Health Board Meeting – Karuk Tribe
August 13, 2009 – Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 3 PM by Arch Super,
Arch Super, Chairman
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
(late- 3:43)
Florence Conrad, Member
Alvis “Bud” Johnson, Member
Wilverna “Verna” Reece,
Charron “Sonny” Davis, Member
Roy Arwood, Member
Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
The Health
Bud Johnson motioned and
Sonny Davis seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Minutes of July 9, 2009:
Verna Reece motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to approve the minutes of July 9, 2009, 5 haa, 0 puuhara,
0 pupitihara.
Old Business:
None at this time.
1.) AAAHC Surveyors:
Karen Daniels is present to
introduce Dr. Bridwell and Dr. Ericson who are both onsite to conduct the
Health Program’s AAAHC accreditation. The doctors both spoke on how impressed
they have been with the Karuk Tribe’s healthcare system while they have been
surveying the clinics. They visited both the Yreka and Happy Camp sites. The
staff has been accommodating and they have found that the Tribe is very
resourceful. They did find some areas where they may offer suggestions for
improvement but have not found any serious deficiencies. They did note that on
a personal level, they would have no problem in using the KTHHS program for
Directors Reports:
1.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director:
Daniel is present to review
his written report with the Board. He reviewed the current caseload and meeting
he and Alphonso have attended within the last month. He updated the Board on
staffing coverage for duties related to the TANF program, concluding that Pam
Risling will be performing parenting classes for each area; Clarence will take
TANF’s AOD portion of cases which will include all assessments and treatment
plans. Most revisions to staffing were done to allow a flow of client care and
coverage based on the recent layoffs of the Social Service staff.
Daniel provided State and
Federal updates. He announced that the Federal quarterly reports are being
filed and as of today are up to date. He and Alphonso attended the Tribal/State
TANF quarterly meeting and the tribal caucus meeting was informational. He
learned that if CALWORKS were to be cut by Governor Schwarzenegger they this
would have a tremendous increase in TANF service needs and potentially a
decrease in MOE dollars. He and Alphonso continue to monitor the State budget
to ensure that the TANF program is well informed of any budget cuts or
additional services needed by others in the communities within
To date the Tribe still has
not received the signed MOU with
Verna Reece motioned and
Florence Conrad seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2.) Mike Edwards, Behavioral Health Director:
Mike is present to review his
written report with the Board. There has been a tentative training set up for
September 21, 2009 regarding Title IVE so he believes that the agreement is
close to being initiated. He will keep the Council informed of the developments
regarding this as they come up.
Today he will be
participating in an OIG audit where they will be reviewing behavioral health.
He has one action item. He
would like to have a contract with Toby Reuze approved. The contract will be
for $200 which will cover bringing Toby back to train Tanya on some DUI
instructor duties. Tanya has taken on the program due to budget cuts and she
will need to be familiar with the requirements of the program.
Roy Arwood motioned and
Verna Reece seconded to approve contract 09-C-073 between the Karuk Tribe and
Toby Reuze, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Mike’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Bud Johnson motioned and
Sonny Davis seconded to approve Chad’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4.) Lessie Aubrey, EDHHS:
No written report provided,
not present.
5.) Karen Daniels, DQMCH:
Karen is not present but her
written report was provided for the Board to review. She did stop in briefly to
introduce the AAAHC surveyors and ask for closed session but will not be
staying for the entire meeting due to scheduling conflicts.
Verna Reece motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to approve Karen’s written report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Guests, Non-Health:
1.) Ruth Rouvier, Language Program:
Not present.
2.) Dion Wood, TERO Director:
Dion is present tonight to
seek out of state travel approval for himself and Laura Olivas for technical assistance
training in
Florence Conrad motioned
and Sonny Davis seconded to approve out of state travel for Laura Olivas and
Dion Wood to St. Louis Missouri September 15-16, 2009, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Leeon Hillman arrived at 3:43 PM.
There was some wood that was
cut down in the
Closed Session:
Verna Reece motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to change CHS policy and level of care I to discontinue payment
for air ambulance services effective immediately, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
pupitihara. Leeon would like to review this in October to ensure that this may
be budgeted in accordance to the report of receiving only 4 requests for
service in the last ten years.
Roy Arwood motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to uphold CHS denial and pay $750.18 for CHS Case #207 for
Tribal Member #391 from Third Party, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Consensus: for Arch Super to discuss information provided by employee # 7375 with
employee # 4078 and provide this information back to the Council via phone vote
for final resolution.
Consensus: to table request from employee # 5138 to Thursday’s Planning Meeting.
Arch Super will speak with the CFO regarding the discussion and provide that
information back to the Council.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Leeon Hillman seconded to uphold the Election Committee decision in
accordance with the approved Election Ordinance, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Informational: employee # 1988 was present to seek instruction on the
direction that Council would like to move regarding proposals that will be
drafted. He is working on three different proposals that will include different
parameters but would prefer that the Council chose their direction and he will
spend his efforts toward that goal. The Council provided input and will review
the proposal at their Thursday Planning Meeting.
Consensus: for employee # 1988 to work on clarifying the lack of a response
regarding report that was submitted seven months ago.
Roy Arwood motioned and
Bud Johnson seconded to approve the 2009 Health & Human services patient
handbook, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Bud Johnson seconded to approve contract 09-C-074 between the Karuk Tribe
and Kathleen Davis, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Sonny
Arch Super excused himself from the meeting. Leeon
Hillman assumed Chairperson.
Consensus: for Supervisor to be advised of complaints regarding employee # 5914.
Consensus: for the DQMCH to be notified of the work that was done to prepare for
the AAAHC survey and disappointment in the organization for not traveling to
survey the facility.
Florence Conrad motioned
Sonny Davis seconded to provide a dumpster for the Somes Bar site, 5 haa, 0
puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: for employee #2267 to draft a letter, notifying resident of the Somes
Bar site to clean up after livestock.
Consensus: to discuss rental fees for Somes Bar site at a later time.
Consensus: to table MOU as presented by KTHA to the Thursday Planning Meeting.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Sonny Davis seconded to adjourn meeting at 5:48 PM, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Arch Super, Chairman
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Recording Secretary, Barbara