Health Board Meeting
Meeting called to order at
Roll Call:
Arch Super, Chairman
Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Florrine Super, Secretary
Alvis Johnson, Member at
Robert Goodwin, Member at
Large (
Roy Arwood, Member at Large
Quorum is established.
The Health Mission Statement
was read aloud by Florence Conrad.
Florence motioned and Leaf
seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes of
Leaf motioned and Bob
seconded to approve the minutes, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Alvis Johnson).
Erin Hillman, Director of Administrative Programs and
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve Arch Super, Martha Schrock and Leaf Hillman to be signers
for the State IHP program documents, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence motioned and Bob
seconded to approve Agreement 06-C-052, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara
Jennifer Goodwin, Education Director:
Jennifer is present to request
a Council member’s attendance at Native American Day at the
1. David Eisenberg, PHN/Outreach:
David is present to review
his written report with the Council and to seek approval for an agreement with
UC Davis to provide tele-consultation services.
Leaf motioned and Bud
seconded to approve agreement 0A-06- ?? between the Karuk Tribal Health Program
and UC Davis, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leaf asked if the
satisfaction survey is ongoing. David stated that this is done annually. There
are several types of surveys and the staff review what it is that the patients
are trying to let the program know, if follow up questions are indicated then
those are broke out and presented back to patients for further information
Leaf asked if the Council has
questions if they could be relayed to the patients. And also if this survey is comparable
to a period of time. David stated that as people were unhappy, there were
follow up questions that can and have been done. If the Council has specific
information that they would like to seek a response from the patients regarding
then they may submit those suggestions and the staff can include them in the
surveys to obtain feedback from patients. Patient satisfaction surveys are a
snapshot of what the patient population is regarding their services. They may
be compared against previous surveys.
Bob motioned and Leaf
seconded to approve David’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2. Patti White, Database Administrator:
Patti stated that
Leslie Alford the Yreka Data
Entry clerk submitted her training report. Patti stated that this is the first
time since Patti has been the supervisor of the data entry positions and the
data entry has stayed current. She is very happy about this and noted that it
is due to the hard working staff and their diligence.
The training in Warm Springs for
EHR next week will have five persons attend, as Arch is unable to attend and
previously thought.
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve Patti’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
3. Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:
Vickie is not present to
review her report; however her report is included in the packets for the
Council to review.
Florrine motioned and Bud
seconded to approve Vickie’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4. Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:
Lessie has a couple action
items. There has been a donation process for health center disaster relief fund.
National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC) would like a
donation of $1,000 toward other community health clinics. This will provide
immediate relief to health centers when disaster of any kind strikes.
Lessie will try to obtain
more information and provide it to the Council so they may make a more informed
Lessie provided an email to
the Council regarding the previously interviewed physician, Dr. Hugh’s, and
submitted comments regarding that meeting. Dr. Hugh’s would like to come back
for a second meeting with the Council representatives as well as the staff that
were present.
There is a request from CRIHB
for a donation to their Annual Advertising Campaign and Fund raising Program,
which will accommodate all community members, health practitioners, and health
specialists in roundtable discussion at their Statewide Annual Board of
Directors Meeting.
Bob motioned and Florrine
seconded to approve donating $500 for CRIHB’s request, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Lessie would like to have the
Council’s permission to begin training all staff on HIPAA. Lessie stated that
this is a State, Federal and National requirement and there was staff training
provided to all staff previously, but most recently training has only been
being provided to the Health Program staff. Lessie would like to begin training
all staff at the point as there are several HIPAA violations that take place
within the Administration building, and the need to train them on the
regulations is very important. Lessie would like to have a trainer come on site
to provide this training.
The Council would like Lessie
to review the option of having a trainer come on site, and present the
information back to the Council for them to make a determination.
State IHP will be reviewing
the organization October 11 & 12, 2006. Lessie provided the Council with
information regarding their requirements. Bob requested that this information
be formatted onto a cd for himself as well as available for other Council
members. Lessie will complete this and get it to him.
Lessie reviewed the patient
brochure and provided the updates to the Council. The brochure is full of
useful information regarding the health program including the staff that
provide their care, clinic locations, and health information. The Council was
provided the health program complaint procedure and policy, the organizational
chart and several other policies.
Dr. Burns would like the
website included on the brochure so that patients are notified of updates or
where to obtain current information as the brochure become inaccurate
approximately six months after printing and at some times before it is printed.
Lessie provided several
health program policies and procedures that needed review and approval. The Traditional health policy has recently
been revised. Lessie reviewed the intent with the Council. Arch would like to
have some input from Bud and Leaf regarding the traditions and have further
information obtained from Cultural practitioners.
Florence motioned and
Florrine seconded to approve Environmental Controls and Safety Policies, Life
Safety Management Plan, Emergency Procedures, Staff Responsibilities During
Emergencies, The Smoking Policy, Medical
Transportation Policy, Compliance Plan, Karuk Medical/Dental Clinics Emergency
Plan, The updated Patient Handbook, The Sliding Fee Schedule, Code of Ethical
Behavior, Enrollment Procedures, and the Medical/Dental Fee Scale, 6 haa, 0
puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence motioned and Leaf
seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Barbara will ensure that the
areas that need Council approval be included in the cd or floppy format for the
Council that Lessie will be completing.
5. Joe Snapp, Substance & Alcohol Program:
Joe stated that he received a
copy of the DUI agreement completed by the State.
Recently there was an audit
by CAIR on the services provided by Social Services. He is sure there will be
some negative responses from CAIR, but he is waiting for a final report.
Joe stated that with the CAIR
auditor had a hard time conducting an audit, as Joe was not present, and then
Anthony Ballard was out on travel status. Joe hopes that with Erin Hillman,
Martha Schrock and Laura Olivas’ assistance that the program did well.
Joe has obtained State
certification and he has found that he needs to be certified by Medi-Cal, and
that he will begin to work toward this as well as obtaining certification for
Anthony Ballard. The program has to be state certified and the counselors have
to be state certified in order to receive reimbursement from Medi-Cal.
The architect working on the Oak
Knoll project is working on some revised plans. He is glad to see that there
will be some working plans, and the grant for a feasibility study has been
Joe stated that he would like
to have the Oak Knoll center open with the minimal construction that is
required, and then the clients that are residing at the facility could do the
painting, and similar duties to complete the tasks. Joe reviewed the
regulations on naming the facility a residential treatment center vs. a center.
Joe stated that the goals and accomplishments can be achieved by transporting
the client’s to receive services at our clinics, without opening a full
treatment center.
Jim Penndel sent Erin Hillman,
Arch Super and Joe an email regarding receiving a grant notification from
EQWEST. Joe will speak with Jim and determine when he is available to meet with
the Council at one of their Wednesday Planning meetings.
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve Joe’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
6. Martha Schrock, EDHHS:
Martha provided the Council
with a brief verbal report. She explained that she is getting settled in, and
meeting with the staff. She has been traveling to the clinic sites. She has
been obtaining a review of the last year, the goals and the achievements of
each program and has been attending meetings. She noted that she doesn’t worry
about audits for example, the CAIR program. She always likes to see the final
report returned before there is too much concern regarding the program.
She has been speaking with
patients regarding their care. She has been working with the staff on
recruiting, and has been working very hard to get up to speed.
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve Martha’s verbal report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Requests: None
at this time.
None at this time.
Closed Session:
Consensus: To table Employee # 4114 request to Monday’s Budget meeting.
Bob motioned and Leaf
seconded to uphold CHS denial and deny cases 168 and 169, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
Consensus: to table employee # 4696 recommendation. Barbara will ask Sara to
provide lawyer opinions that she obtained regarding this information as well as
clarification on penalties at the upcoming Wednesday planning meeting.
Consensus: Set some time with Olin Jones separately following the meeting with
Carol Russo, to have discussion regarding arrests and pressing charges of
selected persons.
Consensus: Arch,
Leaf motioned and Bob
seconded to approve the recommendation by the Education committee regarding
Tribal Member #2035, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine motioned and Martha
seconded to approve $775 from LIAP Discretionary for Tribal Member #1803, 4
haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: to allow Barbara Norman to assist employee #8736.
Consensus: to select “Sandstone” for carpeting in administration offices.
Consensus: to approve $50 appreciation to Tribal Member #2217 for cleaning of
field to ensure Tribe was reimbursed for their deposit.
to the Election Committee; it is with great respect and with heavy hearts that
the Karuk Tribal Council declares the seat formerly held by Karuk Tribal Member
Robert Grant Sr., vacant. The Council wishes to express their admiration and
respect for Robert Grant Sr.’s, devotion and service to the Karuk Tribal
People. However, at this time, the Tribal Council hereby notifies the Election
Committee to initiate approved process for a special election to fill the
unexpired term.
Consensus: to allow Tribal Member #1337 on the Housing Meeting Agenda being held
September 25, 2006 at 10 AM in Happy Camp.
Florence motioned and Bob
seconded to approve travel for Arch Super and Barbara Norman to the Tribal and
State Summit Justice conference in San Francisco CA, November 2006, 4 haa, 0
puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Florrine Super, and Alvis Johnson).
Next meeting date is October 12, 2006 at 5PM, in Happy
Camp, CA
Florence motioned and Florrine
seconded to adjourn meeting at 9:46 PM 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider