Karuk Tribe of
February 14, 2008 - Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 3:11 PM, by Arch Super,
Arch Super, Chairman
Alvis Johnson, Member at
Roy Arwood, Member at Large
Sonny Davis, Member at Large
Robert Goodwin, Member at
Large (3:14 PM)
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
(3:30 PM)
Florrine Super, Secretary
The mission statement was read aloud by Arch Super
Florence Conrad motioned
and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 5 haa, 0
puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes from January 10, 2008:
1.) Rick Hill, Grant Writer:
Rick is present tonight to
seek approval of a proposal that he has drafted. The resolution is 08-R-018 to
authorize submission to the stewardship council for a youth program. It would
be for an outdoor camping activities including after school activities.
Roy Arwood motioned and
Robert Goodwin seconded to approve resolution 08-R-018, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
2.) Kayla
Super, CASA:
Kayla distributed information
on a proposal to national CASA. Kayla explained that the program is looking to
coordinate with the Siskiyou CASA. The need from the Tribal CASA would include
collaboration with Siskiyou CASA. The funding opportunity would be to fund
Kayla’s positions. Funding Kayla’s position would be funded under Siskiyou
County CASA or discuss other options. She is informing the Tribal Council of
what is best for the fiscal year, by including Kayla under
April explained that the
option would be to work collaboratively under an operational agreement. Tribal
CASA still wants to keep the tribal component up and running, but the stats are
present to seek funding on their own, but only under collaboration with
Judge Henry believes
collaboration with
Arch questioned how this
would maintain tribal CASA. April explained that there would have to be
creativity seeking further funding through national CASA. There may be other
resources out there as well. The position would only be 50% and the tribe would
have to come up with an additional 50% for the tribal side as well.
April continues explaining
that there will be further information forth coming.
Kayla would also like to
request tribal CASA training paid for by National CASA in March 20-21, 2008 in
Florence Conrad motioned
and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve out of state travel to Denver CO for
Kayla Super March 20-21, 2008, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
3.) Earl Crosby, Interim DNR Director:
Earl presented a position
description for the Eco-Cultural Restoration Specialist position. It is a
current position that has been revised to better represent what Bill Tripp does
for the Tribe and specifically for DNR.
Earl presented vehicle
repairs for the fisheries vehicle that was fixed for a price beyond what was
quoted. Earl believes that what needs to be done is the approval internally
before work is done.
Robert Goodwin motioned
and Roy Arwood seconded to approve resolution 08-R-017, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
The position description will
be held to Wednesday for clarification on wording in duty number one.
Robert Goodwin motioned
and Roy Arwood seconded to approve travel for Harold Tripp and Bill Tripp to
Albuquerque NM March 3-7, 2008 for fire training, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Earl explained that a
fisheries vehicle was in the need of repair. When a quote was made it was
estimated at $800. Upon invoicing a verbal approval was given and the vehicle
released. Now that the invoice has arrived the actual cost is near $3200. Earl
will need to reinforce internal policy, but will now need approval to pay the
invoice as the work is done and the vehicle is back with the department. The
Council will table this request to their Wednesday meeting for final decision.
Earl then presented a request
for support of SB562 reinstating restoration funding from Fish and Game. They
are requesting that the Tribe sign in support and by consensus the Council may
note their support of the bill. Earl provided a summary of the bill, and it is
understood that it isn’t applied for that the USFS goes after the funding. The
funding assists DNR directly, as the USFS pays toward some of the work being
Consensus: for the Karuk
Tribe of
4.) Dion Wood, TERO/TANF/Childcare:
Dion reported that he just
spoke with the Regional representative and the
Director Reports:
1.) David Eisenberg, PHN:
David announced that the
maintenance crew did an excellent job in snow removal for the clinic. There
were concerns over the snow removal for patients during the heavy snow season,
but the staff did a very good job.
Mrs. Vickie Simmons is the
new GPRA coordinator in a job share part time with the former full time
position. David introduced the Elder’s workers, Michelle Charlesworth, Flo
Lopez and Melodee Brewington. David explained as a part of the Tribal Council’s
intent to be informed of the needs of the Elders in the communities he will be
bringing in the staff that works one on one with the Elders in the field.
Michelle introduced herself
to the Council and explained that she began her position in September. In her
four months she has learned a lot from the Elders, and enjoys hearing their
stories. She takes Elder’s shopping for food and clothing, social service
appointments, MediCal appointments, medical and dental appointments and other
activities that they may have. She also handles some of their business such as
clinic appointments including making them and assisting the Elders in completing
their paperwork. There are no major complaints form the Elders, but there are
some concerns regarding phone calls that aren’t being returned when they call.
Michelle has shoveled a lot of snow recently, and it isn’t too bad; the hazard
being removed is well worth it to her and the Elders. Maintenance and
landscaping along with home repairs are main concerns for the Elder’s. They
have some concerns about the younger people not respecting the Elders so
Michelle has thought of taking younger adults with her to assist her and in
that they will be exposed to their Elders and the Elders of the Tribe.
Melodee Brewington introduced
herself to the group. She does paperwork for her area a lot. She does a lot of
Social Security paperwork and healthcare paperwork. The Elder’s are concerned
mainly about their weather troubles. The snow and the ice removal is a big
problem as the Elders do not want to ask for help, but the work needs done. That
was her biggest response from Elders in her area. She does a lot of
transporting for medical appointments. She doesn’t do a lot of clients shopping,
because the Elders will coordinate their shopping with their appointment times
and those are completed along with the appointment days. Melodee noted that
sometimes she receives calls on the nights or weekends, but she is available
for her clients. She makes time for them and assists them as much as possible.
She ensures that there paperwork is followed up on and that they are receiving
services where there is availability.
Flo Lopez explained that she
has been employed by the Tribe since 1979. The overall goal for the Elders
program is to improve their system to keep Elders in their homes as long as
possible. The snow removal is a work comp issue for staff, but shopping and
keeping appointments is necessary. Flo went on to explain that all three
communities of elders used to get together and the Tribe provided one dinner /
day out time together and they could gather at this time bringing together the
three communities. Flo will present this information back at a Wednesday
meeting to seek funding from the Council for this.
Flo went on to explain that the referral forms need to be used for services.
Flo provided the release of information forms and the enrollment forms for her
program and asked that all entities of the Tribe begin using the forms because
they are necessary and assist in communicating what the Elders needs are.
Flo is doing income taxes
currently. For individuals that need tax help in
Flo asked that if the Council
hears of complaints that they provide a referral to her for her to know there
is in fact an issue. Bob agrees that as long as the elders workers do their
work, and communicate effectively then things should be on track. Communication
is working well inter-departmentally, but with someone who brings a problem
directly to the Council without going through the process then it needs handled
right away.
Patti explained that IHS provided
a package in RPMS for the Elders workers. Information on the system use in
regards to their clients needs done to bring the staff up to speed on data
collection along with reporting.
Leeon asked if the elders
workers work on contacting a physician in the event of a person needing
assistance when the facilities are closed. David believes that the clients can
go to
Michelle explained that she provides
a list of numbers to the Elder’s including everyone that they can call in case
of an emergency. The list is laminated
and near their phone always reachable to family members, the Elder directly or
emergency staff.
The Council thanked the
Elders for their hard work and being out in the field to provide assistance to
the Elders.
David did provide his written
report for the Health Board which contains his usual visit counts.
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve David’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
2.) Patti White, Database Administrator:
Patti is present to provide
her report to the Health Board. She distributed her workload report, budget
report and clinic classification reports. She also provided her training report
from her recent training.
Data entry and coding are up
to date. RPMS has no new issues other than power outages with the snow that
were impossible to prevent. All packages are loaded minus the pharmacy package
in order to move to EHR. Chris announced that the work is almost done to begin
several components.
HRS and HIPSA are still in
the discussion phases to bring the numbers up. Patti does have good news. Amy
Coapman nominated the Karuk Tribe for an OIT meeting, three six tribes total
were acknowledged and the Karuk Tribe was one of the three tribe’s that received
honorable mention for there IT advancements.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Patti’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
3.) Chris Kleeman, IT Manager:
Chris explained that he has
been working for the last month and a ½ to the phone system in
Chris needs to seek contract
approval for satellite service for EHR it would be $700 per site to install and
another $80 a month fee. If the phones go out then the satellite could be used
for emergency services. Chris would like to use an offsite location for housing
the lines. Gerry has been working on
quotes for desktop computers and he is hoping to order at the same time to
receive a discount.
Chris has been working with
Rosie with logistics to training staff at the HC center. This would minimize
down time, and assist in training the medical staff.
The HAM radios require
training and certification of staff in order to reach someone in case of an emergency.
Arch questioned the phone and
internet service for the YR building. Chris believes that hit took CalNor cable
a long time to lay line, however Gerry and Chris haven’t been able to get back
out to YR to get there and complete it. A computer needs to be out there, they
have functionality but it definitely needs improvement. Chris believes that
there was no option but to take as long due to having to work with outside
Chris believes that the new
IT Director will be employed in March. He will be coming this weekend to look
at land or home options over the weekend.
Robert Goodwin motioned
and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Chris’ report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
5.) Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:
Lessie does not have any
action items. She reviewed her written report with the Council. Lessie
explained how time consuming the HRSA information gathering was. She explained
how difficult it was. She provided her training report, and believes that it
was the best training she has attended.
Bob asked if it would be too
much to take the entire C&P file and put it on a read only zip drive for
the Council to review electronically. Dr. Burns announced that the files are
confidential, and Barbara will assist Lessie on attempting it one time, to try
it out.
She then presented them with
a copy of an article on eagles. The information was interesting that she cc’d
the Council on the article that they may read in their time.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
6.) Martha Schrock, EDHHS:
Martha reviewed her written
report with the Council. There is work on the strategic plan, and is
communicating well.
Dr. Wood has requested to
take down as Dental Director and is stepping down into interim director. There
is another dentist who seems interested and she is hopeful for the director
Martha would like to seek
permission to reimburse mileage and two nights motel stay for Dr. Bartol
(dentist) for his interview.
Robert Goodwin motioned
POV travel policy changes are
attached to her report.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the change to the KTOC travel policies,
7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Martha highlighted sections
from every report attached to her report. Mike met with Behavioral Health and
they are on board with strengthening the collaboration with the Tribe and begin
referring services to the Tribe especially with our children.
Martha distributed
information on the health plan and business plan objectives. The health board
is to perform an annual self assessment tool. She would like to have them
completed and returned. She would like to have them back by February 28, 2008.
and they can be sent to either Martha or Norlyn
Robert Goodwin motioned
and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Martha’s report, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
7.) Vickie Walden, Dental Manager:
Vickie has a request from
Arron Peters for the purchase of dental chairs for the YR clinic. She is not
sure if she can find someone to appraise them, but she is still evaluating the
option of cost. He did not provide an offer. Laura would like to either sell
them or dispose of them because keeping them in storage is not sensible. Laura
does recommend recouping costs for doing the work to donate them, so maybe the
cost of wages or transportation is needed as the price to sell the old dental
8.) Joe Snapp, Substance and Alcohol Abuse:
Joe is present to review his
written report. He provided an update on the DUI program. Barbara has been
working on it and is now drafting the fee schedule. Barbara forwarded the
electronic version and has received feedback and it working on their comments.
The Oak Knoll property
zoning. The planning department denying the zoning, he is not sure who to
appeal to. It would be the Board of Supervisors. Bob believes that to do
anything agricultural is not sensible. The property is not currently in trust
so if Barbara can draft an argument to take to the Board of Supervisors then
that would be good. Joe will talk to her about it.
The Youth Tribal program will
begin the 1st of July. Joe will talk to Fred about having his crew
put the septic system in ground at Oak Knoll. Joe will check the costs and work
with Fred on it.
Committee Reports:
None at this time.
Closed Session:
Robert Goodwin and Roy Arwood left the room.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Election Committee’s recommendation
and seat Elsa Goodwin and Daniel McNeal for four year terms on the Election
Committee 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert Goodwin and Roy Arwood returned to the meeting.
Robert Goodwin motioned
Consensus: to table CHS
case # 187 to Wednesday. Anna shall contact client to ask if a loan option is
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Robert Goodwin seconded to approve $358.95 from discretionary for the purchase
of flowers $58.95 and $300 in Wal-Mart gift card purchases to cover unallowable
purchases; However if found to be allowable with receipts then the funding
shall be moved to grant, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Roy Arwood motioned and
Sonny Davis seconded to approve authorizing the use of CalWORKs for treatment
according to Joe’s program for SH; however both client and wife shall enter
into agreement to begin treatment in substance and alcohol abuse, NA, AA,
social services, and anger management courses, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to table
request for payment of services for non-tribal member to the Wednesday planning
Consensus: for employee’s
# 1653, 5138 and 0506 to meet and review denial to support the Equest proposal.
Roy Arwood motioned and
Robert Goodwin seconded to allow the write off of un-collectable medical bills due
to age of collection process; however the list shall be maintained to provide
reference, 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence Conrad motioned
and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve credentialing and privileging, 7 haa, 0
puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to have 1976 and
9000 brainstorm ideas on care for Tribal Elders when there are no health
facilities open.
Consensus: for EDHHS to
meet with Tribal Member # SH and employee # 1017 to clarify complaint. If
unresolved then the meeting outcome shall be presented back to the Council for
their review Wednesday.
Consensus: to table
request for travel to the Wednesday meeting.
Consensus: to allow the
Health Board meetings to begin at 3 PM until further notice.
Leeon Hillman motioned and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve paying Tribal Member # 11 the stipend as
submitted for meeting attendance. It is to be clear that when Council go to
meetings or trainings they provide some high points or overview to the other
Council members as a means to keep each other in the loop of things.
Next meeting date: March 13, 2008 at 3 PM in Happy
Respectfully Submitted,
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider