Karuk Tribe
Council Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 3:02 pm by Arch
Super, Chairman.
Roll Call
Arch Super, Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer,
late 5:25pm, excused
Roy Arwood, Member
Florence Conrad, Member, late
3:31pm, excused
Alvis Johnson, Member
Sonny Davis, Member
Verna Reece, Member
Quorum is established.
The mission statement was read aloud by Florrine
Super, Secretary.
Approval of the Agenda for August 27, 2009
Florrine Super moved and
Verna Reece seconded to approve the Agenda for August 27, 2009. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1) Approval of
the Minutes for July 23, 2009
2) Old Business
None at this time.
3) Moore &
Sandi was present to
introduce Jim Moore, a consultant who is working with the Transportation
Program on development of a Transit Study to address the transportation needs
between Yreka and Weitchpec to add transportation below Happy Camp where the
STAGE stops and extend service to Weitchpec where KTNET service to Willow Creek
He introduced himself and his
firm and the work they have done. He
went over the goals of the study and how he feels that it can help the
communities the Tribe serves. They have
held community meetings and conducted surveys of residents to gather
information as well as met with local agencies and staff. He states there will not be any further
public meetings, but there may be additional surveys.
4) Eric
Eric was present to request
approval of a revision to procurement to purchase a generator. The cost will be an additional $220 due to
the fact that the freight vendor cannot deliver the unit by Monday which is
necessary because that is the last day of the grant and it must be received by
that day.
Roy Arwood moved and Sonny
He also requested approval of
procurement and an agreement to increase the internet speeds that serve the
offices. It will give them increase
speed through AT&T rather than having the service through IHS. The cost would be $3,446.95 per month for
three years. It will replace the
existing lines currently provided through IHS from Verizon. The new lines will be twice the speed for
only an increase of 25% to the cost.
Initially the cost was funded 100% from Health but now other departments
access the system they will share a portion of the cost. Agreement 09-A-034 has been assigned. This was the lowest bidder by far for this
Roy Arwood moved and Verna
Reece seconded to approve Agreement 09-A-034.
5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
5) Earl Crosby
Earl states he has several
action items this evening.
The first is Resolution
09-R-126 to apply for $195,000 to USFWS-TWG for decommissioning in the
Bluff/Camp Creek Habitat Restoration-Road Decommissioning Implementation.
Roy Arwood moved and Sonny
He presented Resolution
09-R-119 to the Bureau of Reclamation for the 2010AFA in the amount of $320,770
which is the annual funding for the Fisheries and Water Quality programs.
He distributed Contract
09-C-079 to work with Lozeau/Drury LLP from June 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010 for
$8,000 of Panta Rhea funding to write, file, and pursue a complaint in
California Superior Court on behalf of the Karuk Tribe against the California
State Water Board regarding water quality issues.
Alvis Johnson moved and
6) Scott Quinn
Scott was not present as he
is on travel.
Sandi was present to address
the Council regarding an action item in the Tribal Council report for the
surveying of the Tebbe property. They
are continuing to work on that but it is not ready for approval at this
time. The cost is expected to be between
She states the Anavkaam
Parking facility for Happy Camp is moving forward. They now have the 100% plans for the project
and they have been forwarded to the BIA for review, although that is not
required, because this is their first project they have sent them through for
review. They will have the project
completed by mid-July.
Verna asked about repairs to
the road in Housing, Sandi states they will be taking the less invasive option
to put in some trenches that will fix the road for about 5-10 years rather than
digging out and replacing the entire road.
Sonny states that there are
dollars available to the Tribes right now.
Sandi states they have received about $400,000 of those ARRA dollars and
will apply for more when it gets re-distributed from Tribes who did not
complete their projects.
Florrine Super moved and
Roy Arwood seconded to approve Sandi’s report.
6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
7) Ruth Rouvier
Ruth is not present, she is
Florrine Super moved and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Ruth’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
8) Robert
Robert was present to review
his written report which was distributed to the Council.
He has one action item which
is Resolution 09-R-118 to submit the FY2010 LIHEAP Application to the
Department of Health & Human Services.
This funds the energy assistance portion of his program. The grant amount is awarded based on the
membership and households served through the program.
He states he has gotten all
caught up on his office tasks since he has been out for ceremonies; he greatly
appreciates the opportunity to be excused from the office for participation.
Verna Reece moved and Roy
Arwood seconded to approve Robert’s report.
6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
9) Dion Wood
He is not present this
evening, he is picking up family for the activities on Saturday. He has no action items.
Florrine asked about the
Language Program’s Oral History Project and the $2,500 contribution from TERO
and if that is for the Karuk Tribe’s program.
Florrine Super moved and
10) Sami
Ann Escobar is present if
they have any questions; otherwise the written report is included.
They had Ann review the
activities outlined in the report and activities KTHA has been working on
including home grants, land/facilities acquisitions, Yreka apartment HVAC
units, exterior painting in
Miscellaneous projects
include the Renewable Energy Project, the IHBG formula allocation, the NAHASDA
Competitive ARRA funds, and Student Rent assistance.
Verna Reece moved and
11) Erin
She thanked them for allowing
her to travel to Hoopa on August 16 to present an award to Brooke Grant, Miss
Indian World 2009, on behalf of the Karuk Tribe. She states it was very nice to attend that
and let her know her Tribe supports her efforts and accomplishments.
She states they have
scheduled the review of the items at the
She states they received
$40,000 from the Blue Shield Foundation.
They continue to recruit for the Education Program Coordinator position,
Pihneftuuf Elston has been filling in that office part time.
She has completed the Request
for Qualifications to provide the Environmental Services for the HUD ICDBG and
HC Clinic Projects. If they do all of
the advertising and posting ahead of time, pending the grant award, it will put
them about 3 months ahead of schedule when the award letters come through and
it does not cost them anything.
Jaclyn Goodwin has been hired
in the Grant Writing Department; she is currently working Mondays and Tuesdays.
She presented two contracts
for the Language Program to provide Videography Trainer and Technology Mentor for
the Oral History Project they received funding for. The amount is $4,420 with Mark Oliver and
Contract 09-C-081 has been assigned.
Florrine Super moved and Roy
Arwood seconded to approve Contract 09-C-081.
5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (
The second is Contract
09-C-080 with Jeanne Burrer in the amount of $2,400 to work as a Humanities
Advisor and Project Lead for the Oral History Project. She was named in the proposal to provide the
services outlined in the Scope of Work.
Florrine Super moved and
Roy Arwood seconded to approve Contract 09-C-080. 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Alvis Johnson
and Sonny Davis).
She would like permission to
contact Stephanie Dolan regarding some questions they have on the limited
waiver of sovereign immunity clause included in the PacifiCorp Agreement. They are not comfortable signing off until
they know the language will not cause them problems down the road.
Verna Reece moved and
12) Rick Hill
Rick is present to review the
report for the Grants Department.
He distributed Resolution
09-R-125 to the McConnell Fund of the Siskiyou Leadership, Shasta Regional
Community Fund in the amount of $9999.01 to fund the purchase of computer
equipment for the
Rick reviewed the written
report and proposals their department has been working on. Lately they have focused on the ICDBG Grant
for a third wing in Happy Camp and the Facility Improvement Program grant
through HRSA for a
Roy Arwood moved and Florrine
Super seconded to approve Resolution 09-R-125.
6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
13) Laura
Laura states the 7/8 Grade Class
had a Bingo in March for which they purchased materials in advance. They did not invoice them and now have found
that they took their trip and no longer have the funds. The amount is $55.73 due; the request is for
the Tribe to forgive the amount. The
Council suggests that the kids wash some cars and work it off since they
benefited from the supplies and held the Bingo.
Consensus: To require the kids to wash some cars to
cover the Bingo costs that were not paid.
Her second item is regarding
a travel reimbursement request, she will stay for closed session if they
wish. They would like her to stay.
She is working on the FY2010
Budgets and this year’s work will include the new TANF program there are many
Administrative caps for the programs that will need to be evaluated for the
program and she has requested a meeting with Daniel Pratt to go over this
before she meets with the Council.
She said before she left
today there was a partial payment of $19,000 received from the state which may
be 10% of the SIH program funding. She
does not now what it is but is hoping that is what the funds may be.
She states they need to
continue to think about their CRIHB Membership fees and the Darrell Hostler
Fund contribution because they will likely have to make a decision in the next
She is working on the
Indirect Cost Proposal for FY2010. She
is projecting the rate will be closer to 65.46% which is slightly lower which
is helpful for the programs.
She states there is an issue
in the Gift Shop that needs to be monitored and explored because the inventory
items for the non-tobacco items do not come out to have a positive margin, they
are either selling the items for too low of a price or there are theft issues,
they need to monitor that more closely.
Verna thinks that if they can get someone in there that can truly
oversee the shop; it should help them get that under control.
Byron suggests contacting
someone who knows how to do online sales so they can get it up and running. They will discuss this further at a later
Verna Reece moved and
14) Robert
Written report only, not
present, no action items.
Florrine Super moved and
15) April
April was present to
distribute and review her written report.
She will table her action
item until a later date since she does not have all of the information she
needs. It will be a request for grant
funds from a different program within the same agency than they originally
applied for, which is a simple letter change which she is requesting this
She will have to make further
changes for the Coalition funding and is not prepared to have that approved
this evening. She will present that at a
later date.
April states that Suzie Cost
graduated from the CASA Volunteer Program.
She took this opportunity to congratulate her and present her with two
tickets to attend a Gala to congratulate her on this accomplishment. She did this 100% on her own initiative and at
her own expense.
She reviewed the remaining
information in her written report.
She states that the Circles
of Care Program recently attended a meeting in
The Youth Leadership
Conference is scheduled for October 23-24, 2009 in Yreka at an unconfirmed
location. There will be a ½ day
conference on Friday this time regarding Teen Pregnancy Prevention and
Education along with the full day conference on Saturday.
Arch suggested that the Youth
have a mock Council Meeting and the adults can come and be the audience and see
them in action and ask questions.
Florrine Super moved and
Roy Arwood seconded to approve April’s report.
6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
16) Jim Berry
Budget report only, no action
items. He did not prepare an additional
report since they had a Joint Meeting last week. He has emailed the presentation to them all
if they did not make it.
Arch requested that he attend
a Fire Safe Council Meeting at the COS Campus.
He states many different groups attended the meeting to discuss
cogeneration plants and possible opportunities.
The City of
Verna Reece moved and
17) Fred
Written report only, not
present, no action items.
18) TJ Day
Written report only, not
present, no action items.
Alvis Johnson moved and Sonny
19) Sara Spence
Written report only, no
action items.
Verna Reece moved and
20) Requests
None at this time.
21) Phone Votes
Request of procurement
and allow the purchase of native grass seed in the amount of $12,150.00.
Request approval
of contract 09-C-075 between the Karuk Tribe and Walt Morton. Passed.
Request approval
of procurement and allow the purchase of a generator for the Admin complex in
the amount of $39,870.00. Passed.
Request approval
for employee #2760 to remain on project. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-117 authorizing grant submission to USFW in the amount of
$15,000. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-116 authorizing ICW intervention. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-115 authorizing ICW intervention. Passed.
Request approval
for out of state travel to
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-110 authorizing grant submission to HRSA for $4,910,343.35.
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-114 authorizing grant submission to CalEMA in the amount of
$125,000. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-112 to USFW in the amount of $15,239. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 09-R-113 authorizing grant submission to USFW in the amount of
$16,705. Passed.
Request approval
to loan Tribal Member #672 $428 with $50 monthly payments and provide $428
assistance from Third Party. Passed.
Request approval
for out of state travel for
Request approval
to pay AAAHC $12,735.00 for survey fee. Passed.
Request approval
to pay employee #7094 for training. Denied.
Informational Items
None at this time.
23) Committee
The NCIDC Meeting minutes
were included for their information.
Closed Session from 5:16pm to 7:55pm.
Consensus: Ann will schedule a meeting with the Yreka Elders
to compile a list of concerns and bring that information back to the Tribal
Leeon Hillman arrived at 5:25pm.
Roy Arwood excused himself from the meeting.
Consensus: To refer the request from Tribal Member #1639
back to the KTHA Committee for consideration.
Consensus: For Tribal Member #1445 to work with KTHA and
the Elder’s Program to potentially identify more suitable housing through the
Section 8 Voucher program.
Consensus: To defer the request from Tribal Member #712
as they were no longer present at the meeting.
Consensus: To uphold the KTHA eviction of Tribal Member
Consensus: To confirm that Tribal Member #1329 is making
the request and consider it further at the Thursday meeting.
Consensus: To table the request for a Contract to the
Thursday meeting.
Meetings scheduled for
Thursday, September 10, 2009 prior to the Health Board Meeting to discuss
personnel issues regarding Employee #5138.
Consensus: Council Member #4765 will meet with the
Consensus: To meet with Scott Quinn and Sami Difuntorum
at the next Planning Meeting to discuss
Next Meeting Date:
September 24, 2009 at 5pm in
Happy Camp.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.
Submitted by,
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Sara Spence