Karuk Tribe – Health Board Meeting
July 8, 2010 - Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 3:01pm by Chairman,
Roll Call:
Florrine Super, Secretary
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Florence Conrad, Member at
Large (late)
Verna Reece, Member at Large
Bud Johnson, Member at Large
Quorum is established.
Mission Statement was read aloud by
Minutes of June 10, 2010:
1.) Babbie Peterson, Senior Nutrition Program
Babbie is present to seek out
of state travel to
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to approve out of state travel for Babbie Peterson to
Denver CO August 1-5, 2010, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Directors Reports:
1.) Eric Cutright, IT Director:
Eric is present to review his
written report with the Board. He has been offered the opportunity to receive
internet service through the FCC, the rates are still being determined but one
comparison is that the Council approved internet connections and the costs were
about $45k per year and this new service may be only $7k per year. This is
under review and approval will be sought once signed off.
Eric is reviewing law on
phone outages and the comparison of services that are not provided and how many
instances that go unresolved. There were 36 outages last year with little to no
results on a solution. He is hoping to have better phone service to Happy Camp
The Parking lot project is moving fast and they accidentally cut lines to the
outside offices of the administration. Maintenance installed a power pole and
they were able to get service completed by later that afternoon.
Verna Reece motioned and
Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Eric’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2.) Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:
Vickie is present to review
her written report with the Board. She announced that the electronic dental
record developments allows for the selling of dental equipment that cannot be
used for digital input for the dental x-rays and insertion into the electronic
record. She is seeking approval to post the equipment for sale and staff has
offered to post the sales notices and track it being sold. It is a Panarex and
x-ray developer.
Laura explained the purchase
of the equipment and installations. She noted that if it is over $5k in value
of then this would fall under different restrictions. Vickie is unsure of the
specifics and will follow up on her request with Laura at a later time.
Vickie continued to explain
electrical issues with the dental office and the dental technician has been
onsite completing repairs and concluding fixes. Vickie will run an in house
report on dental visits to have an overview with the dental staff.
Yreka has been sending
activities reports per Vickie’s request moving forward as she does not travel
to that site any longer. She accidentally reversed the budget report between
the Yreka facility and the Happy Camp facility last month, so she noted that
correction for the Council. The budget review with Laura noted that the dental
program is on budget.
Lessie is present to review
her written report. Vickie announced that the State has funded H1N1 vaccine
clinic and the
There are some issues with
ARRA funding and the Behavioral Health Department reviewed the expenditures finding
that the health facility did spend the funding correctly and is now moving
forward with 100% compliance.
She received notice that the
IHS is accepting nominations for CHR’s to receive recognition. Lessie is
nominating Roselynn Tungate for her services several years ago before there
were any services in the Happy Camp area. Lessie read the biography for Roselynn and
will be forwarding that information to IHS. The second nomination is Hazel
Ward. Lessie then read her biography that she will be submitting to IHS.
Verna Reece motioned and
Florence Conrad seconded to approve the nominations to be selected and sent to
IHS, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super motioned
and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Verna Reece motioned and
5.) Mike Edwards, Family & Children Services:
Mike is present to provide an
overview of his report. He thanked the Council for approving the purchase of
the new vehicle for his department. He has yet to purchase the vehicle but they
are working on having the paperwork completed.
His department has seen over
400 clients for the month of June.
He is still waiting for the
State to provide information on the Title IVE case. Mike is still reviewing his
QI report and findings. The department found that there is a lack of
transportation which is keeping the cancellations high and he will keep working
on a solution to the patient cancellation by whatever means the clients feel is
a roadblock in keeping their appointments.
Mike has met with TANF and
KTHA regarding similar clients and services offered by the programs to the
Mike noted that ICW next
meeting is July 13, 2010 in Happy Camp. Assembly Bill 1325 went into affect
July 1st and he continues to review it hoping that it becomes less
confusing. He has attended three trainings and the State still seems unprepared
for how this is going to work for Tribes and how to work with Tribes.
Mike noted that there is a live
scan machine that is going to be purchased by the Department of Justice and it
will be housed in Dion’s office or Sara’s. They continue to monitor the
compliance that must be met in order to use the machine.
CAIR is budgeted at $39k and
the expenses are at $55k. Mike noted that there is a typo in this number, that
the budget is in fact not overspent.
Florence Conrad motioned
6.) Vickie Simmons, Clinical Operations Administrator
Vickie is the new hire for
the Health Program taking on several duties from Karen Daniels due to Karen’s
resignation. She provided an overview of the report that covers June.
Vickie noted that there is no
information on the CHR and Elders workers as they may be confused on who they
report to at this time.
Karen had a notation of the
ACQI reporting on HIPPA Compliance and Verna asked for that information and it
be distributed. Vickie did obtain that information and forwarded it to the
Tribal Council regarding the HIPPA laws regulating healthcare.
Verna Reece motioned and
7.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director
Daniel is present to provide a report to the Board. There was a TANF staff
Meeting that has been canceled and the meetings haven’t been working, then
Daniel is brainstorming times to work with the Board to ensure scheduling
conflicts don’t continue to happen. Thursday’s are best for Dora and the other
TANF representatives.
Daniel has met with the
Tribal TANF coalition and the State. As anticipated State legislature has
rejected Governor Schwarzenegger’s cuts to State programs but he is allotted
15% to cut and he will do those, but the federal funding that is passed through
from the State will not be hindered. The State may issue IOU’s and the budget
may be signed in October or November. This was the process last year and the
staff along with the Tribe’s CFO is familiar on how to deal with the
reimbursement process.
Daniel thanked the Tribal
Council for approving the new software purchase and he believes that the
program will be very happy with the new software.
Daniel would like to have the
Council’s approval on
Florence motioned and Sonny
seconded to approve the resolution but the motion did not pass due to clarification
that the resolution must be on the Karuk Tribe’s letterhead, issued a number through
the Karuk Tribe and approved by the Tribal Council; accepting Quartz Valley’s
purposed resolution. This was tabled to the Thursday Planning Meeting for final
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Florrine Super seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Employee Non Health:
1.) April Attebury,
April is seeking approval for out of state travel for staff for August 16-20,
2010 for the Circles of Care. Staff traveling includes Joe Snapp, Chuck Lent,
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to approve out of state travel for April Attebury, Chuck
Lent, and
April noted that in the past
she was able to take youth as well, but the youth council has not selected who
could attend yet. She would still like to seek some youth council to attend so
she would like approval pending their determination on who should go.
Florrine Super motioned Leeon
Hillman seconded to approve up to 4 youth council participants to attend the
youth conference, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Florence absent for vote).
Tanya is attending a
conference in
Leeon Hillman motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve allowing Patricia
Hobbs to travel in a Karuk Tribal vehicle and be added to the vehicle insurance
for this trip, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
April then announced that she
would like to seek approval to add extra duties to an existing employee and
compensate the wages from an available budget.
The pay will be $20.79 to
$25.99 per hour for the SAMSHA COCIV Project. Discussion moved to closed
session for the Council to review.
2.) Jaclyn Goodwin, Grant Writer/Resource Developer:
Jaclyn announced that the grant writer has selected a concept of the ICDBG funding
opportunity. The two previous options were presented and discussed with the
Tribal Council and it is now time to plan a direction to move in to ensure the
grant is drafted for what the Council is hoping to accomplish. Laura noted that
Jaclyn should update the Council on the lack of funding from ANA and the
possibility of the Council selecting a different project with that information.
Jaclyn explained that there was discussion of the education center in Happy
Camp having the ability to apply the ICDBG grant to assist that shortfall but
Jaclyn found that to not be true, so that avenue is not feasible. Sue anticipates
the funding notice to announce soon so the staff needs to begin working on the project
that the Council chooses.
Consensus: for the Grant
writer to work on the ICDBG grant for the
The Tribal Council provides
health and safety items such as port-a-potties, garbage containers and water
access for tribal ceremonies.
Closed Session:
Florence Conrad motioned
and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 10-R-068, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Johnson motioned Leeon Hillman seconded to approve resolution 10-R-078, 7 haa,
0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Reece motioned Sonny Davis seconded to approve resolution 10-R-079, 7 haa, 0
puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Tribal Members addressed the Council to voice disagreement over Council’s recent
decisions. Tribal Members: 13, 1245, 434, 1232, 650, 3242, 1740, and 107 covered
several topics with the Tribal Council. The Tribal Council did not respond to
personnel matters but listened to a variety of concerns and addressed items
that were brought to their attention. Concerns over following Indian Preference
was noted with conclusion of a policy development coming soon; concerns over
Tribal Members not allowed to voice concerns was responded by the Council explaining
the availability of meetings and open door policy throughout the Tribe. Other
concerns over not receiving adequate information was commented by Council to
continue to stay in touch and involved with the Tribe and to continue to bring
issues forward. The Tribal Members maintained frustration with the Tribal
Council but thanked them for the time to speak their issues.
Super motioned and
Conrad motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve agreement 10-A-045, 7
haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super excused herself at 7:40
to deny request and instruct employee #3770 to post vacant position.
for Tribal Member #744’s complaint to be investigated according to the Health
Programs policies and procedures.
to table credential files to Thursday’s planning meeting.
to table the loan request from Tribal Member #2815 to Thursday’s planning
to review Ihuk Summer Camp proposal at Thursday’s planning meeting.
Reece motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to provide a $.50 per hour pay
increase for employee # 6981, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (new job description must be drafted and that
must be approved).
to have the Council Members review the constitution and be prepared for review
at Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Conrad motioned and
for Council Members to prioritize meetings that are within their area and
especially recognize the staffs continued efforts to move the Tribe forward and
the need of continued support and guidance from the Tribal Council.
to seek additional TERO Ordinances for review and ask that the TERO Director
provide time to complete answer and question time with the Tribal Council.
to ask employee # 7931 to co-sign for Tribal Member loan.
request for funding: died for the lack of a motion.
to approve a revised agreement with Tribal Member #3747 allowing for $25
monthly payments until paid in full.
to seek clarification on laptop purchase and payment from Tribal Member #538.
Next Meeting Date: August 12, 2010 at
3pm in Happy Camp.
Johnson motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to adjourn meeting at 8:43 pm, 6
haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider