Karuk Tribe of
Meeting Minutes - March 8, 2007
Meeting called to order at 5:32 PM, by Leaf Hillman,
Roll Call:
Leaf Hillman,
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Robert Goodwin, Member at
Roy Arwood, Member at Large
Sonny Davis, Member at Large
Alvis Johnson, Member at
Arch Super, Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
(excused/leave of absence)
Florence Conrad, Member at
Large (excused)
Quorum is established.
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve the agenda, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes of February 8, 2007:
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve the minutes of February 8, 2007, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Guest: Tanya Busby, Substance Abuse Counselor:
Tanya is present to seek
approval for out of state travel for herself and Anthony Ballard to
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve out of state travel for Anthony Ballard and Tanya Busby to attend
the 30th Annual Indian School on Alcohol and Other Drug Related
Issues training in Albuquerque NM, April 13-20, 2007, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve travel for Toby Reuze to Sacramento CA, with direction to
Sara to draft a policy for approval of travel for interns at our facilities or
under KTOC, to allow for a smoother process of approval prior to coming to the
Health Board, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Guest: Erin Hillman, Dir. Admin. Programs and
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve contract 07-C-039 between KTOC and Stephanie Dolan with an
amendment that any Executive Officer of the Council may co-sign with
appropriate Director submitted invoices, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve resolution 07-R-025 authorizing submission of the $5,000
grant application to the
Directors Reports:
1. Vickie Walden, RDA:
Present, written report
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve Vickie’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2. Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:
Present, written report
Lessie stated that her budget
reports are attached to her report as informational. She explained that there
are some changes to the policy approval process. She would like the managers to
be the group that make the recommendations for approval of policies to the Health
Board. Previously it was the ACQI Committee, now they have been revised to a
Performance Improvement committee. Most of the persons under Martha will be in
the Managers Committee, so she would now like to have all the policies sent
through that committee as opposed to the former ACQI Committee.
Sara believes that the
committee review for the health program is similar to the Management Team
reviews prior to policies being enacted and presented to the Board.
Lessie assured the Council
that policies will still be presented to the medical staff and appropriate staff;
however the new committee reviewing them and making recommendations will be the
HHS Leadership Committee.
Martha confirmed that this
was an internal change implemented and really doesn’t need formal approval but
is presented more as a change that was made internally.
Robert clarified that the
Health Board should know that this has been done and also noted that he is
concerned that the committee really isn’t established formally to outline their
role in policy approval or process to obtain policy approval.
Robert would like to see the process
for the Committee. Lessie will let Martha will work on that as it is her
committee and she may outline that more clearly for Robert. Robert would like
the committee lined out and also the Health Board would like to be confident
that the Board is well informed of who approves the policies prior to
submission to the Health Board.
Leeon motioned and Robert
seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
3. Joe Snapp, Substance & Alcohol Abuse:
Present, written report
Scott asked Carrie to
determine if there was ever an invoice but actually Robert would like the Oak
Knoll committee to have contact with the local businesses, USFS contractor, Dan
Falkenstein, and Siskiyou Sanitary District to determine the septic system
issues specifically capacity.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve Joe’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4. Martha
Schrock, EDHHS:
Present, written report
Martha provided highlights of
her report. She met with a representative for a grant, and they need to find
innovative ways of spending funding. She has been spending a lot of time doing
dental recruitment. Norlyn has been assisting by attempting to find websites in
which dentists can be sought.
Robert questioned the fact
that a few years ago Dr. Madar had verbally told Wes Valentine that they would
qualify under IHS for a repayment loan program. Martha spoke to the commission
core representatives and she is trying to determine why there is no services
offered to this area as it appears the Karuk Tribe should qualify. She has contacted
two dentists personally, but she has not received a response to obtain their
services. This is a desperate situation, and there are other recruiting efforts
that may be sought.
The quarterly report was sent
in to OES regarding the Naa Vura Yee Shiip Program and it was well received. Chuck
will be attending training with Corina to stay in the loop of what is going on
and the improvements sought for the program with internal processes implemented.
Laura inquired about the
dental office in
Vickie announced that there
is a shortage of dentists everywhere and they are just unable to recruit
easily. Martha would like to review where the ads are submitted and also how
they are written, she would like to explore every option to seek a provider for
the Health Program.
Martha explained that she;
Lessie and Hester have been meeting regarding the HRSA grant. They are staying
abreast of the requirements, and there is a requirement of a community needs
An FNP has declined an
employment offer, but Martha is attempting to determine the reason why she
declined without a counter offer. She would like to explore the determination
to not counter offer.
Martha distributed a report
from Amy Coapman, FNP of the Yreka Clinic. Martha had asked that clinics submit
some sort of report to the Board regarding their budgets and/or their challenges
as well as successes.
She attached to her report
the Social Services reports for Jesse Drake, Chuck Lent, Robert Super, Daniel
Pratt, and Cheyenne Davis.
Robert questioned Chuck’s
report regarding 3rd Party Billing. Suzanna stated that Medicare
isn’t being billed, and just as in dental there are a few insurance companies
for pre-authorization needed prior to treatment on patients. She phoned last
week on the perimeters on how to bill for these services. It is minimal but the
billing department is on top of the situation.
Martha will provide more
information on HealTherapy Inc to the Council once a clearer picture is drawn
and more information is understood.
Martha explained that when
Robert motioned and Roy
seconded to approve out of state travel for Cheyenne Davis and Robert Super to Albuquerque,
NM April 13-20, 2007, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve Martha’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
5. David Eisenberg, PHN:
Not present, written report provided.
Leeon motioned and Sonny
seconded to approve David’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
6. Patti White, Database Administrator:
Present, written report
Patti updated her report
noting that Yreka data entry is only two weeks behind as of today. The budget
should state that there is available funding of 33%.
The OSHPD report is moved to
another due date. The UDS report was extended to March 30, 2007.
The training for social
services was re-scheduled, and it will be re-scheduled to ensure all staff understands
how to use the system correctly and is available to attend the training.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve Patti’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
7. Chris Kleeman, IT Manager:
Not present, written report
provided, moved to closed session.
Requests: Dion Wood, TANF:
Dion is present with Daniel
Pratt regarding the upcoming TANF plan. They were emailed last week and tonight
he would like it approved and authorized to send it to the ACF. There were only
two changes, one to include the Child Care Program and the other was a spelling
correction. He received word today regarding the Counties negotiation report.
There will be a conference call with Laura, Daniel, Dion and Hector to begin a
conversation on the data collected. The initial case load was 117 from the
State for the Karuk TANF program for
Robert asked if there was going to be an issue with
Dion is covered for expenses
for an upcoming travel, but since the combination of Childcare with TANF, he
would like to have Daniel Pratt and Arch Super be allowed to attend or if
another Council member would like to attend then Dion would ask that they
Robert asked how large the TANF
program would be. Dion and Daniel believe that there will be 19-20 positions available
for employment through the TANF program. Daniel stated that there are a lot of
persons interested in these new positions, and also the staffing will only be
taken on in Yreka and in Happy Camp until
Robert motioned and Roy
seconded to approve resolution 07-R-027 approving the submission of the TANF
plan to the ACF, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert motioned and Roy
seconded to approve out of state travel to the National American Indian and
Alaska Native Child Care Conference April 30-May 2, 2007 to Albuquerque, New
Mexico for Dion Wood and Daniel Pratt and to hold the Council Representative approval
to a later date, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara
Committee Reports: Michael Thom, Election Committee:
Michael distributed a revised
Election Ordinance to go along with the Election Committees recommendation to
seat all Committee Members with terms of four years each and shall be alternated
and concluded during the month of February. When the alternating terms begin
the election committee won’t be affected as the Election Committee would be
full and complete during an election.
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve revisions to the Election Ordinance specifically, section six
(6) Term of Office, extending all terms on the Election Committee for four
years, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Closed Session:
Informational: consultant
was paid 10% less TERO tax and the course of action concluded service specifically
the lack there of.
Robert motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve resolution 07-R-026 prohibiting cultivation of marijuana on
tribal land, 4 haa, 1 puuhara (Roy Arwood), 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to excuse
employee #4249 from completing traffic school as instructed due to not having “at
fault” convictions.
Directive: for EDHHS to
discuss offensive wording in employee # 3310 report. Also to have a discussion with employee # 2966
regarding his report and the substantial information provided in the report,
noting that the Health Board is aware of the concerns.
Directive: for all written/electronic
communication by employee #3692 be approved by the EDHHS prior to distribution.
Leeon motioned and Robert
seconded to approve procurement and authorize the purchase of a data switch
from CDWG in the amount of $4,997.52, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to refer
request from Tribal Member # 327 to Barbara Norman and for her to provide her
Consensus: to table assistance
request from Tribal Member # 1900 to Wednesday.
Consensus: to authorize Anna
Myers to make an offer to employee # 3076 a loan in the place of the request
for $602 assistance. If employee accepts the loan offer, payments will be monthly
via a payroll deduction.
CBSA questions regarding
transitional lenses will be reviewed by Sara Spence.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to pay for an evaluation for Yreka dental patient (HR 1224) in the
amount of $73, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to refer
request from #D01292 to Barbara Norman for her recommendation.
Consensus: for Barbara
Norman to make a recommendation on an attorney that may specifically handle
compliance report made by employee’s # 3413, 3146, and 1944. Employee’s
confirmed practices have ceased and deceased. The Health Board reiterated that
the staff is to document accurately on the steps taken to remedy the situation.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to deny request from Tribal Member # 4349, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Consensus: to table
Barbara Norman’s request for peace making for Tribal Member #3709.
Robert motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve a loan in the amount of $2,500 to Tribal Member # 11 with
payments of $100 monthly and $100 monthly from employee # 9653 for a total of
$200 monthly via payroll deductions for re-payment of the loan, 3 haa, 0
puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Roy Arwood & Sonny Davis).
Consensus: to have the CFO evaluate how to recoup
money owed by individuals to other internal entities.
Informational: Complaint from Tribal Member # 1599
has been resolved per EDHHS.
Next meeting Date: April 12, 2007 at 5 PM in Happy
Camp, CA.
Alvis motioned and Sonny
seconded to adjourn meeting at 11:08 PM, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider