Karuk Tribal Health Board Meeting

December 14, 2006 – Happy Camp

Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 5:03 PM, by Arch Super, Chairman


Roll Call/Sign In:


Arch Super, Chairman

Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Florrine Super, Secretary

Alvis Johnson, Member at Large

Roy Arwood, Member at Large

Robert Goodwin, Member at Large



Florence Conrad, Member at Large.


Quorum is established.


Robert Goodwin read the Health Mission statement aloud for the attendees.  



Robert motioned and Leaf seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Minutes of November 9, 2006:

Florrine motioned and Alvis seconded to approve minutes of November 9, 2006, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Leaf Hillman and Robert Goodwin)


Guests: Rick Hill, Grant Writer

Rick is present to explain that in the mix of the recent tragic news, there is some positive news. A grant award was received for the Orleans center, approximately one million dollars. Rick provided a design for the public building and notified them of the location by the Orleans church. There will be office space for behavioral health, maintenance, and the Council or public meetings. There will be a computer lab, arts classrooms and KTHA office spaces. Rick explained that he is excited about the grant award as it is positive news.


Leaf noted that the Council appreciated the hard work that he put into the project, and the staffs dedication to the project.


Guests: Joseph Orozco, Hoopa Radio

Joseph is present to present the Karuk Tribe with the opportunity to apply for a FCC license. The only radio station located in California by Native Americans is the Hoopa radio station. He explained that the FCC in spring of 2007 will be opening up radio time, and this is a one time thing open licensing time to grab the air time, and they will be mainly focusing on rural areas including Native American areas. He would like to present this as an option for the Karuk Tribe to obtain a vacant channel.


He says there was an engineer that used a basic software program that cross collated this with the zip codes of the local Tribal Offices. There is a frequency available in Happy Camp. He has discussed this with the Yurok Tribe, and they are looking at putting in applications in Klamath and another location.


The idea he is proposing is creating a Tribal Radio Network. The radio station would uplink to Happy Camp from Hoopa and Karuk would have their own station, but it would be an additional playing of what Hoopa is already airing.


Currently he is hoping at minimum that the Tribes have emergency broadcasts and this would also offer another venue to use the language and have it heard. Also to get more Native California voices out on the air waves.


Up front the Karuk Tribe would need to come up with $3,000 - $5,000 for an engineer to complete an analysis of Jefferson public radio station as well as a feasibility of working here. But again he explained that this is a one time opportunity.


The FCC will be licensing the local applications for licensure. The Karuk Tribe would need to build the facility in which the station could be located, and he noted that there is funding for this available. He stated that the Karuk Tribe would need the engineer, and a broadcast attorney, rather than relying on in-house attorneys as well as some planners to develop the station.


Leaf inquired about his availability as a resource. Joseph would like to be a point person to work with the Karuk Tribe and is certainly available to be of assistance.


Once the application process is licensed there is only 30 days to apply for air time. The application process is open for one month. Arch inquired the time frame. The licensing will open in April 2007. This is a problem because there won’t be more time allotted, but once the license is received they will allow for three years to build an adequate station. There has to be enough of a study demonstrating where the broadcast should be stationed at, longitude and latitude, and the basics to submit an application.


He has been working with a company from Portland, OR which charges approximately $2,000 per site. The stations are FM.


Dr. Burns explained that there is currently planning taking place for a pandemic flu outbreak and this would create mass communication to the locals and inlaying areas. Dr. Burns believes that there may be funding available toward this endeavor as there is a push from the Government for emergency preparedness.


Arch explained that that the Council must discuss this and they will get back to him regarding his proposal. This will be moved to the Wednesday meeting agenda for further discussion.


Guest 3: Eric Hoffman, Cufis Technologies:

Hector introduced Eric Hoffman who is present to answer questions regarding the 8(a) project with KCDC.

The agreement has been approved by the internal staff as well as Stephanie Dolan, tribal attorney.


Leaf motioned and Roy seconded to approve resolution 06-R-140 authorizing the joint agreement between Cufis Technologies and KCDC, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Eric’s next step of business is to work on setting up a corporation, and he is up for the task. He has been traveling back and forth to Washington, but he would like to get certified by SPS as an official 8(a) status entity. He would like to begin with a technology help desk as he feels that this would be ideal for the rural location of Happy Camp and fairly easy to begin with.  


Barbara will provide copies of the resolution on KCDC letterhead and obtain original signatures. Eric will set a meeting with KCDC and himself to begin working on dates to meet and set up a corporation including a board, bylaws, and finalize the paperwork.


Robert would like Dion to attend the next Wednesday planning meeting regarding TANF to provide an update of the programs progress.


Directors Reports:

1. Patti White, Database Administrator:

Patti is not present but her written report was provided for the board to review.


Florrine motioned and Leaf seconded to approve Patti’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2. Vickie Walden, RDA/ Dental Office Manager:

Vickie is present to review her written report, but has no action items.


Vickie pointed out in her written report that the State IHP review revealed that the dental department scored a 99% on their review. Vickie also commented that the medical department received a 99%. Lessie announced that the CQI office received 100%.


The Health Board was very pleased to hear this and congratulated the staff on maintaining compliance and thanked them for their hard work.


Roy motioned and Leeon seconded to approve Vickie’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3. Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:

Lessie is present to review her written report and has one action item. She would like to request out of state travel for herself and Suzanna Hardenburger for a compliance forum, being held February 26-27, 2006 in San Antonio, Texas. She has one airline ticket to use and air fare would only be needed for Suzanna. Suzanna is a certified coder and biller and needs to stay abreast of the compliance issues that she and Lessie work on for KTHP.


Robert motioned and Florrine seconded to approve out of state travel for Lessie Aubrey and Suzanna Hardenburger to San Antonio TX, February 26-27, 2006, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert motioned and Leaf seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4. Joe Snapp, Substance and Alcohol Abuse Program:

Joe introduced Anthony Ballard and explained that he would like to address the Council.

Anthony explained that the CAIR program was previously in bad shape due to audit findings. However he has worked very hard on the program including billing, and he has been successful. He went to recent training to save money and bill appropriately for costs of housing, rent, propane and several other living expenses. He said that CAIR also reimburses for hourly rates for coordination by the staff. The program is up and running and it was explained that CAIR asked that he be creative regarding the funding. In the last two weeks the billing was great and almost more than half of what was billed for any other site. Anthony wanted the Council to know the dedication he has spent on the CAIR program and allow them to understand that the program is working well now.


Robert thanked Anthony as the billing has been an issue, but he appreciates Anthony’s proactive stance on staying up on the billing and increasing funding to offset other programs that service the patients of the health program.


Joe Snapp passed out apple juice that was made from the local area. He is applying for organic status.


Joe also requested that Roy’s crew assist in clearing the blackberries and brush around the Oak Knoll building. Leaf would like to discuss this at a later time.  


Martha is pressing for more information on the septic system located at Oak Knoll. Robert asked if Dan Falkenstein has been contacted, or Siskiyou Sanitary Services should as they most likely did the work and may recollect what system was installed or maintenanced on the property. Joe noted that the engineer calculation may work for the County. Robert explained that Oak Knoll is only planning for ten clients, so it should be compared to the fact that Oak Knoll was staffed at seventy persons at one time when it was a Forest Service building.

There was a planning grant submitted, but the Karuk Tribe was not eligible for the grant.

Scott Quinn is working on the Oak Knoll project and working on getting the building in fee to trust. Erin clarified that there should be a land file in self governance regarding Oak Knoll with details of the progress as well as information regarding the site.


Leaf motioned and Robert seconded to approve Joe’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Joe is applying for DUI Certification but it isn’t ready for submission to date.


5. Martha Schrock, EDHHS:

Martha explained that there have been two bi-annual health staff meetings recently.


She provided an overview of the emergency hire process that will be taking place with the Orleans health Clinic. Also Martha explained the desire to increase the staffing coverage for MD’s and RN’s within the health program. She presented a contract with Dr. Michael Hess.


Robert motioned and Alvis seconded to approve contract 07-C-020 with Michael Hess, MD, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


An on call contract was presented for a Nurse Practitioner for the Orleans clinic with the possibility of covering other sites as needed. She will also be able to work in the capacity of an RN in the emergent case of needing the coverage.


Leaf motioned and Robert seconded to approve contract 07-C-024 with Margaret Lawson, FNP, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Contract with Mike Edwards not to exceed $800 to ensure adequate transfer or training of a new hire for his replacement was also presented.


Leaf motioned and Roy seconded to approve contract 07-C-022 with Mike Edwards not to exceed $800, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Martha provided the Social Services monthly report.


Florrine motioned and Alvis seconded to approve Martha’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


6. Chris Kleeman, IT Manager

Chris did not submit a written report, but is present to provide a verbal report.

He announced that he has been working all week to get servers reformatted. He has some ordering to do and the document management system ready to be implemented. This would allow for Lessie to retrieve her documents electronically instead of maintaining all her information in many binders stored in her office.


Gerry has been working on a hardware inventory. He will bring back inventory lists of what the needs are for the Tribe once the inventory is complete.


Roy would like Chris to bring back an outline of his priorities for the Council to review including what projects he is working on and the status of those projects. Chris will provide this to the Council at the next meeting.


Chris’ machine and Gerry’s were becoming outdated and operating slowly but he ordered two new machines which are very fast and useful. He noted that the computer center also ordered similar machines.


There are some machines that need to be changed or updated but his priority would be the nurse’s station in Orleans. There is front office staff at the clinics that need updated machines as well. He would like to have the inventory complete prior to presenting the needs to the Council or replacing any machines at the sites.


He has implemented aggressive filters and would like to know how that is working out. The implementation appears to be working great.


Robert asked for an update on the request for the Council office computer. Barbara has put the request in to Chris. Chris would like to utilize an old computer once he has had the opportunity to clean and format it. He will work on this and get a computer installed in their office soon.


Robert motioned and Leaf seconded to approve Chris’ verbal report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7. David Eisenberg, PHN:

David is not present, but his written report was provided for the board to review.


Robert motioned and Roy seconded to approve David’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Committee Reports:

1. Michael Thom, Election Committee Report:

Michael received a legal opinion as of 12/12/2006 from Stephanie Dolan attorney for the Karuk Tribe. The document confirms that her legal opinion is that the only candidate for the Special Election may be seated.

The next Election meeting is January 10, 2006 to close out the last election and it should be the final meeting if the Council so chooses to accept the Election Committee’s and the attorneys legal opinion.   

Michael named several of his recommendations as the Chairperson of the Election Committee. First, he explained that the Election Committee would like documentation of the Council seating him as Chairperson for four years. Second, the committee would like to re-fly the vacancy on the committee hoping to obtain Yreka representation. And finally the Election Ordinance needs to be finalized to meet the needs of voters making it voter friendly which always comes up during election time.

Elsa clarified why there were questions regarding the Yreka vacancy and also if Florrine remains as the Registrar the Council’s determination to seat Michael for four years adds another member to the Committee. This needs clarification along with some written documentation.


Leaf motioned and Leeon seconded to approve Michael’s committee report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Closed Session:

Directive: to employee # 8628 to provide the Council with an update on the status of projects or assignments.


Consensus: to table request from Tribal Member # 1752 to the upcoming Wednesday planning meeting.  


Consensus: to refer request from Tribal Member # 2686 to the Housing Board.


Consensus: to have the Election Committee make their formal recommendation to the Council regarding Stephanie Dolan’s legal opinion.


Consensus: for Arch to send notice to employee # 5159 that until proof is provided that he has registered/signed up for traffic school his driving privileges have been suspended for use of tribal vehicles, also Arch shall notify the employee to complete the schooling within a reasonable time period. Once proof of enrollment is received then driving privileges shall be re-instated.


Consensus: to table CHS case #173 to the upcoming Wednesday planning meeting. Arch will provide a report on his meeting with employee # 8683.


Consensus: to approve Barbara Norman to review request and make her recommendation.


Consensus: for Tribal Member # 3200 to submit request for pardon in negative housing points to the Housing Board.


Consensus: to deny request from employee # 8628 regarding equipment loan.


Florrine motioned and Leeon seconded to approve $300 for Tribal Members # 401 request for assistance, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert motioned and Leaf seconded to uphold the CHS case # 172 denial and pay for half the request in the amount of $177.37 from Third Party, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



Leeon motioned and Roy seconded to approve assistance to Tribal Member # 1128 payable to Pacific Power in the amount of $139.56, 5 haa, 1 puuhara (Florrine Super), 0 pupitihara.


Roy motioned and Leaf seconded to increase pay in the amount to $50,500 annually for employee # 1379, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf motioned and Leaf seconded to approve revised position description with recommendations from supervisor including an updated salary range, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert motioned and Alvis seconded to approve the cost of flowers for Hobart Harrison and Harley Moore’s services in the amount of $237 (estimate), 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf motioned and Leeon seconded to approve $1,000 payable to employee to assist him fiscally at this time, but deny bereavement pay in accordance with policy, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Roy absent for vote).


Robert motioned and Leaf seconded to provide the 2002 CEDS document and include a letter stating that the Tribe believes that in 2002 the information was viable, but currently based on the local economy and decline the Tribe does not feel that it is current. It is the Tribe’s intention to update the economic development plan, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Informational: employee # 2267 will call officials from State and County to recommend that the community meeting be postponed to January. Also be available to facilitate with families and officials once meetings are postponed. She will cancel meeting scheduled for December 18, 2006.


Informational:  employee conduct regarding supervisors discipline and Council Members discipline for unacceptable behavior by all staff shall be addressed to conclude that all employees shall be reprimanded for such behavior.


Informational: the NCIDC delegate was unable to be seated due to bylaws. Tribal Member # 469 will sit on the NCIDC board for one year.


Informational: Arch provided an update of meetings and conferences with the Yurok Tribe and Hoopa Tribe.  


Informational: questions regarding attorney and new employment affecting partnership will be clarified by Leaf.  


Informational: employee’s # 7250 and # 3146 updated the Council on their staffing level report for the Yreka Clinic.


Informational: Employee’s Stephanie Dolan and April Attebury conference called with the Council to provide an update of the negotiation meeting being held Monday December 18, 2006 with the State regarding Title IVE.


Next Meeting is set for January 11, 2007 at 5 PM in Happy Camp, CA.


Robert motioned and Alvis seconded to adjourn meeting at 10:59 PM, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



Respectfully Submitted,





Arch Super, Chairman



Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider