Karuk Tribe

Council Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2010

Yreka, California


The meeting was called to order at 4:56pm by Arch Super, Chairman.


Roll Call


Arch Super, Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Sonny Davis, Member

Alvis Johnson, Member

Verna Reece, Member


Quorum is established.


Verna Reece read the mission statement aloud.


Approval of the Agenda for February 25, 2010


Florrine Super moved and Verna Reece seconded to approve the agenda for February 25, 2010.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1)  Approval of the Minutes for January 28, 2010


Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the minutes for January 28, 2010.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florrine Super).


2)  Old Business

None at this time.


3)  Karuk Youth Leadership Council

They would like to wait until all of the youth are present.


4)  Mike Brown

Not present.


4a)  Glenda Hockaday

She has a question about the Medical Clinic.  She states they have called requesting an appointment so they could come in right away and were told they would get a call back but then never received a call.  They have heard the same complaint from other individuals.  They are transferred to Don Banhart for triage but he didn’t call them back.  Sonny said they can’t even get him and appointment in a timely manner because they are booked out so far.  Glenda said that referrals are taking too long to get scheduled as well.  Arch states they will refer these issues to Lessie for research.


She also asked that they reconsider allowing the Elders to have pets.  Arch suggests that they take that to the Housing Committee; she states the Housing Committee told her to speak to the Council since they set the rule prohibiting pets due to the liability issues.  Arch states they will discuss that with Housing.


5)  Leaf Hillman, Natural Resources

Written report only, not present.  Bob states both of the children are sick so he is not here this evening.


Sonny Davis moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Leaf’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6)  Sandi Tripp, Transportation

Her first action item is approval of Agreement 10-A-031 between the Karuk Tribe and Pacific Power and Light in the amount of $4,154 to move the overhead power lines at the Happy Camp Administration Complex underground where they conflict with the parking lot/road project getting ready to start.


Verna asked when they do the parking lot, how come they are not using the eco-grid.  She states she cannot remember the specific reason they didn’t use that there but for some reason it wasn’t feasible.  She states they are going to utilize native plants and storm water to landscape the facility.  Verna states that they could do repairs easily with that product also.  Leeon recalls that there were issues with the traffic flow.  It also seems that since it will be a road, rather than parking lot it prohibited using that product.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Agreement 10-A-031.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She requested approval of the Referenced Funding Agreement included in the report.  The amount is $93,731 and they should expect to see two more of these.  The Agreement number is not included; the cover sheet requests a Resolution be assigned to the Agreement since it is to receive funding; that can be done at the Planning Meeting.


Verna Reece moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7)  Emilio Tripp, Education

Emilio was present to review his written report.


He states his main project was completion of the grant that he had been working on with Jaclyn Goodwin and Sue Burcell; they will find out in August about that funding and he is very hopeful.  It will fund an Indian Student Services Coordinator in both the Yreka and Happy Camp High Schools to work with the students on college readiness.


He held his first Indian Parent Committee Recruitment meeting in Happy Camp.  There were ten attendees at the meeting.  There are communication issues with the Elementary School staff and parents and he is helping to work with both parties to resolve some of those issues and identify what the problems are and how to fix them.


He had many meetings with departments, programs, and schools to coordinate with them.


He asked if there were any questions on his report.  He states he did visit Junction Elementary School to hear their concerns as well which are obtaining additional library materials; he is looking for some grant funds to assist with that need.  Florence states one of the Karuk students wrote a small grant for $500.  He states he was able to get a Language book to them for the students to use.

He also shared that an additional piece of the grant that could be implemented is the Mid-Klamath P16 Council which would be Preschool-College Level age individuals working together to help the native communities from Yreka to Orleans.  He is hopeful that will start as well.


Verna Reece moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Emilio’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7a)  Karuk Youth Leadership Council

Florrine, April Attebury, and Roxanne Strangfeld were present to award Appreciation Certificates to the youth whose have served for the past year on the Youth Council.


Florrine states she is very proud of their work over the last year, they are always willing to help, and they have incorporated culture and Elders into their program which is wonderful.  Roxanne states they have participated in many activities related to furthering their education and gathering more information in that respect; they have contributed greatly over the last year.  April states that her goal was to bridge the gap between the youth and the adults to ensure that they are working toward fulfilling their needs and desires and get information to the leadership and managers to better assist them in expanding services for youth and families.  Some of them traveled to distant locations for training; they have prepared YouTube and MySpace outreach materials.  She thanked them for being there to provide all of that valuable information and to share moments with them throughout the last year.  Their one-year terms expired and the new Council for the coming year was appointed at the last Council Meeting.  Arch states that is great to see these kids work together and work so hard on the Council for the past year, he is very proud of them.


The youth presented certificates were:  Eli Hensher-Aubrey (Orleans), Tyler Conrad (Somes Bar), Kevin Harrison (Happy Camp), Ty-Ethriha Allen (McKinleyville), Skyler McNeal (Yreka), LaShanda Siaz (Yreka), Tatianna Siaz (Yreka), Cierra Brinker (Yreka), Wynona Croy (Yreka), Carlos Rodriguez (Yreka), Reuben Whiting (Yreka).


Skyler states that he learned a lot while on the Council about how to be a leader a represent the Tribe and about the culture of the Tribe.  LaShanda thanked everyone for the opportunity, they had many experiences, visited colleges, met new people, and it was great.  Cierra is glad she had the opportunity to do this, the trips were really fun.  She states she doesn’t travel much and was very excited to see a garlic truck; she also found that the person who created SpongeBob Square-Pants majored in marine biology at Humboldt State.  She was glad to participate and meet people.  Wynona thanked everyone for giving her the opportunity to participate, her favorite part was travelling to the colleges, and it was fun and crazy.  Carlos thanked them for participating, he was able to go to Colorado and that was a great experience along with the colleges.  Rueben thanked them for allowing him to travel and participate in the group.


The upcoming Youth Council will be:  Male Co-Chair: Skyler McNeal, Female Co-Chair: Winona Croy, Vice Chair: Ashley Allgier, Secretary: Shenai Talley, and Members at Large: Brian Lopez, Michael Law, David Burlow, Chris Super, Tyler Conrad, Alyssa Allgier, Kevin Harrison, and Daniela Sanchez.


8)  Robert Goodwin, Self Governance

Robert is present to review his written report.  He has been very busy for the last month.


They recently attended the KBRA signing in Salem which will result in the removal of the four dams on the Lower Klamath River in the coming years.  He believes this will be a historical achievement for the Tribe.


He has been working with the Yurok Tribe downriver to resolve issues related to their proposed boundary expansion, he has forwarded a draft letter to the Chairman and Director of Natural Resources for review prior to requesting Tribal Council approval.


They received notification from BIA that they would be required to present oral testimony for budget justifications for watershed rights in the basin and he has been working with several staff members and the Yurok Tribe to prepare that testimony.  He has also been working on testimony for Council review in regards to funding that will allow the Tribe to participate on equal ground with the entities they will be both working with.  Laura has been helping him prepare budget numbers based on items they have spent related to those types of projects at the TBAC Meeting on March 15-15, 2010.


April Attebury has also recommended him to provide testimony at the DHHS Testimony regarding ICWA funding and what their shortfalls are in the programs that serve youth for the Tribe next week while they are in DC.


He spoke to the Department of Natural Resources regarding appointing Leaf Hillman as the Director of that Department back to the Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.  Ron Reed is the current delegate and his schedule does not allow him to participate in all of the necessary meetings.  Resolution 10-R-023 was assigned with Leaf as the primary delegate and Robert Goodwin as the alternate at those meetings since he has been attending over the past year.  They have a couple of ideas to discuss with the Council at a future Planning Meeting regarding the manner in which the Commission has been conducting business.  Verna asked if this is time consuming; Bob states he attended about four meetings which were spread out over the past year, so it averages quarterly.  He would like to discuss funding issues with them and changes that have taken place over the years.  They used to fund Salmon Camp and other Tribal projects and where the funding has been allocated.


They will discuss the Resolution for the Fish Commission at a future meeting when Leaf and Bob can provide their input.  Roy inquired if that person is required to be a Council Member.  Bob states the other Tribes have their staff serve on their behalf as well as some Council Members.


Verna Reece moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Robert’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9)  Ruth Rouvier, Language

Written report only, on travel.  Arch and Sonny read the phrases of the month aloud which are yaastiik (right hand) and kututuk (left hand).


Florrine Super moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Ruth’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10)  Robert Attebery, LIAP

Robert was present to review his written report with the Council.


He states there is a meeting scheduled with the Contractor Tuesday to discuss starting on the first HIP home in March.  There are three other homes awarded three years ago that they will be moving forward on as well.


Applications have slowed down substantially, they had a record number of payments last month which was 200, this month was 100 and it should decrease since those eligible have obtained assistance.  They have spent about 63% of the budget at this point.  They have completed the CSD grant as well providing assistance to eligible members.  There will be new CSD funds coming in this month.  The General Assistance program does not come into play often because it only applies to members with no income who do not qualify for any other programs and burial assistance.  They are working on finalizing the SWEEP policies and procedures so that those can be approved in the coming month so they can reinstate the program again, they have funding available.  All necessary language has to be in place though because they have to use the funds appropriately to build an individual’s skills to assist them in obtaining gainful employment.


Florence Conrad moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Robert’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11)  Dion Wood, TERO

Dion was present to distribute his written report.  He apologized for not getting his report to them for the packets.


He states the TERO Commission continues to develop the Workforce Protection Act to protect the employees.  The template they have includes all OSHA language and they do not recommend doing that, they are trying to make it more appropriate for the Tribe that is specific to the type of work they do.


Sara will report on the bids for the on-site Supervisor’s training which is ready to be approved for a Contract.  There are two bids for the Cultural Monitor Training that will be reviewed to schedule an on site training for members to become certified in that field.


Anyone interested in a Census job need to call the 800 number and register for the required testing, a sample test is available as well as study assistance for the test.


They held a Workforce Development Meeting yesterday at Headway.  The programs who work on employment readiness all came together and can assist members with GED preparation and testing, college preparation and enrollment, and employment readiness.


He continues to meet with the Head Start Director, Quart Valley, and Siskiyou County to determine what is available for childcare and how they can provide necessary services to the kids.  They plan to do another Kindergarten Kamp and also Science and Math Camps for the children.  They want to see if there is enough youth interested in having a Youth Band to provide music at Tribal events such as dinner at the meetings, the Reunion, other events.  They are trying to find ways to support the youth and help them be active.


They formed a California Tribal Child Care Administrators Association to get the Tribes recognized by the State Department of Education.  The next meeting is March 11 in Sacramento and there are State meetings on March 9-10.


He will be working to coordinate the cultural reception during the National Indian Child Care Association, it is their 20th anniversary and he has served in that for 14 of the 20 years through the Karuk Tribe.  They are also working on testimony for childcare re-authorization which is coming up; the Tribes only currently receive 2% of the federal funds obligated at this time.


The Child Care Bureau is focusing on fraud prevention and wanting to see a codified health and safety code for the provider’s homes and facilities.  He is also working to build toy libraries in the Yreka and Happy Camp Head Start Buildings for the kids; they are interested in doing something like that in Orleans but have not identified space at this time.


Harold Peters Sr. asked if they are working with the Scott Valley members also.  Dion states he does.

Florrine Super moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Dion’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12)  Helene Rouvier, People’s Center

Written report only, on travel.


Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Helene’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13)  Jaclyn Goodwin, Grant Writer

She was present to review her written report.


She has one action item for this evening which is the IMLS Grant in the amount of $7,000 for the People’s Center which will also allow them the opportunity to apply for the Library Grant also.


Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Resolution 10-R-018.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The main project she is working on is the THPO grant that she has been working on with Leaf and Helene.  She hopes to have it completed by next month.


She submitted a pre-proposal for $250,000 to fund traditional Eco-Cultural knowledge camp that she worked with Ron and Craig on.  It will help to develop further education and cultural activities for the Tribe.


She states that she really appreciates having Sue’s help writing the Department of Education Grant; she is still new and really appreciates the help to re-develop the baseline data of where the students need assistance, that data can be used for future grants as well.


She assisted Buster Attebery with a small grant to the Redding Rancheria for sports clinic training equipment for $5,000.


They will be working on determining the goal for this year’s HUD ICDBG Grant since the third wing has been denied twice now.  It can be used for construction which is limited so they want to get the grant and put it to good use.


Verna Reece moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Jaclyn’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14)  Laura Mayton, Finance

Laura is present to review her written report.  She only had one action item, which was approved at their meeting earlier this week.


They received the Indirect Cost Proposal back with a rate of 66.56% which as been signed and submitted, they will then have their approved rate for this Fiscal Year.  Last year’s rate was 71%; this rate is more consistent with what it has been the past several years.  The lower rate is not such a burden to the programs.


In keeping with her new reporting pattern she states this month she will provide them with highlights on their overall financial health without individual program detail.  At the end of FY09 there was just over 6 million dollars in the bank for the many different programs they administer.

The People’s Center is doing much better, they are now at break even and if they continue in this pattern they should begin making a profit.  They have also changed the accounting system for the gift shop to be more similar to a business enterprise rather than governmental entity to more accurately reflect their financial transactions.


In 2001 the Indirect Cost Pool had all fringe benefits charged to the pool for all employees regardless of their program; in 2001 they were disallowed $425,000 for those expenses, which was finally taken off the books this past year.  In 2009 they received 1.9 million from the revenue sharing trust fund.


During the year, the Tribe’s annual payroll was over 5 million dollars.  They also contributed $232,000 to 401(k)’s. 


Florrine Super moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Laura’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15)  Ann Escobar, KTHA

She provided updates to the written report included in the packets.


For the home grant program the Peter’s project had a site visit last week, demo has been completed on the cabin and the new home has been delivered.  


Humboldt County has finally placed the Salstrom subdivision on their agenda for June so they are moving forward.  The Shivshaneen home project is moving along nicely, there is one septic system remaining to be installed.


The KTHA warehouse and data center is moving forward, there are some potential changes to the HVAC design, requested changes by IT which will result in additional costs and some redesigning.


Sami and Verna visited DC and have identified a sponsor for draft legislation for the renewable energy project.  KTHA received notice that the total Tribal enrollment will be used for the KTHA grant resulting in 3.4 million for 2010; this may be an increase over 2009.  The upcoming 2011 budget has reduced IHBG funding to 580 million which is the lowest since the passage of NAHASDA, this is only a request at this time, there will be many discussions between the House and Senate before this matter is settled, they will advocate for the Tribe’s needs.  Numerous House/Senate members are retiring and not seeking reappointment, a complete list will be distributed before Arch’s trip to DC next week.


With ARRA funding they are replacing all of the appliances in KTHA with new ones resulting in a surplus to be sold at a discounted rate.  They will work on details for distributing them at the rate of $50 each to be picked up.  They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.  Laura suggests that there be some sort of stipulation that there be preference to local families, Tribal Members, Descendents, etc. so that a distributor doesn’t buy them all in one shot.


Florrine inquired about the Yreka Laundromat, Ann states it is getting ready to re-open.  They have also filled the Security Coordinator position with an individual by the name of Joe Kleinschmidt.  She will be taking him around to introduce him to the community members.  He is working mostly weekends and evenings and has a cell phone.


Florence inquired if they plan on hiring security staff for Happy Camp or Orleans in the future.  Arch states that has not been something included in the budget in the past, they will need to discuss that at their Planning Session coming up in Redding when they review the budget.  Florence states that in Yreka there are local law enforcement who can respond rapidly however, down river there are limitations on how quickly anyone can get to them when they have a need for assistance.  She would like to see the Tribe do something to help their housing residents.


Verna Reece moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Ann’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16)  Erin Hillman, Administrative Programs/Compliance

Not present, written only.


Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Erin’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17)  April Attebury, Tribal Court

She was present to review her written report with the Council.


She briefly highlighted what she has been working on over the past month.  The court oversees several projects that the Tribe has funds for; one is the Tribal Youth Program, with a Youth Coordinator who works in the schools and along with LCSW’s provides groups for the students in the County school system.  There will be Youth Advisors implemented to work with the youth in the coming year, they also have the Circles of Care planning grant to streamline programs and have a comprehensive system of care incorporating language and culture into their program activities.


They have a new project which has an action item linked to for a Program Coordinator for the DOJ/OVW Grants to Indian Governments to develop a program to design and implement education and prevention campaigns to reduce violence in the communities.  She hopes to have the position based in the Orleans community; they will also travel to Happy Camp, it will primarily serve the downriver communities.


Florrine Super moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve the position description.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The second action item she has is Agreement 10-A-029 between the Karuk Tribe and Happy Camp High School to provide student groups in that school.  Erin reviewed the document and issued a number.


Florrine Super moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Agreement 10-A-029 with Happy Camp High School.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She has two additional items that were not included in the packet.  The first is Contract 10-C-043 with Gary Bess and Associates in the amount of $18,000 to provide evaluation services in connection with the Karuk Tribe’s Circles of Care Grant/Project.  She had hoped to be able to introduce them to the Council this evening.  She states they are slightly behind on this project and she hopes that they can get back on track quickly.


Florence Conrad moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Contract 10-C-043 with Gary Bess and Associates.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The other Contract she is requesting assistance on is to provide legal consultation for legal assistance and education project.  Contract 10-C-042 has been assigned to Stephanie Dolan at the rate of $4,000 per month, not to exceed $24,000 plus travel expenses.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Contract 10-C-042.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve April’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18)  Jim Berry, KCDC

He was present to review the written report, he has no action items.


Audit work has been their primary focus during the past month.  On March 6, Sue Burcell, will be presenting one of her training series at the Computer Center which will be on developing a business plan.


He thanked Dion for coordinating the Workforce Development Meeting this week; they have scheduled a follow up meeting for May.  They now have Workforce Development Specialists in all three communities now.


Scott Nelson has been hired for Yreka through the ANA Grant and is present this evening to be introduced to the Tribal Council.  He states he is still familiarizing himself with staff.  He states he had an individual who came in today to inquire about fire-fighting but was expressing hesitancy to continue in that field since he is in his late 30’s, he has since talked to the person more about getting their GED and getting out of that field so that they could move forward with a career and education in another field.  That is what he hopes to do for the community.  He is based in the Computer Center in the Yreka building.  He currently has a class going for Senior Citizens to learn how to use the equipment and computers.  His main focus in the beginning is to spread the word that he is here and wants to help those who are interested.


Jim states they are working coordinating some fire fighting training for new and returning staff.  They are also working on coordinating a Job Fair in Happy Camp.  Their target group for the ANA grant is fire fighting and fuels reduction workers so that is their primary focus; they may have them in Yreka and Orleans as well.  Roy and Alvis suggest that he talks to the Unions also for the job fairs.


Verna Reece moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jim’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


19)  Fred Burcell, Maintenance

Written only, not present, no action items.


Roy Arwood moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Fred’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20)  TJ Day, Maintenance

No report, not present.


21)  Sara Spence, Human Resources

She was present to review her written report.


She requested approval of Contract 10-C-046 with SkillPath Seminars for $6,000 to do an on-site Supervisor’s Training in May.


Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Contract 10-C-046 with SkillPath Seminars.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Verna Reece moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Sara’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



22)  Requests

None at this time.


23)  Phone Votes

a)      Request approval for Florrine Super to travel to Sacramento CA., February 22, 2010. Passed.

b)      Request approval of the Yreka Basket Class Leader position description. Passed.

c)      Request approval to provide a loan to Tribal Member #2724 in the amount of $832.00 with payments of $70.56 per pay period. Passed.

d)      Request approval to close all tribal offices in observation of the passing of a full blooded tribal member. Passed.

e)      Request approval of a support letter to the National Indian Health Board for creation of a regional resource center. Passed.

f)       Request approval of out of state travel for Tamara Barnett to Anchorage AK February 18-19, 2010. Passed.

g)      Request approval to pay $233.00 power bill for #7888. Passed.

h)      Request approval of (A-1) to contract 09-C-046 between the Karuk Tribe and Schlumpberger Consulting Engineers, Inc. for $1,430.00. Passed.


24)  Informational

None at this time.


25)  Committee Reports

The NCIDC Meeting Minutes were included in the packet.


Closed Session from 8:01pm to 9:50pm


Florence Conrad moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 10-R-020 enrolling eight Tribal Members into the Tribe.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Florrine Super and Leeon Hillman).


Florrine Super moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve writing off the remainder of the balance on Tribal Member #2724’s debt in the amount of $532.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Verna Reece).


Roy Arwood moved and Verna Reece seconded to approve a loan to Tribal Member #1358 in the amount of $2,000 without a co-signer.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


The request from Tribal Member #2734 was tabled to the Health Board Meeting next week.


There will not be a quorum for the Health Board Meeting on March 9; they will cancel the Planning Meeting on March 4 and hold the Health Board Meeting that afternoon instead beginning at 3pm.


Florrine Super excused herself.


Directive:  For the Self Governance Coordinator to contact Tribal Member #4084 to discuss his concerns.


Florrine Super returned to the meeting.


The request from Tribal Member #3539 was tabled to the Health Board Meeting next week.


Roy Arwood moved and Florence Conrad seconded to provide a copy of the Tribe’s Title IV-E Program Plan to the Washoe Tribe.


Florence Conrad moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve revising the Personnel Policy for power and water outages to be two (2) hours each.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve the purchase of computer equipment in the amount of $7,848.34 from Zones, Inc. for 8 desktop computers, 12 monitors, and 5 battery backups for several different departments from their funding codes.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Reminder:  Council Members need to request Council approval of all travel for audit purposes and report back to the remainder of the Council regarding information gathering at meetings.


Alvis Johnson moved and Sonny Davis seconded to authorize Florence Conrad and Florrine Super to both attend the TANF Staff Meeting on March 5 in Orleans.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Florrine Super and Florence Conrad).


Roy Arwood moved and Verna Reece seconded to approve Resolution 10-R-021 authorizing the appointment of David Tripp to the Board of Trustees of the University of Indigenous Nations.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florrine Super moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve covering expenses for dumpsters, porta potties, and potable water for Karuk Ceremonies for the 2009 season from discretionary.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Next Meeting Date:  March 25, 2010 at 5pm in Happy Camp.


Meeting adjourned at 9:55pm.


Submitted by,




Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Sara Spence