Karuk Tribe of California

Council Meeting Minutes

April 24, 2008

Orleans, California


The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM by Florrine Super, Secretary.


Roll Call (2 minutes)


Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Sonny Davis, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member – 5:04 PM

Alvis Johnson, Member



Arch Super, Chairman – absent, excused

Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman – absent, excused

Florence Conrad, Member – absent, excused


Quorum is established.


Sonny Davis read the mission statement aloud for those in attendance. (2 minutes)


Approval of the Agenda for April 24, 2008 (3 minutes)


Alvis Johnson moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Agenda for April 24, 2008.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1)  Approval of the Minutes for March 27, 2008 (4 minutes)

Hester had one change to her report; the phrase “revenues of $800,000” needs to be changed to “profit of $800,000”.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the Minutes for March 27, 2008 with the change.  3 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).


2)  Old Business

None at this time.


3)  Holly Hensher (10 minutes)

Holly was present to address the Council along with Susan Corum to discuss the possibility of a childcare center being developed in Orleans as they had previously proposed to them.  They have done several different breakdowns for costs, locations (the idea is to share a facility with TANF so they have been working with Daniel on that – there is also a possibility that TANF can cover some wage costs).


Robert Goodwin arrived at 5:04 PM.


They have also spoken with Dion and he has some sources for assistance including construction and/or renovation and startup costs.


Their biggest question tonight is regarding a location; beside the Panamnik Center was suggests or Shivshaneen; they would prefer a location on Trust land to help them move forward more quickly.


There is a high probability that this program will not be self sustaining and will require support.  In mid-May the only licensed daycare program will be closing in Orleans which will impact all but two of the employees who work in Orleans.  Placing the facility near the Elder’s Center can work well to tie the children in with the Elders; it would be within walking distance to the school and Head Start, close to Tribal Housing and other programs, as well as having access to a backup generator in power outages.


Sami states the Housing Committee spoke of the slight possibility of Housing being able to pay for a portion of the costs with an IHP Amendment if it were providing services to Housing residents.  One idea that was mentioned was doing a two story facility with TANF upstairs and daycare downstairs.


They state they are not experts in this process but want to do any research and information gathering they can to allow the project to move forward as quickly as possible and get staff in place to provide daycare when the center closes next month.


Their biggest question to allow them to move forward and plan is knowing if it is possible to have the facility located on Trust property or not.  Sami states that the Tribe owns the property that is next to the Panamnik Center which is where they are most interested in locating the facility.


Florrine states they can discuss this further at their Wednesday meeting.


3a)  Irene Miranda (3 minutes)

Irene is present to address the Council and request assistance from the Tribal Council to purchase graduation gifts for the children at the Yreka Karuk Tribal Head Start.  They would like to purchase small buckets with beach toys for the kids; there are 40 children in the two classes that they would be requesting assistance for.  They are requesting any dollar amount they would be willing to contribute.


Florrine states they will take it to their Wednesday meeting for a decision and get back to her.


4)  Kayla Super (1 minute)

Not present, no report submitted.  From this point forward she will submit her report to April Attebury to include with hers and not be listed separately on the agenda since she is now only working 10 hours per week.


5)  Jim Berry (2 minutes)

A written report was included; he could not make it to the meeting tonight.  Head Start’s program review is coming up and the Council is requested to be present May 5, 2008 at 9 AM for the entrance interview.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jim’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6)  Hector Garcia (5 minutes)

Hector is on travel and no written report was received; Carrie’s report was included which usually goes along with his.  He has requested to meet with them Wednesday.  Council inquired if the memorandum mentioned in Carrie’s report was issued to all Staff regarding Resolutions and the appropriate procedure for a number being issued and required copies.  Sara states she will check and see.


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve the Self Governance report.  4 haa, 1 puuhara (Leeon Hillman), 0 pupitihara.


6a)  Bari Talley (2 minutes)

She was present to mention some activities going on at the Orleans Computer Center.  She states their online Course is currently running with 15 students; there are some upcoming courses for the community including how to sell online, e-commerce, and how to design a website. 


She states she traveled to Sacramento to get information about a grant application which would support Community Services Districts providing Broadband to communities that do not have that service available which would be a wonderful project for their community.  She has also taken a grant writing class with Sue Burcell to seek funding for this same project.  There are not any staff at KCDC that could currently run a broadband company and that would be a challenge but she would like to continue to work toward that.



7)  April Attebury (4 minutes)

April’s written report was included in the packets.


Alvis Johnson moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve April’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


8)  Jennifer Goodwin (5 minutes)

Jennifer was present to review her written report with the Council.  She has no action items for this month; she states they continue to be very busy with the end of the school year for many college students rapidly approaching and financial aid paperwork that is necessary.  She states the applications for the 2009 School Year will be mailed out in the very near future and if they know anyone who needs an application she asks that they contact her with their information.  She also distributed a copy of the picture from the Indian Club Trip.  She states the kids behaved themselves and everyone had a great time. 


The necklace making grant that she has been working on with Verna is just about out; there was some travel included and so she and Verna went to Redding to display the dress, necklaces, and regalia that were made with the funds from the grant.  She states an extension for the grant was approved through a phone vote, extending the grant for two more months also.


She states the Student Rent Voucher applications will be available in the next week or two and will be distributed; she needs to work with Sami before they go out.  She states there was another scholarship through Amerind (Housing’s insurance provider) for a $500 scholarship for a Housing resident who is also a full time student, Sami sent her the information and she passed it along to the students.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Jennifer’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


9)  Lisa Aubrey (4 minutes)

Lisa was present to review her written report and the information submitted.  She states she has no action items for this month.  She states they continue to have funds available for qualified members who have a need.


She states that she attended training in San Francisco to discuss poverty and how to attempt to address that need and how to reduce it over the next ten years; Congress has stated that they must reduce the poverty but have no plans on how to do it.  The prisons are currently receiving funding at an equal level to education which shows where the priorities are of the current administration.  Program funding continues to be cut and they predict that the housing crisis will get worse before it gets any better.  She thanked the Council for being there to support the low income members of this Tribe and ensuring that their program is sustainable.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Lisa’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


10)  Susan Gehr (8 minutes)

Susan was present to review her written report.  She states she has no action items. 


Her word of the month is a-thi-thuf-vuu-nup-ma (Happy Camp).  She distributed them each a portion of the word broken down into syllables to show how easy it is to pronounce the word if it is broken down.  It is six syllables which is rather overwhelming at first.


She updated them on other activities in her program; she recently traveled to a class in the William Bright Seminar Room which was a wonderful experience.  She is also working on the next round of online language classes.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Susan’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11)  Erin Hillman (8 minutes)

Erin was present to review her written report.  She asked if anyone has had a chance to go see the new building being built in Orleans; she states they are moving forward very well on the project.  She and Sami met with the architect today to select colors for the exterior, Joan will prepare some mock-ups for them and then they will make a final decision.  There is a change order on the table for value added engineering for geo-thermal; they did a change order to convert from geo-thermal to gas/electric and have opted for gas as the electric option would have been a $40,000 due to lines that would have to be run under the highway.  She states she will be presenting a contract amendment for this change order at the Wednesday Meeting.


She states IHS contacted her about the Tribe’s sanitation deficiencies system.  Last year they rated and ranked the projects to determine which are most important, IHS is now wanting to set up a meeting to go over these projects in more detail and would like to know which Council members are interested in participating, Bob and Sonny state they would like to; she states she will distribute the dates/times via email so that they can come if they are able.


She states she received an email from the Smithsonian apologizing for their lack of response to their request for an inventory; they stated that they sent it but apparently it was not received and they were very sorry for that.  She was also given information regarding loans of items that could be granted, she will forward that information to Dave and the Advisory Board; she will also follow up with the group that did the video demonstration project further.


She states she has requested the dates given for the ICS Training; June 2-3 and 23-24 are the two sets of dates.  She will come back to them with a request for the snacks to be provided once she knows how many participants there will be and if it will be two separate trainings or one combined.


She has a request for them regarding letters that are being sent to members who are eligible for the disaster preparedness kits; she would like to have permission to put that letter through the Enrollment Department for mailing to the appropriate households.


Robert Goodwin moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve the mailing of the letters through the Enrollment Department.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Bob inquired about the meeting with Blue Lake regarding their gas station project.  Erin states that Laura, Hester, and Scott went to the meeting but she is actually disappointed by the information they obtained about how expensive it is to start such a project, Blue Lake was able to contribute a substantial amount of funding themselves toward the project.  They will report more extensively to them after their next meeting.


Robert Goodwin moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Erin’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12)  Hester Dillon (4 minutes)

Hester is present to review her written report which has one correction; she has received two bids and expects the last this Friday for the radio project and FCC licensing process.  She does not have any action items this evening.


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Hester’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13)  Dion Wood (28 minutes)

Dion was present to review his written report; Daniel was present along with him.  He distributed an updated report as several items have changes.


They have been anticipating the final report from Humboldt State regarding their case numbers for TANF.  The offer from California was a caseload of 252; the Humboldt State data supports 373 which is a million dollar per year increase to their amount.  He states that all the state is looking for is something they can review and verify is tangible; Humboldt State has generated these numbers from several sources that corroborate each other and they have indicated they will accept these numbers.  He has emailed a copy of the report to the State Representative.  He requests Council approval of the report so they can move forward to request the increased caseload.


Laura states that the problem still exists that they must argue the poverty rate; Daniel states that the State has led him to believe that they will accept this information since it is from another source.  She states there is nothing to lose all they can do is try.


Robert Goodwin moved  and Roy Arwood seconded to approve submission of the data from Humboldt State to the State Representative for an increase to their TANF caseload.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Daniel’s one addition is that the individuals who prepared the report will also travel down and meet with the State if necessary.  He states he and Dion would like to be on the Agenda for Wednesday regarding their next steps anticipating that these numbers will be accepted and they will be moving forward quickly.  They suggest a meeting that will be about one to two hours or during a Planning Meeting.  Leeon states if they can get any information to them ahead of time that would be helpful.


Laura asked how long after they find out that they will accept these numbers would they hire staff; Daniel predicts June 1 hiring staff and then providing services July 1.  Bob states that all position descriptions need to go through Sara’s office and they need to work with Laura on the budgets before requesting approval.


Dion states cigarette sales are going forward at the People’s Center; they have some ideas for ways to hide them so they are not in plain view and apparent in the gift shop.  It is going well; he included options for a Smoke Shop in Yreka; 1) pay someone to set it up, 2) hire a Program Manager to work on this process, or 3) use existing staff to accomplish their tasks.

They feel that option 3 is best and they are all working on tasks for the next meeting on May 6, 2008.  He asked if Council wants this made a top priority so that they can link into staff for support.  They would like a timeframe for being up and running and operational (60 days, 6 months, etc.).  He also states that Council needs to designate areas on an aerial map for locations and planning ahead for other developments.


Bob asked what the cost is for a gas station to be put in.  Hester states around 2 million is a low estimate for what it costs to build a facility.  Bob points out though that they made $800,000; Hester clarified that Susanville was the Tribe that reportedly brought in $800,000 of profit not Blue Lake and that is because they were able to sell alcohol and cigarettes tax free.  Laura states that if there is a tax advantage for the project, then they can make a profit, most companies receive their income from convenience store sales, not gasoline.  If that is true, they should move forward with convenience, alcohol, tobacco sales and skip gas.  Laura states there is a much lower cost for a convenience store; gasoline is where the high cost is to build the facility and also the environmental requirements which can be very costly.


Bob asked Davey how long it would take to build a convenience store.  He states with a good crew it would depend on their design, a fairly safe estimate would be about six months.  Bob suggests a full design including everything to grow and then implement different items in phases; also planning ahead for a casino and incorporating those sales into the casino.  Bob would like to see some more options from the committee that are on paper and planned out.  He would like to see it move forward as quickly as possible but be well planned out for future growth and expansion.  Hester suggests doing a very conservative market study for any venture they select to avoid having a loss at the end of the project.


Laura states there are so many options they need to know which the Council prefers; for example they could purchase a concession trailer and get started right away or a construction project type trailer that could be pulled in setup and open for sales within a week or two.  If they build something it requires more site preparation.  They are looking into all of these options and will be meeting again on May 6.  Sonny would like to go with Fred to look at the property for drainage issues.


They would like to hear back from the group at the Health Board Meeting on May 8.


Leeon Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Dion’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14)  Dave Wrobleski (10 minutes)

Dave states that the Spring Basketweavers Gathering starts tomorrow in Happy Camp and continues through Sunday.  He encourages Council Member attendance.


He states online sales are moving forward, the camera came and the computer is there so they are getting closer.  He is also working with Mark Oliver and two youth, Justina Harrison and Ashley Goodwin, on a video documentary that will be shown in the Center; he will have them review it ahead of time for content before showing it there.


He states they are averaging $100-300 per day in cigarette sales (gross) without aggressive advertising and only word of mouth.  He suggests they consider having the store open on Mondays.  Bob asked when they will receive a report regarding the cost, sales, and profit.  Laura states she can give them a report next Wednesday so they can see how it is developing.


Dave states he is working on a grant to the History Channel for students to document the federal recognition process of the Karuk Tribe; he would like to have these in depth interviews completed before the individuals responsible for recognition are not available for this project, they can also put together a booklet as well.

He requested to be on their agenda for Wednesday to discuss the system at the Center.


He states he has a slot reserved for May 7-8, 2008 in Seattle; however he has been told that they must have a name by today and he must know who they will be sending.  Everyone is busy and cannot work it into their schedules.  He states Robert N. Goodwin is still interested.  Laura suggests that he attend himself; Dave states that they indicated it must be a Tribal Member, Erin states it does not need to be a Tribal Member according to the information online.  Dave had suggested sending Hester Dillon; she is a Tribal Member of another Tribe, she states she is unavailable.


Sonny Davis moved and Roy Arwood seconded to send Robert N. Goodwin to the training.  3 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Leeon Hillman and Robert Goodwin).


Erin suggests he speak to Robert’s supervisor because it is not a job duty and he did not ask his Supervisor about attending the conference.  Council states they will discuss it in closed session.


Sonny Davis moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Dave’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15)  Laura Mayton (3 minutes)

Laura states she has nothing to add to her written report and has no action items for them.  Bob states that there was an issue that came up with a Tribal vehicle at Ron’s shop and the insurance adjustor not including items that need to be repaired.  He suggests that they call the adjustor to have the items added.  Laura states that the insurance company has not stated that the quote was too high or included any items that would not be covered.  Bob states that someone should call Ron and speak to him about it to make sure.


Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Laura’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16)  Sami Difuntorum (19 minutes)

Sami was present to review her written report with the Council.


She pointed out that the Bennett home continues to move forward and the homeowner is very pleased.  They will be taking him the keys in the near future and photos were included with the report.  It will be completed next week.  External painting will be done once the weather gets better.


She reviewed the remaining items in her report and went over the status of several projects.  There was discussion regarding the Head Start Center and the Housing exchange.  If a building purchased with Head Start dollars is sold the amount must be sent back to the funder.  It cannot be leased either, the only way to do it is allow Housing to utilize the building is to transfer it to them.  Housing cannot renovate the building unless it were going to be for childcare also that it provides services to low income residents of housing.  These glitches have put up some roadblocks for how to do it and cover the costs of renovation.


Florrine inquired about funding for diaper changing tables in the restrooms in the new building in Yreka and the bathrooms in Headway.  Also they asked about mirrors in the bathrooms at Headway.  Sami states she will look into these items.


She states the Orleans building continues to move forward.  She received and email regarding the Harvard Project indicating that notifications for site visits will be distributed next week.  The renewable energy project has made it to the House; testimony was due this week nothing was submitted as there is nothing to testify to.  She is hopeful the request will proceed through, their request is included in the section of bills that are not cut back too much, and it will proceed to the Senate after the House.


She states the Annual National Housing Council Strategic Planning Session was done by the training group from Portland, Institute for Tribal Government; this is the same firm that Hector had spoken about working with for Council Training.  She is interested in bringing them to Happy Camp to meet with the Housing Committee, Council, and Management Team and Directors.  It will teach advocacy for programs that are having their funding eliminated or cut back and how to keep that from happening to their programs and how to respond when it does happen.  She feels it would be extremely helpful to have them come and meet with Directors on funding issues and how to work through those.  They are willing to come on June 23; she would like to split the bill between the Tribe and Housing.

She asked about the CDFI project and how that is moving along.  Are they close to loaning money; Housing obligated $500,000 for loans but have not received any requests for loans.  Bob states they are getting very close.


Her last item was the Block Grant Formula.  They are trying to stop the shifting of data in the area up to Oregon.  They need to meet with the other Tribes in the area and work with them to accurately split the numbers up so that it is fair for all of the Tribes and help them all without causing any harm; she anticipates data simulations in the next couple of weeks on that topic.  There also continues to be issues with the BIA Labor Report.  Bob would like for Hector to get back to Sami on this subject as he has been working on it.


Leeon Hillman moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Sami’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17)  Earl Crosby (13 minutes)

Earl was present to review his written report; he has two action items.


The first is their Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement with the Forest Service for equipment they have on file with them to be used during incidents.  The Agreement Number is 08-A-011.  There was some conversation regarding the dates; and the signature area will be fixed as well.


Robert Goodwin moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Agreement 08-A-011 with the US Forest Service.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


His next item is the Omaha trip and clearing the balances on the VISA cards so that they have available credit while they are on travel.  The receipts have not been received for all of the charges and Jamie will need to pay them all over the phone and call in the payments so they will post before they travel next week.  Laura points out that this process is bad internal controls so it requires their approval so that they are aware of what is going on and why the rush payments are being made.


Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to pay the balances via electronic transfer on Harold Tripp, Leaf Hillman, Craig Tucker, Toz Soto, Susan Corum, Earl Crosby, and Ron Reed’s VISA cards.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Leeon Hillman).


Leeon Hillman moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Earl’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18)  Scott Quinn

No written report, not present.


19)  Davey Davis (15 minutes)

Davey was present to review his written report.  He distributed a picture of the structure he plans to build for the awning at the back entrance to the Clinic where the ambulance pulls up.  He states he made some errors on the procurement for the project; the concrete was not included and he trusted Meek’s with a verbal agreement which was an error on his part.  The revised total for the project is close to $5,000.


He states there has been some speculation about the footings for the structure and if they are the proper size.  He states the reason he designed it the way he did was because the height of the structure must be 12 feet high so that the ambulance can pull underneath of it, it then has to link into the existing structure and in order to properly support it, the footings must be that size.


Sonny asked why Erin and Fred questioned Davey’s design for the project and the sizing of the footings.  She states there was no question about his integrity or knowledge; she was simply commenting about the immense size of the footing and that in she had not seen one that large before on a construction project.  She states she meant no offense by her comments.  Sonny feels that Davey’s work was stopped by his Supervisor, Fred, because of her comments.  Laura pointed out that Fred is his Supervisor and should be able to have a say in any project that is going on and if he chooses to stop the work, that is his decision and he has the authority to do that.

Bob states that if they choose to discuss this later they are more than welcome to do that; but for all purposes the conversation is over and they need to move on.  It is not appropriate for open session.


Davey states that he has been working on getting the Fire Barracks at Somes Bar functional, it has resulted in many problems and has become very time consuming; he is already behind on this project and needs to know what they recommend.  The problem is with the electrical system in the facility.  He does not know what the cost will be to hire someone to address it.  He states he can do it; it will just not be immediate to get it repaired.  There are also plumbing problems.  Laura asked what he estimates the cost would be.  Davey states that in a modular there are marriage lines and electrical lines that cross over; he suspects the couplings have gotten crossed over somewhere and need to be figured out.  Bob suggests having Bill Johnson look at it and issue them an estimate to repair the problems.  Skip Davis may be able to do an evaluation as well.


Consensus:  Davey will get quotes and then bring it back to them for a vote Wednesday.


He states they are looking at $13,000 to $14,000, to date, to Metal Masters to repair the problems with the heating/cooling systems in Happy Camp.  They always give him reasons for why it is not working and the costs continue to rise.  The system was not properly installed and there are not enough sensors in the facility to regulate it without excessive strain to the system.  One suggestion is to have someone else look at it for an evaluation of what could fix it.


Davey states the conduit job at KCDC and Housing was moving forward well until he needed someone smaller to go beneath the building and run the wires.  They ran into problems when they were working on it; there was a miscommunication somewhere in the process due to digging and the foundation being compromised and the work was stopped.


Sami clarified that having Smokey go under the building and pull wire was not a problem but him digging beneath the support beams and coils that are driven into the ground to support the building did not make her comfortable and she felt it would compromise the integrity of the structure.  Davey states he spoke to the engineer about how they would access the building to add items without destroying the floor; he also stated that when the building was constructed, the beam was dropped down to accommodate them being able to add additional conduit later down the road and not compromise the building.


Sami states she understood that a trench would run between the buildings to the corner of the building through a small section of the asphalt and no digging beneath the building.  She states that if she were to receive an OK from an engineer, she would feel more comfortable going forward.


Bob again suggests that they meet to discuss the project and what is reasonable and allowable without hurting the building and the foundation outside of a public meeting.


Davey has received a request to build a partition in the Orleans Community Room for meeting privacy.  They suggest partitions instead so it is not permanent.


Robert Goodwin moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Davey’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to revise their previous approval and allow up to $5,500 for the awning from Third Party.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20)  Fred Burcell (2 minutes)

Written report only, no action items.


Roy Arwood moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Robert Goodwin not present for voting).


21)  Sara Spence (5 minutes)

Sara was present to review her written report.  There are no action items for open session.  The policies can be approved at the Wednesday meeting.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sara’s report.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


22)  Requests

None at this time.


23)  Phone Votes

  1. Request approval of contract 08-C-025 with Heather Milton Lightening to assist the Klamath Campaign Coordinator. Passed.
  2. Request approval of resolution 08-R-039 authorizing a special election for the membership to vote on proposed amendments to the Karuk constitution. Passed.
  3. Request approval of resolution 08-R-035 authorizing submission of a proposal to the Panta Rhea foundation in the amount of $40,000. Passed.
  4. Request approval of resolution 08-R-034 authorizing submission of a proposal to the Panta Rhea foundation in the amount of $10,000. Passed.


24)  Informational

None at this time.


25)  Committee Reports (1 minute)

The NCIDC Meeting Minutes were included for their information.


Closed Session from 8:46 PM to 10:40 PM.


Robert Goodwin moved and Sonny Davis seconded to approve Resolution 08-R-045 enrolling seven members.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  (2 minutes)


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 08-R-046 removing one member.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  (2 minutes)


Request:  for the Enrollment Committee to add language to their Resolutions indicating that the member has been duly noticed regarding the ramifications and consequences of relinquishing enrollment.  (1 minute)


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 08-R-047 formally recognizing the genealogical records of Francis Brazille to be Abenaki Indian.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  (5 minutes)


Consensus:  To accept the Case Work Planning Form as formal agreement with Tribal Member #2645 and spouse. (10 minutes)


Consensus:  Sami will work with the Housing attorney on the Amicus Brief.  (10 minutes)


Sonny Davis excused himself at 9:11 PM.


Tribal Member #1900’s request will be tabled to the Wednesday Meeting for further consideration.   (8 minutes)


Sonny Davis returned at 9:20 PM.


Leeon Hillman excused himself at 9:21 PM.


Robert Goodwin moved and Roy Arwood seconded to rescind approval for Employee #0207 and approve sending Dave Wrobleski to the NAGPRA Training in Seattle, Washington.  4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  (5 minutes)


Leeon Hillman returned at 9:46 PM.


Robert Goodwin excused himself at 9:47 PM.


Consensus:  To deny Tribal Member #916’s request and refer to the Student Rent Voucher Program.  (3 minutes)

Robert Goodwin returned at 9:49 PM.


Leeon Hillman assumed chairing the meeting at 9:50 PM.


Alvis Johnson moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the gas costs and vehicle use for the Yreka Culture Class to come down to the Basketweavers Gathering.  3 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood) (Florrine Super did not vote).  (16 minutes)


Florrine Super re-assumed chairing the meeting at 10:07 PM.


Directive:  For Employee #1051 to 1) look into scheduling a meeting with the OIG’s office in Sacramento regarding the Indirect Cost Pool issues, 2) report back to Council regarding this situation and what progress has been made and what other Tribes are doing, and 3) report regarding the non-gaming distributions and their status.  (10 minutes)


Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to pay $77 for Council Member #0681’s lodging charge in Ashland and contest the charge because they checked out.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  (5 minutes)


Consensus:  To continue to push forward on the economic development project with short timelines to begin generating revenues as quickly as possible with revenues being re-invested to expand the operation in phases that are well planned out.  (5 minutes)


Consensus:  To deny Tribal Member #651’s request and refer to the LIAP Program.  (4 minutes)


Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve an exception to policy allowing Tribal Member #2408 to enter into a payment agreement for $10/month allowing eligibility for assistance through CSD.  10% interest will be assessed on the amount owed.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  (6 minutes)


Consensus:  To approve the CDFI sending out a bulk mailing to be distributed by Enrollment. (3 minutes)


Directive:  For Employee #3177 to schedule a meeting with the Roads Program to go over the budget and projects. (4 minutes)


Next Meeting Date:  May 22, 2008 at 5 PM in Yreka.


Meeting adjourned at 10:41 PM.


Submitted by,



Florrine Super, Secretary


Recording Secretary, Sara Spence