin, Grant Writer:
Jaclyn is present to review her written report with the Council. Carly has left her position and is working at DNR. Jaclyn has no action items but did announce that the HRSA building capacity proposal has been submitted. They submitted a grant to the Nike7 fund for the fitness and nutrition program. She is working on a gymnasium and fitness center for Yreka for the next round of the ICDBG funding.
Buster noted that he has information on a grant writer position and has discussed that with Jaclyn but will be providing further information to the Council at a later time.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve Jaclyn’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
8.) Helene Rouvier, People’s Center Coordinator:
Not present, written report provided.
Michael Thom motioned and Jody seconded to approve Helene’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
9.) Laura Mayton, CFO:
Laura is present to provide her report. She announced that the signature cards have changed and each Council Member will need to go to SVB to pick up their passwords.
She is requesting that Babbie Petersen’s credit limit be raised from $2,500 to $3,500. She uses her card for supplies in each area and the limit is so low that she did have an over limit fee.
Michael Thom motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to increase Babbie’s credit limit to $3,500, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the over limit fee for Babbie’s card, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Laura announced that she needs all contracts, invoices and outstanding items to be submitted by December 5, 2011.
She reviewed the People’s Center cigarette sells and how that has brought the program out of debt. She noted too that the RV Park is operating but it is not making enough money to cover the capital improvements. She would like to either increase the occupancy or come up with some ideas to increase funding.
Scott received grant funding for the clean up at the Rustic Inn. They currently have not occupancy and are generating no revenue.
The audit field work is scheduled for the week of January 23rd. The good news is that the funding for the fire crew has been received. Molli did a good job invoicing and clearing up the paperwork requirements so that the reimbursement could be received.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Laura’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
10.) Darlene Snapp-Silfies:
Darlene is present to provide her report. She distributed it and allowed Rick Hill, KCDC Grant Writer to provide some information to the Council.
Rick then presented a proposal to the Natural Resources Conservation Services under a cost share agreement to fund some fuels reduction activities.
It will be for up to 60 acres, and fund 10 acres per year and completed in three years.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the application to NCRS, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Darlene also thanked the Council for using discretionary funds for remodeling the log building.
11.) Robert Goodwin, Self-Governance Coordinator:
Bob provided his written report and it is in their packet. He has two action items.
The first is to seek approval of resolution 11-R-132 to become members of CNIGA and pay the $5,000 membership. This would also name Dora Bernal, Michael Thom and Buster Attebury as delegates. Bob noted that with the RSTF and the potential loss within the next 2 years this may be catastrophic to the Tribe. With the membership of CNIGA the group will seek support and fight through this forum to sustain the RSTF.
Laura noted too that this is very important to support to ensure that the RSTF is sustained. Bob has been in attendance at several recent meetings. The executive committee of CNIGA had discussed removal of the discussion of RSTF to the membership. Then Bob went to provide the history prop 5 and prop 1 to the Council and audience. He noted the discussions and history that had taken place and where they are now. Bob would like to work with some people on the flat rate percentage which may be opposed, however; Bob finds it really important that the Tribe be proactive and actively participate in voicing the Tribes concerns. When the Council has the opportunity to attend they will see that there are several people that will not speak up but he will be responsible and reliable to advocate for sustaining the RSTF.
Jody asked if it is good to have several Council Members attend. Bob noted that it is good; however it is good to have participation to ensure there is discussion on what is best for the Tribe.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve resolution 11-R-132 and $5,000 Membership fees, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara
Bob then presented resolution 11-R-131 to submit a nomination to the HHS regarding the Self-Governance Committee. Bob provided a briefing of funding that is received. There is the opportunity to have Tribal Leaders nominated to this Committee and have the Tribe have a seat.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve resolution 11-R-131 nominating Michael Thom to the Committee, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Michael Thom).
He announced that there is a meeting scheduled for November 22, 2011 in Orleans. They will be meeting in Orleans regarding the Mushroom MOU. Bob provided a draft copy of that MOU for the Council to review prior to the meeting. He briefly mentioned that it does is allow Tribal Members to mushroom for personal use, without a permit, but also there are some regulations related to this which is outlined in the MOU. The USFS and the Tribe along with staff will work on some language and they will attempt to seek approval of a temporary MOU.
Bob went on to explain that in the previous month he provided information on the Self-Governance Conference coming up in May 2012 in New Orleans. The Council at that time approved for himself and up to 5 additional people to attend the Conference. He would like to ask that the Chairman and Secretary attend the Self-Governance Conference along with him, plus identify the other participants moving forward. He suggests, the EDHHS, Lessie Aubrey or possibly anyone else who oversees several programs.
Tribal Member Arvada Nelson is present and would like to address the Council and audience with a comment. She is concerned over comments regarding the amount of people proposed to go on this travel. From her understanding there is a fairly large cost associated with travel and training especially that far away; with the budget cuts and the amount of time out of the office, she believes that this is a little excessive. Laura Mayton noted that she would normally agree, however the new Chairman and Secretary needs this exposure to Self-Governance. This is important to the Tribe and their positions should be well versed in Self-Governance. Bob then explained the breakout sessions and how they work with little to no coverage if only one person attends. Plus the amount of information that is shared and contacts made at this conference.
Buster agreed with the Tribal Member and acknowledged her comments. He too is concerned over budgets and ensuring that the funding is spent responsibility. The Council thanked her for the comments.
Bob then went on to provide highlights of his written report. Attendance to a meeting, December 6, 2011 regarding if the Tribe would be continuing in the Tribal Trust Consortium should be prioritized. Bob noted that he has been trying to meet with Amy Dutchke regarding some reprogramming funding however; he has not been able to confirm it at this time. The person he believes that should attend is Scott Quinn since his position is in the Tribes Land Department.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Bob’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
12.) Erin Hillman, Administrative Programs and Compliance:
Erin is present to review her report. She was supposed to be in Portland but did not attend. She thanked the Council for letting her cancel that trip as it was not cost efficient.
It was recommended by the THPO officer to perform a cultural archeological survey on the site for the Orleans Clinic. Erin, Scott and Fred identified a site where they anticipate a building to be placed.
Erin has asked to be on the agenda to the KRAB meeting to discuss digging on and around sensitive areas or sites. The health application project was done and Jaclyn, Fred, Rick, Carly, and Josh Saxon assisted in working on the clinic proposal. This is the third application for a clinic in Happy Camp. There was additional funding found and commitments on the Tribes side, so with the proposal being well-rounded and those matches it should be more appealing to the funder. She thanked everyone in Orleans that assisted in the Humboldt County Foundation meeting. Their representative was happy to be in Orleans and it allowed them to have the visit laid back having them to take in the community and the history and culture of the area related to the local community having health services in Orleans.
She is having trouble with staff compliance in sending grant proposals a week in advance to her, for her to review and ensure that applications are compliant.
Carly took a position at DNR. Sara and Erin discussed options and have chosen to post the position description as a part time position. This will be discussed further December 1, 2011 with the Tribal Council.
The Hoopa Tribe received funding because they were included in the Fire Disaster of 2008 and she believes that the reason they were eligible and the Tribe was not, is because their costs exceeded what they could not cover. However the Karuk Tribe was not eligible because they did not exceed their funding.
She attended the Department of Homeland Security session at the NCAI Conference and discussed the Tribes comments about the Tribes testimony on how the Tribe wants direct funding from Homeland Security.
She attended on Robert Goodwin’s behalf funding options for Tribes that do not have emergency services and a police force.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Erin’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The Humboldt Area Foundation did fund a Christmas Party for elders including food and clothing.
13.) Daniel Goodwin, Maintenance Supervisor:
Daniel is present to provide his report and Fred’s. A few months ago there was a remodel done on the maintenance shop. The breezeway will almost be done and the painting will be held off until the weather is warm again. Sonny asked about the wiring and Daniel noted that the wiring was done cheaper and more compliant. However, the IT Department must identify what to do with their wiring to the other buildings.
He continued to outline the projects that are being worked on including another HIP home. The HIP home they are assigned to now, has some work to complete which the staff identified they could do, which would create some cost savings so the project can begin. Specifically the former flooring was not done satisfactory. Buster asked if there was any way to make the flooring compliant with State code. Daniel is unsure of the compliance issues but it looked done well but the person must have run out of money. He continued to explain what the maintenance crew will do to complete the project.
He continues to work on the old KCDC building and they will begin remodeling and he understands that this is being done to create more rooms and help with serving patients.
The Council and Laura noted that he has done an excellent job.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara,0 pupitihara.
14.) Sandi Tripp, Transportation Department:
Not present, written report provided.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Sandi’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
15.) Scott Quinn, Land Department:
Scott did provide his report for review but has additional items for the Council to review at this time. He would like to discuss the option of having the bid for the Karuk Excess Vehicle Auction. He would like to do this before Christmas. He would like to open this up to Tribal Members first, then to Non Tribal Members. He would like to create a form that Enrollment could confirm who the Tribal Members are. The discussion is to have the group do sealed bids, which would alleviate the having people submit, deposits and that confusion.
Daniel is open to cut scrap if it was okay with Fred and to allow staff to complete the work. Laura noted that this is not the case, because the Tribe would be paying the wages.
Scott distributed information regarding a potential land purchase. This was tabled to December 1st.
Sonny Davis motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Scott’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
16.) Leaf Hillman, DNR Director:
Leaf is not present, he is sick. Tabled to Thursday.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to table the DNR report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1.) Youth Council Representatives:
Both members are present to request fundraising ideas. They are requesting to wash the Karuk vehicles at $50 a piece. The Yreka youth want to wash the Yreka cars and the Orleans kids wash those cars. They are hoping to raise $1,000 vehicles all together. The trip to Washington DC would like to have tours from Michelle Obama and visits the Museums. When the kids find a date and time they will contact Barbara to discuss how many vehicles it will be.
Phone Votes:
a. Request approval of resolution 11-R-124. Passed.
b. Request approval to have Dora Bernal and up to 4 additional staff attend the Wes Chesbro Assembly 2012 reception, November 10, 2011. Passed.
c. Request approval of resolution 11-R-122. Passed.
d. Request approval of resolution 11-R-121. Passed.
e. Request approval of adding Randy White to the Tribes vehicle insurance to drive kids to HSU campus visit. Passed.
f. Request approval to provide up to $100 for a mixer at the Klamath RV Park. Passed.
g. Request to provide $646.04 from discretionary for funeral services related to CB.
h. Request approval to provide $250 assistance for the funeral services related to CB.
i. Request approval to allow Robert Goodwin to change his flight, returning from Sand Diego to attend the EIS Public Meeting. Passed.
j. Request approval to move the Orleans Council Meeting to Yreka. Passed.
k. Request approval to allow Michael Thom to attend the NCTCA Meeting in Redding CA, October 18, 2011. Passed.
l. Request approval to pay NCTCC membership fees of $500 yearly. Passed.
m. Request approval to provide assistance to TM #1886 with funeral services in the amount of $1,000. Passed.
n. Request approval to provide assistance to TM#3620 with funeral services in the amount of $1,000. Passed.
Closed Session:
Consensus: to set a mandatory meeting between employees #7375 and 6868 with Council present to discuss resources and program overlapping.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 11-R-126, 5 haa, puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to review the complaints raised by Tribal Members #3738 and #1565 and to review appeal regarding Education Policy for Tribal Member #
Consensus: For Tribal Member # 3155 to complete the required loan paperwork and submit for consideration prior to the Thursday Planning Meeting.
Michael Thom motioned and Jody Waddell seconded to allow the reclassification of employee #4935 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve 12-C-032 with Tribal Member #20 for three months, while other drivers are actively sought, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to have all family caregivers capped at $500 per month and require all providers to submit to the same Federal background as employees/council members to ensure safety for the children.
Consensus: to table loan request from Tribal Member #1054.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve travel for Dora Bernal to San Diego CA., December 7-8, 2011, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve $500 from Third Party for Tribal Member #520, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Informational: concerns were reported over Tribal Members being able to get on the KTHA agendas in a timely manner.
Informational: possible grant writer possibilities were announced and that information will be discussed further once more information is received.
Next Meeting Date: December 22, 2011 at 3pm in Happy Camp, CA.
Michael Thom motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to adjourn at 8:15pm, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Russell “Buster” Attebery, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider