Health Board Meeting

October 8, 2009 – Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order by Arch Super, Chairman at 2:59 PM.



Arch Super, Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer (late 3:30 PM)

Florence Conrad, Member at Large

Roy Arwood, Member at Large

Sonny Davis, Member at Large

Verna Reece, Member at Large

Bud Johnson, Member at Large



Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman/excused


The Health Mission Statement was read aloud by Florence Conrad, Member at Large.



Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Minutes of September 9, 2009:

Verna Reece motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the minutes with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



1.) Dr. Bardonner, Dental Director:

Dr. Bardonner stood up and introduced Dr. Richard Chass that applied for a position in the Yreka clinic. Lessie and Dr. Bardonner discussed that the Council wanted to meet and talk to him so he then turned the podium over to Dr. Chass. He introduced himself explained that he was the dental director in the Susanville Indian Rancheria. He preferred not to be a dental director and just provide services. He is looking forward to living in Yreka and he and his family can make their home in Yreka.  He is excited to provide the best dental care that is possible for the clients of Yreka.

Dr. Bardonner explained that he received a call from Mt. Shasta to discuss what requirements would be needed to provide services to children. It appears that there is some services going to be offered for children in Mt. Shasta and they may even have the providers from Yreka credentialed to provide services at the site in Mt. Shasta. This is exciting news.


2.) Dr. Goodwin, Yreka Physician:

Dr. Goodwin introduced himself to the audience and the Tribal Council. He attended the meeting to introduce himself and it is his understanding that there has been a lack of representation from the Yreka facility from time to time and he is hoping to change that a little. He has been working in the Yreka facility since July and he is happy to announce that things have been moving along very nicely. Today, there was the new class of diabetic education and it was fun to see all the clients and provide education to culturally better health. Otherwise, the staff has been working on systems and getting things to work more smoothly. Arch noted that the Tribal Council was interested in having different staff attend the meetings and there is a lot of staff that the Council hasn’t met so Arch is hoping to have one or two staff attends with him when he comes or have some member of the staff attend.


The Council introduces themselves to the providers.


3.) April Attebury / Florrine Super, Tribal Court:

April explained her grants that she administers and then provided handouts of information on the Circles of Care program. She mainly works with youth and her vision is to develop a community of tribal youth and court systems. Some youth have already produced some digital story telling and musical video productions and SAMSHA has been encouraging the youth to develop a MySpace or Facebook account. April and Florrine would like to work out a way to make the websites accessible. Florrine also noted that the best way to get a hold of the youth, by their recommendation is a more technical option of communication. April has concerns over the grant requirements of the web development and open communication via avenues that the youth are needing and not meeting that deliverable. Arch explained that this discussion will take place with the Youth Council, IT and the Tribal Council. A meeting will be set to discuss possibilities of accessing MySpace or Facebook.


Old Business: None at this time.


Director Reports:

1.) Mike Edwards, Behavioral Health Director:

Mike is present to review his written report. He provided an overview of the IVE program. The State is ready to implement the program but the staff is still not prepared for the implementation or the billing. Once he is prepared he will attend a planning session to seek formal Council approval.

Mike reviewed the quality improvement project on patient cancellations. Arch asked if the patient calls to cancel then the staff will begin to ask why the patients are choosing to cancel the appointment. On Tracie’s report there are fifteen people waiting to be seen and this is very common with all the mental health providers and the general wait time is six weeks out. The Social Services program continues to meet with the TANF program to address meeting the client’s needs that services both programs.

The Yreka facility budgeted a transporter position for the Yreka area half-time due to the high amount of need for service in that community.


Florence Conrad motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Mike’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.) Daniel Pratt, TANF Director:

Daniel is present to review his written report. He provided a new organizational chart and he also sought approval to pay the Youth Leadership Conference approximately $2,200 toward the upcoming Youth Conference.

Daniel presented a plaque to the Council of thanks for their contribution of sponsorship toward domestic abuse training. He then went on to explain that any of the Council is invited to attend the healing families in Indian Country conference April 6-7, 2009 at Blue Lake Casino.


Leeon Hillman arrived at 3:30 PM


Daniel explained that there is a lot of communication with staff and via email they remain in touch, but in the absence of majority of the staff then there is an identified staff member available to take calls.


Things are going well with the Happy Camp site. He has met with Laura on the administrative costs and they have developed ways to identify what is being spent in each line item.


The Federal update has no change but he received the notification of funding.

Then he reviewed the totals spent on cash-aid and other expenditures.


For the State update he received notice of acceptance of the IOU’s that the State issued and then Daniel inquired if Laura received the funding yet. Laura explained that the IOU’s had been sent in and she was awaiting word on the reimbursement.  


The County update is that previously there were several revisions with the Siskiyou County MOU and he was waiting to hear back from County Counsel regarding their recommendations if any. Daniel explained that the County explained to him that they had not received official notice that there was a TANF program in operation and was awaiting that notification prior to signing a MOU regarding those clients. Daniel contacted the Federal representative to provide a copy the award letter of the Karuk Tribe’s TANF funding and have them forward it to Siskiyou County. ACF has notified Siskiyou County that everything is sufficient and Daniel as well, so he is certain that Siskiyou County will now sign the MOU.


Verna Reece motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve the revised organizational chart, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 3 pupitihara (Bud Johnson, Roy Arwood, Leeon Hillman).


Florence Conrad and Bud Johnson seconded to approve paying $2,540 from TANF funding to be used toward the Tribal Youth Conference, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Florrine Super).


Florence Conrad motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve Daniel’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Chad Tiraterra, RPMS Site Manager:

Chad is present to review his written report with the Council. There were updates to the numbers of assistance provided but that was informational.


Sonny Davis motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Chad’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Eric Cutright, IT Director:

Eric has one action item in addition to his written report. He has procurement for software related to dictation. The software will be for Judy Blind and Tracie Lima.


Florence Conrad motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve procurement and allow the purchase of dictation software for Judy Blind, Tracie Lima and Fabian Alvarado, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Eric noted that his report had an error in it noting that the construction to the Data Center and the demolition was out to bid and will start this month. Eric explained that the actual construction is out to bid.

There is currently a cell phone upgrade and he will begin to upgrade cell phones at the new cell phone rate.


Leeon Hillman motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Eric’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5.) Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:

Vickie is present to review her written report. She has been busy doing dental data entry and completing an analysis of patient visits comparing them to walk-in and scheduled visits. Yreka is getting bombarded with Non Native American patients and walk-in patients. Vickie explained that there have been no recommendations to date on having Native Americans paying for dental labs. Until she receives feedback from the fiscal department she will not implement any changes. Vickie is currently restricting having re-produced services but she will create a policy regarding this once she has time.

They are receiving some information on medical billing. Diana Poeschel made some pone calls to clarify that the staff can bill for some things and do some back billing with MediCal so this was great news and the staff have been notified to review bills to determine what is allowable.


Verna Reece motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve Vickie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6.) Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:

Lessie presented a Telemedicine agreement that is required with Northern Sierra Health Network.


Verna Reece motioned Florence Conrad  seconded to approve agreement 10-A-001 between the Rural Health Network and the Karuk Tribe, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Lessie then presented a notice of federal interest. The HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care requires that a letter be signed by the Chairman stating that if the Yreka clinic building was ever to be sold the grant funding would be returned. The Council agrees that this is general practice for some grant funded facilities and will approve Arch to sign the document and have it recorded at the recorders office in Siskiyou County.  

Lessie provided an overview of her entire report to the Board. Lessie is seeking approval to allow the Tribal Representative, as selected by the Tribal Council, to attend to make voting decisions of the Council in the meetings where Tribe’s are asked to vote. Laura does not recommend the Council approving this action but rather have the staff bring the suggestion or the conversations to the Council prior to leaving for the trip then they can discuss it and send the Council member to make what the Council has decided on. Lessie recommends developing a form to sign prior to the Council member leaving providing the representative authorization. The Council does not feel comfortable with this and explained that the staff and representative can meet with the Council for a recommendation or have a phone vote done. The Council will not allow one representative to speak for the entire Council.
Lessie went on to review the information she obtained from IHS concluding that she is closely reviewing and gathering information regarding the federal government and paying 100% plus 3% administrative costs to administer of optional benefits to the Native Americans. New Medicaid rules have been implemented including State wideness and Comparability.

Apparently, there was information received that the Karuk Tribe did not submit a HRSA grant and this caused the staff to scramble to ensure that the Tribe’s application was in by the deadline which was 10 days from the date that it was due. Lessie determined that by no fault of the staffs the application notice was not clearly posted and she confirmed this by email from a HRSA representative. Lessie returned from travel and immediately contacted Hester and Trista attempting to get the deadline clarified and directions on ensuring that it would be submitted. Hester had to scramble to get an extension and once the extension was granted the staff continued to work diligently on the application including several evening hours to ensure it was submitted on time. Lessie is still unsure of who was notified that the HRSA grant applications were due but it was very hectic to complete the application and requirements on such short notice.

She then reviewed EAPC and HRSA and the sliding fee scale for the Karuk Tribal Health Program. Lessie confirmed that there was reduced medication that was provided by the sliding fee scale. This only benefits the patients and clients of the health program.


Leeon Hillman motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve the DHHS agreement, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Roy has received information from CRIHB on the actions of the organization. He will forward that information regarding CRIHB to Lessie for her review.


Bud Johnson motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7.) Karen Daniels, DQMCH:

Karen is present to review her report with the Board.

Karen announced that with recruitment and the finalizing of selection she is pleased to announce that Fabian Alvarado was selected to work at the Orleans clinic. He is young and new but he is excited to be working in Orleans and the staff is excited to have him on board.

Karen has been attending several travel and training requirements to get up to speed on her position. She has been attending quality improvement training, EHR training and Head Start training. She has been effectively using this training to services other programs of the Tribe. She completed Head Start hearing screenings and learned the EHR issues relating to other clinics.


Florence Conrad motioned and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Karen’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Guests: Non Health Employees:
1.) Ruth Rouvier, Language Program:

Ruth has one action item; contract 10-C-002 between AICLS for $4,956 that she is seeking Council approval for. This will be to conduct training for the Master-Apprentice documentation project to be held November 7-8, 2009.


Florence Conrad motioned and Sonny Davis seconded to approve contract 10-C-002 between AICLS and the Karuk Tribe, 7 haa, 0 puuhara 0 pupitihara.


2.) Barbara Snider, Executive Assistant:

Barbara presented CHS Policies for approval as Anna Myers, CHS Supervisor, was unavailable. Barbara explained that there will be several more CHS policies brought by Anna but to begin this fiscal year, CHS and other health staff have reviewed three policies that will need to be in place right away.

She first presented policy 10-105-019 “Approved Levels of Care” for approval. The staff made several revisions to this policy including removing a former cap on travel due to that decision not being allowable. They removed physical therapy and will only be allowing one service for a patient to receive in home training to complete a program independently. Mental health, chiropractor and acupuncture services were restricted as well.


Florence motioned and Verna seconded to approve policy 10-105-019, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She then went on to seek approval of policy 10-105-018 “Levels of Care” noting that CHS program must adhere to policy that they will review levels of care and how that information will be distributed after approved.


Leeon Hillman motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve policy 10-105-018, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Barbara then presented policy 10-105-014 “Indian Eligibility” announcing that there are no changes or revisions to this policy as it is concurrent with the Federal Register on what documentation is needed in order to verify if a person is Native American and how that is reflected in the CHS system.


Florence Conrad motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve policy 10-105-014, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Closed Session:

Florence Conrad motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 09-R-142, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Verna Reece).


Florence Conrad motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to approve resolution 09-R-143, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (3,576 now enrolled). 


Roy Arwood motioned and Verna Reece seconded to approve agreement 10-A-002 between the Karuk Tribe and AmeriGas, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Informational: Verna Reece inquired about staff or others following 139 The Council has not reviewed this information to date but will look for the information that was sent out.


Roy Arwood motioned and Florence Conrad seconded to approve one $100 gift certificate from Council Discretionary for the CRIHB Conference, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence motioned and Bud Johnson seconded to uphold the CHS denial and pay $500 toward CHS Case #208 Tribal Member # 601 from third party, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: to send CHS Case #209 back to the EDHHS to review options of payment from health program grants.


Consensus: to send CHS Case #210 back to the CHS Supervisor to attempt negotiations to reduce the amount requested.


Roy motioned and Florrine seconded to adjourn meeting at 5:27 PM, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Next meeting date: November 5, 2009



Respectfully Submitted,



Arch Super, Chairman

Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider