Karuk Tribe of
Health Board Meeting
Meeting called to order @
Arch Super, Chairman
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Roy Arwood, Member at Large
Alvis Johnson, Member at
Robert Goodwin, Member at
Large (
Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
Robert Grant, Member at Large
Quorum is established.
Alvis motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve the agenda with additions, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Minutes of
Roy motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve the minutes, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1) Hester Miller, Grant Writer/Resource Developer:
Hester provided information
on the FEMA mitigation plan. She would like to collect public input from the
community that is present. She will also make the draft available for others to
read. The FEMA plan will assist in obtaining funding in the future for any
other years of flood damage similar to this last year. The funding includes
allotted assistance toward the clean up process. She explained that the recent
flood damage was mainly in Karuk territory, so this plan is very important to
ensure there is adequate funding to assist in appropriate damage clean up. If
the mitigation plan is approved the clean up project/s may begin as early as
this summer. The outline goals are
millions of dollars that would be to remove structures that are in flood zones,
and stream moving.
Hester would like to receive
public comments and feedback received by
Directors Reports:
1.) Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:
Lessie presented a PSA Area
Agency grant continuation application for the senior nutrition program. The
funding source is PSA Area 2 Agency on Aging in the amount of $27,868 from
Due to the recent discussion
to move from JCAHO accreditation body to AAAHC, Lessie would like to attend
training along with her assistant to obtain an overview of AAAHC. She would
like to attend training in September and will need out of state approval.
Bob motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve out of state travel for Lessie Aubrey and Norlyn Peters
September 29-30, 2006 to St. Louis Missouri, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Lessie would also like to
request training on Contract Health Services. She invited any interested board
members to attend as well.
Florence motioned and Bob
seconded to approve out of state travel for Lessie Aubrey and Arch super to
attend training on Contract Health Services in Las Vegas, September 26-27,
2006, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The meeting with Jim Crouch of
CRIHB was postponed, but there is the possibility to meet with him via
teleconference. Bob inquired about the membership fee that CRIHB wants to
Lessie also provided an
update regarding HRSA; she completed a modification and has been eligible to
move $80,000 to cover some costs associated with the sliding fee scale
implemented at the clinics. There have
been third year modifications to maintain the staffing. Lessie found that there
was a $6,000 reduction; this was a 1% reduction that took place on the Federal
level to all programs.
Lessie provided the health
program zero tolerance policy that was recently re-approved by the CQI
Committee. She is requesting re-approval by the Board at this time.
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve policy
A JCAHO press release should
go out to the public and to the newspapers. JCAHO provides a template to
utilize to issue a public release that is sent after organizations receive
accreditation. Lessie will post this on the website and insert it into the
Siskiyou Daily news and the
A request from Maria Miranda
and Sharon Denz, to attend the Siskiyou Golden Fair to provide information to community
members that KTHP’s health service is open to the entire community was
presented. Dr. Hess explained that the space rent is approximately $330 and it
must be staffed the entire time. Bob explained that this is a great idea, but
there should be further funding information submitted in regards to staffing
the booth and the funding needed to cover their entry fee and associated costs
for time. Arch explained that this would have to be approved at the next
Wednesday meeting as more information needs to be submitted. Bob also suggests
having other staff volunteer for the booth as well, so that they do not become
too tired.
Vickie announced that
Leeon motioned and Bob
seconded to approve Lessie’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2.) Joe Snapp, Substance and Alcohol Abuse Program:
Joe announced that the
substance abuse program received its state certification.
Joe provided revised plans
from the architect regarding the Oak Knoll project. They are scaled down prints
which is the third revision for this project. He distributed the plans for the
Council to review. The Council agreed with the latest plan revisions including
the scaling back and building on once there is further funding obtained. The
Oak Knoll facility will not provide treatment due to the restricted regulations.
The best option is to keep the residence strictly a transitional house, and
transport the patients to treatment. This has been approved, and will best suit
the facility.
Joe introduced Anthony who has
recently been employed as counselor for the
To date Joe is unsure where
the DUI application process is. He believes that it is held at the County
level. Joe suggests asking if Barbara Norman contact the County, to obtain a
response. The Council agrees that having Barbara Norman on this task would be
Directive: for Barbara Norman
to contact Joe Snapp to obtain an update regarding the DUI application held at
the County level, and to follow up on the status with the County.
The garden is going good, and
there is quite a crowd working on it. He is experiencing issues with the water
pump and is unable to have adequate watering to the garden. Joe explained that
he purchased a smaller pump that he may use.
Directive: for Barbara to notify
Fred and Davey to assist Joe in digging a pond with the backhoe including a
reservoir to provide water for the garden. Also, inquire about Bill Johnson’s
ability to work on the pump at the Ranch.
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve Joe’s report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence motioned and Bob
seconded to approve David’s report 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The inspection noted in David’s
report, was in regards to the JCAHO survey that was recently conducted. Bob
would like to have follow up next month on meeting compliance regarding the
identified deficiencies.
4.) Patti White, Database Administrator:
The IT department seems to be
experiencing issues on both sides of the organization. There should be a plan
of action regarding the issues that are being identified.
Florence motioned and
Leeon seconded to approve Patti’s written report, 3 haa, 0 puuhara, 2
pupitihara (Bob Goodwin and Roy Arwood).
Vickie completed a required report
for the HRSA grant, participated in the JCAHO survey and was selected to sit on
the EDDHS interview panel. Due to her schedule she was unable to complete a
written report. She went on to provide a verbal report for the Council.
The Happy Camp Dental Office
is moving along, including prepping the facility for construction and obtaining
equipment to be utilized in the new space. This project was funded some time ago
and now she will be able to provide IHS a report of the progress.
She has been having staff
meetings, and quarterly joint staff meetings in which all staff attend together.
The next joint dental staff meeting is scheduled for
The Hygienist services in
Yreka are increasing. There also have been improvements in all areas regarding
expansion of services within the dental program.
Florence motioned and
Leeon seconded to approve Vickie’s verbal report, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1
pupitihara (Roy Arwood).
Bob would like to get
together with persons for the Health Fair and the
Phil was unable to attend the
meeting to present his request; however his request was written and included
for the Council to review. The request will be moved to the next Wednesday planning
meeting for review to ensure that the Tribe received payment from Brass
Knuckles Promotions from their last event.
Closed Session:
Employment proposal was
discussed with the Council. The Council recommends that Laura Mayton, Lessie
Aubrey and the employee meet together to discuss the details of the proposal.
After the CFO reviews the proposal the Council will be more informed of the
budget status to continue negotiating. Barbara Snider is to complete salary
comparisons regarding the proposal and present the information back to the
Consensus: to allow
employee #1027 to remain on staff until
Consensus: to have Lessie
Aubrey draft a letter to employee #3692. The letter should include; recent
reports maintaining composure, noted lack of presence, and obvious loss of
desire related to work, this will be presented and discussed with employee,
Directive: to employee
#3692 to meet with Bob Goodwin and
Employee made
recommendations to the Council regarding the recent EDHHS selection, and
replacement suggestions for the Yreka Medical facility.
Consensus: the Council
needs and would like to be sent the KTHA delinquent list.
Consensus: to move the
next regularly scheduled Council meeting
back to Thursday July 27, 2006.
Bob motioned and Alvis
seconded to approve lodging for
Employee #3770 requests a
loan in the amount of $1,129 to pay back in four installments via a payroll
Bob motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve increase of Stephanie Dolan’s rates from $100 per hour to
$150 effective September 1, 2006, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).
Roy motioned and Leeon
seconded to contribute to the 2006 Northwest Intertribal Gathering & Elders
Dinner in the same amount as last donated, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Roy motioned and Leeon
seconded to approve a $1,000 donation to Sports Core Outdoor Renovation Effort
(SCORE) for their recondition project to the Happy Camp High School outdoor
basketball courts, 3 haa, 0 puuhara, 1
pupitihara (Bob Goodwin).
Next Meeting date:
Alvis motioned and Roy
seconded to adjourn meeting @ 8:35 PM, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Respectfully Submitted,
Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider