Karuk Tribe – Council Meeting
June 23, 2011 - Meeting Minutes
Happy Camp CA.
Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM, by Arch Super, Chairman
Arch Super, Chairman
Michael Thom, Vice-Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary / Treasurer
Crispen McAllister, Member at Large
Sonny Davis, Member at Large
Florence Conrad, Member at Large
Dora Bernal, Member at Large
Verna Reece, Member at Large
Bud Johnson, Member at Large
Sonny Davis completed a prayer and Michael Thom read the mission statement.
Florrine Super motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes May 26, 2011:
Florrine Super motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the minutes of April 28, 2011, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Director Reports:
1.) April Attebury, Tribal Court:
April is present to distribute her written report. She has no action items but provided a verbal review of her report.
She noted that from the purple shawl project there was feedback to have local plays and information which she will look into. She was excited about the project and so were most of the attendees so she is looking forward to providing that to the other areas.
She and Tanya are currently attending domestic violence training and will have that completed in the next couple of days.
Michael asked if the TCC discussed anything regarding the eviction process from KTHA. He announced that KTHA is looking into using Tribal Court. She will have to check with them to determine if KTHA where this left off as the discussion took place quite awhile ago. There were recommendations that were provided to Sami Difuntorum and Ann Escobar regarding Housing needing to revise their ordinance possibly, but she will have to look into this again.
April presented a video project in San Francisco at the Tribal State forum. There wasn’t much time to complete edits as much as she would have liked but the State attendees enjoyed it and in conjunction with the presentation she provided, it was well received. Dion announced that his Federal Board recognized it and forwarded it to him but he feels that it would be nice to forward that work to the Tribal staff as well. Florrine commented that it was noted by a couple Tribal Members that it was very nice. Arch will send the link to the Managers so that they may view it as well.
Florrine Super motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve April’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2.) Jim Berry, KTHA:
Jim is not present; Deanna Miller is present to provide Jim’s report to the Council.
Florence Conrad motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Jim’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
3.) Sandi Tripp, Land Department.
Sandi is present to review her written report. She has action items that are included in her report.
Her first action item is a consultant contract between the Karuk Tribe and the Yurok Tribe. She has been working with them and their transportation programs on Ten Eyke Road in Somes Bar. They have met and assessed the road, identified the need of the project and have now developed a contract to work together. The Yurok Tribe can charge the Karuk Tribe for some equipment use, because their equipment is owned by the BIA (federally owned equipment). The contract is 11-C-065 between the Yurok Tribe and the Karuk Tribe.
Arch noted that the signature page signed is not provided in the packet of information and Sandi explained that it is because she was having it reviewed at the same time that it needed submitted for the Council to review. She will work on getting the information complete in a timelier manner moving forward but did note that it was signed off on by Contract Compliance and the CFO.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contract 11-C-065, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sandi then presented another consultant contract for a water and truck driver. It will be ensuring compaction and dust abatement for the project. The operator is a Karuk Tribal Member and the contract has been reviewed by all the necessary signers.
Florrine Super motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve contract 11-C-066, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
She would like approval to draw water out of the hydrant at the work center at Katimin. She discussed this with Fred and she said that there was sufficient water and it will be only for a week. It is near the watershed office and the water for the project will come from there.
Consensus: to allow the Land Department to access water from the fire hydrant.
Florrine Super motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Sandi’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4.) Leaf Hillman, DNR
Leaf is not present but Bob Rhode is present to review the DNR report and seek
approval of three action items.
He provided a copy of procurement for the energy program it is in relation to contract 11-C-067 with Ourrevolution; they were the only bidder at $23,900.
Florence Conrad motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contract 11-C-067, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
He would then like to have approval of two invoices that were over $5,000. There were contracts approved for the work but the invoice amount was over $5,000 which requires Council approval from the fiscal office.
Erin announced that both invoices do not require Council approval as the contracts named the services and the company, which included the amounts. Once those contracts were approved that approved the entire contract including the services.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve DNR’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
5.) Scott Quinn, Land Department
Scott is present to provide his report to the Council. He has no action items but wanted to provide an update to his report.
Scott announced that he has received word from the DOJ on the Yreka clinic trust property and the City of Yreka may appeal for up to a year to the Ninth Circuit Court but it is up to them. The Tribe has won thus far.
He attended a meeting in Orleans to discuss the parking lot project. Sandi will be bringing a TIP soon that will show the next four years of construction projects for the roads program.
He received a proposal to crush more rock at the Ranch. The last time this was done was in October of 2009. They borrowed $100k from the Tribe and paid that back. They have made $60-$70k from that last venture. Ken Smith has a big job coming up and he would like to crush 20,000 tons and Scott would like to discuss that request further on Thursday.
Michael Thom motioned and Florrine Seconded to approve Scott’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
6.) Dion Wood, TERO:
Dion is present to review his written report. He noted that he was going to have three action items but he is asking to table two of them. The TERO office has been very busy. He is planning a flaggers training on August 8th which will be limited to 40 persons and aiming at recertification of those that were previously certified.
The workforce protection act is moving along and he is hoping to have it completed by August 1st with implementation by October 1st.
The Tribe has submitted 23 worksites and received responses from several kids to participate; but there is not enough funding for all of them. The Karuk Tribe may only have up to 17 positions but he will review the option of TERO employing some youth. He will discuss this at the Planning Meeting.
The Caltrans MOU development meeting took place. TERO is being incorporated into the Caltrans MOU. Dion is excited that they have finally recognized the inclusion of TERO and is happy to continue meetings with them to ensure a well working relationship and see its completion.
He has been working hard on the funding application for the childcare funding; but he would like to table the resolution for the childcare application because it is not prepared or reviewed.
He is planning for another math/Science camp August 1-6, 2011. On August 6th the kids will be rafting. He would like to request the mailing list from Enrollment. Arch provided approval to allow for the math/science camp information to be provided.
He noted that the National Conference in August is being worked on, and they have invited the First Lady, Michelle Obama, which they have tentative confirmation that she could be in attendance.
Michael asked how come the Yreka and Happy Camp kids are kept separate. Dion noted that there are transportation issues and the best he could provide right now is to have one day on the river for all the kids but he is hoping to hold it together in the future, the issue is geographic.
Florrine Super motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Dion’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
7.) Sara Spence, HR Manager:
Sara is present to provide an update to her written report. She provided an overview of the recent hires and the opening and closing of the positions.
She had requested time to meet with the Tribal Council regarding the personnel policies of the Karuk Tribe. She has already sought revision suggestions from the Management Team and will need approximately four hours to review them. Barbara will review booking something in the 3rd week of August for Sara and the Tribal Council.
She provided information on the RV Park and the proposals that were submitted for the position of Manager. She is not asking for approval tonight, as the Council is just receiving the information but she is providing them the information so that they may review it prior to their Thursday meeting.
The Director evaluation that is due in June has not taken place and there needs to be another date set for the July Director that needs an evaluation.
Barbara will schedule both Director evaluations and let Sara know the dates so that she can work with the Directors on them.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Sara’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
8.) Duke Arwood, Education Coordinator:
Erin provided Duke’s report as he is out on sick leave.
Michael inquired if the graduates all received their necklaces from the Tribal Council and the Tribal Council noted that they have not all received them. Florence would like to have the council Members in those areas deliver those necklaces now, even if it’s past the graduation time. Next year the Council and Duke are hoping to be more prepared with this idea and planned for accordingly. This is the first year it was done and the staff and Council did an excellent job with little to no planning.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve Duke’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara
9.) Laura Olivas, KCDC:
Not present, no report provided.
Michael Thom motioned and Florrine Super seconded to table Laura’s report (but she didn’t have one), 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence had an announcement for Laura’s reporting time though; she announced that K-1 is still in Arizona and will probably be there for another two weeks. The Council was happy to hear that the Tribe’s fire crew was called out.
10.) Robert Attebery, LIAP Administrator:
Robert is present to review his written report with the Council.
He mailed letters to the applicants that had previously received assistance announcing the higher level of assistance that this office can provide. He has been receiving a lot of assistance requests and will be continuing to work on providing services. He is eligible to carry over some funding.
The HIP Project is moving along but the maintenance staff was pulled off their project to complete a security wall. They are also still looking to buy a home and he might know of one and he will continue to work with the clients on the home projects.
The General Assistance Work Experience Program is moving along. The program has begun to be more stringent on how clients complete their paperwork. It is necessary to keep the clients up to speed on time keeping and paperwork requirements.
Michael Thom motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Robert’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
11.) Carly Whitecrane, Grant Writer/Resource Developer:
Carly is present to review her written report. She has one action item to present to the Tribal Council. It is a continuation grant to the State of California CSD.
She provided the information to the Tribal Council previously. The budget includes the Basketweavers gatherings, LIAP, Adult Education, Emergency Preparedness, Tutoring and Education funding. Erin asked if Carly is looking for Council approval.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Florrine Super seconded to approve resolution 11-R-067 authorizing submission of the grant proposal, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve the grant writers report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
12.) Helene Rouvier, People’s Center Director:
Helene is present to review her written report and seek approval of two action items. One is a GIS contract for the THPO grant. The total amount is $4,336 with DZC Consulting under contract 11-C-065.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve contract 11-C-065, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Her second action item is travel for herself and Verna Reece to go onsite to a museum by Corvallis. She does not funding for this travel so it will require funding from Discretionary. It is not time sensitive and will be done at Thursday’s Planning Meeting. She is hoping to combine another visit to Oregon to check on other baskets.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Helene’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
13.) Laura Mayton, CFO:
Laura is present to review her report and has two action items. She first sought approval of agreement 11-A-049 to purchase another license on the accounting software. She needs this to allow the staff to print reports and view them. This will cost $1,075 and an additional amount in the maintenance agreement annually but not much.
Florrine Super motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve agreement 11-A-049, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Laura then presented liability insurance quote. There are two amounts which are only $7 apart. There are two quotes that were provided and Laura is selecting Tribal First which is the carrier that is already held and is $7 less per year.
Florence Conrad motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve procurement and select Tribal First for insurance, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The fiscal audit has not been received but when she receives it she will provide it to the Council.
Florrine Super motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Laura’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
14.) Ruth Rouvier, Language Program:
Not present, written report provided.
Michael Thom motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Ruth’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
15.) Erin Hillman, Dir of Admin Programs and Compliance:
Erin is present to review her written report. She has updates to her report and then she will seek approval of her action items. She attended a meeting regarding establishing a formal group of Tribes from Siskiyou County, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. She has received an MOU on this and will be providing it to Bob Goodwin for him to review as well and then provide information to the Tribal Council.
He has met with Fred and others to determine the floor plan for the Orleans clinic, and they will complete a draft floor plan. That will be submitted to IHS and they will have their engineers review it.
She, Jim Berry, Ann Escobar, Fred Burcell and Laura Mayton all viewed the RV Park site to work on the land trade for the KTHA property and the RV Park property. This will be done to assist in land for the Orleans clinic and serve the best interest of KTHA and the Karuk Tribe. She has contacted Carrol Nelson to do the land valuation for the swap as well.
The EA draft contract is attached but it cannot get formal approval because there are still revisions needed. She will bring it back at a later time.
She will be flying a temporary LIAP Assistant position for 6 weeks in the summer payable from CSD. This is a good opportunity for the office to catch up and the applicant to receive valuable training in the department and Tribe.
Her request to the Tribal Council is to approve the sanitation deficiencies list. Fred, Barry Jarvis and Erin reviewed the list of deficiencies and they are hoping that they receive funding based on their ranking and the review of how the projects were ranked.
Florence Conrad motioned and Florrine Super seconded to accept the list of deficiencies as presented and submit to IHS, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
She will bring the contract back after the land agreement with KTHA is complete.
Florence Conrad motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve Erin’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
16.) Robert Goodwin, Self-Governance Coordinator:
Not present, written report provided.
Florence Conrad motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Bob’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
17.) Daniel Goodwin, Maintenance Supervisor:
Not present, written report provided.
Michael Thom motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Daniel’s written report, 5 haa, 0puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Phone Votes:
1. Request approval for Sonny Davis to travel to Sacramento June 6, 2011 for the Native American Heritage Commission Meeting. Passed.
2. Request approval for Dora Bernal to travel to Sacramento June 6, 2011 for the Native American Heritage Commission Meeting. Passed.
3. Request approval for out of state travel for Dora Bernal, Florrine Super, Florence Conrad to Green Bay, Wisconsin, August 1-5, 2011. Passed.
4. Request approval of agreement 11-A-041 between the Karuk Tribe and Blue Lake Hotel & Casino for training. Passed.
5. Request approval to hire employee # TC on a temporary basis. Passed.
Committee Reports:
NICDC Meeting Minutes were provided for the Tribal Council to review.
Closed Session:
Florence Conrad motioned and Michael Thom seconded to approve 11-R-068, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Michael Thom motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve resolution 11-R-069, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to table the loan request from Tribal member #955 to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Consensus: to table the loan request from Tribal Member #516 to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Consensus: to table the loan request from Tribal Member #742 to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Michael Thom motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve a loan to Tribal Member #2723 in the amount of $2,000 with $50 month payments and after 6 months, payments be increased to $100 monthly, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Informational: Employee #2267 provided a list of follow up items for the Tribal Council to complete in the next couple of weeks as identified and set at their planning session.
Consensus: to notify the local authorities about Tribal Member #981 behavior toward staff and on the Tribe’s property. Also, employee #4249 will be spoken to regarding participation in the disturbance.
Consensus: to accept the recommendation of option #3 for the childcare plan. The full plan will be provided to the Council at their upcoming Planning Meeting; it will include the spending line items for childcare quality dollars.
Consensus: to increase the rate of pay for licensed centers or providers; the Council agrees that the increase is warranted and needed. If funding is available then he should process the increase.
Informational: employee #4249 is present to discuss information she is receiving from her immediate supervisor and noting that it was decided by the Tribal Council. She would like the Tribal Council to verify this information. A meeting was set between the employee’s supervisors, Chairman, and Vice-Chairman to discuss employee’s responsibilities.
Informational: Tribal Member # 1013 noted that Tribal Member #1516 comment in open session regarding information sharing was inappropriate and inaccurate.
Florence Conrad motioned and Crispen McAllister seconded to approve posting the cultural provider position descriptions in all 3 areas with solicitation to fill the Yreka position first and then conduct similar events in all three areas following Yreka’s, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence Conrad motioned Florrine Super seconded to approve 7 staff to the NM TANF Conference, July 18-22, 2011, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to take $100 monthly payments automatically from Tribal Member #1516 and to also instruct finance to immediately deduct co-signers responsibility when applicant is delinquent.
Consensus: to table the loan request from Tribal Member # 11 to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Florence Conrad motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Michael and Dora to travel to the upcoming CATG meeting in Sacramento CA., 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Sonny Davis motioned and Florrine Super seconded to approve travel for Florence Conrad and Verna Reece to Lincoln for CRIHB training, July 18-22, 2011, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Informational: The Chairman will address the leave without prior approval from employee #7094.
Next Meeting Date: July 28, 2011 at 3pm in Orleans CA.
Crispen McAllister motioned and Florrine Super seconded to adjourn at 8:10 PM, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider