Karuk Tribe of California

Health Board Meeting

May 11, 2006



A.) Meeting called to order @ 5:01 PM, by Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman.


Roll Call:

Present/Term of Office:

Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman                             2003-2006

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer                                  2003-2006

Florrine Super, Secretary                                   2003-2007

Robert Grant, Member at Large                                     2004-2008

Roy Arwood, Member at Large                                     2005-2009

Robert Goodwin, Member at Large                    2005-2009

Alvis Johnson, Member at Large                        2004-2008

Florence Conrad, Member at Large (5:15 PM)    2003-2007



Arch Super, Chairman (travel/excused)              2003-2007


Quorum is established.


B.) Robert Goodwin read the health mission statement aloud.


C.) Agenda:

Bob motioned and Leeon seconded to approve May 11, 2006 agenda with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


D.) Minutes of April 13, 2006:

Bob motioned and Florrine seconded to approve minutes of April 13, 2006, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


E.) Guests:

1.) Everett Miller, Siskiyou County Superintendent Candidate:

Mr. Miller thanked the Council for allowing him to discuss his position as Siskiyou County Superintendent candidate. In recent discussion with Arch he discussed his observation of Karuk children and other Native American children that have not been successful in furthering their education. This is a concern of his, and he has successfully been working with outside resources foster success.

Mr. Miller explained that if elected the Karuk Tribe and other Native American children will not be forgotten in regards to their education. He wanted to share this concern with the Council and his dedication to the Community.

Lessie explained that parents that have issues with the local school seem to not have many avenues for handling those issues. Mr. Miller stated that he would like to develop partnerships, with the communities, to have something that has meaning and purpose. He commented that he would provide continuous growth with education for the children, and he would create these partnerships to enhance working relationships. Mr. Miller would hold a political position that would seek funding for different projects; they are basically an oversight body overseeing funding spent and distributed to the County Schools.

One partnership that he would like to create is in regards to pre-school for all. This program is going to force the county schools office to offer pre-school to all young children in the County. If these partnerships are implemented into communities and some towns do not have a head start then in lieu of actual county pre-school funding alternate programs should receive funding. For example Karuk Head Start should be afforded funding via the partnership, as they offer the only head start program in Happy Camp.


Mr. Miller thanked the Council for allowing him to address the group and the Council members.


2.) Erin Hillman, Director of Administrative Programs & Compliance:

Erin is present to request approval for resolution 06-R-059 for opening and closing of an escrow account for the Maddox property.


Bob motioned and Alvis seconded to approve resolution 06-R-059 authorizing opening and closing of an escrow account for the Maddox property, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florence Conrad arrived at 5:15 PM.


Erin also requests approval for a funding request submission to the Blue Shield of California Foundation in the amount of $25,000. The funding allocation was discussed with Chris Kleeman and Lessie Aubrey in regards to where this funding should be allocated. They have both concurred that they would like to put the funding toward technology in the form of a document storage and retrieval system. The CQI program and Human Resources program will be the first programs to utilize the system.


Bob motioned and Florrine seconded to approve 06-R-060 authorizing submission of $25,000 funding request to Blue Shield of California, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Florence Lopez, Elder’s Director:

Flo discussed the form 1099 miscellaneous and the different boxes on the form for income to be reported. Some committee members receive stipend checks; she questioned the information being tabulated into a different box. This would alleviate a tremendous tax impact on the committee members if calculated into a different box on the form. Flo questioned why the Tribe couldn’t allow for committee members to have Federal taxes taken, but allow for Council members to do this. Laura Mayton clarified that there are legal requirements for the completion of 1099 Misc. Certain incomes must be inserted into different boxes, but all must done correctly. She believes that the Tribe is performing their tax documents correctly and legally.

Laura offered to follow up and review this for Flo and the Council. She will provide clarification regarding the legal requirements for 1099s. Bob explained that some Council Members are employees and that is why Federal taxes are withheld from their checks; however he would still like for Laura to review this.


F.) Old Business: None at this time.


G.) Directors Reports:

1.) Patti White, Database Administrator:

Patti is present to review her written report, but noted that she has some updates. She explained that she has had some updates installed into the RPMS system which will greatly assist with efficiency.

She explained that the Medicare electronic billing has finally passed, and is now complete.

Patti had some errors on the HRSA UDS report and has been working with Laura Mayton to correct the errors.

Happy Camp data entry is current, Orleans is three days behind and Yreka is three and a half weeks behind. Sharon Meager and April Spence will be traveling to Yreka to assist the new data entry clerk and to get that facility caught up.


Florrine motioned and Alvis seconded to approve Patti’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.) Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:

Vickie is present to take any questions the board has in regards to her written report. She also requests that she have time at their next Wednesday planning meeting to provide procurement documents for the Happy Camp Dental clinic remodel project. Barbara will notify Sara of Vickie’s request.


Florrine motioned and Bob seconded to approve Vickie’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:

Lessie provided a GPRA report for the Council to review. Lessie explained that the indicators have slightly changed year to year, in some areas over the last three years. At some points there were no vaccines to meet indicators, due to the flu vaccine shortages, and at other times staff worked diligently on obtaining a higher rating on indicators.

Lessie provided CQI reports that were available at yesterdays CQI meeting.

Lessie stated that on July 26 there is a conference on competency assessment, she may be attending and she would like to provide the information for their review, in case the Council is interested in attending as well.

Kerry Gregg was hired by CRIHB. He would like to meet with the Council to discuss the facility engineering position he recently obtained within CRIHB. Erin explained that the Karuk Tribe has continued to work with IHS, and had decided to not move the Karuk shares to CRIHB as the new venture by CRIHB was not believed to meet the needs of the Karuk Tribe. Bob explained that there would be some draw backs to moving shares to CRIHB.

Erin explained that the working relationship with IHS has been very beneficial. For example, CRIHB did not offer the services that the Karuk Tribe is moving in.

The Darrell Hostler fund has been contributed to previously by the Karuk Tribe and the contribution was roughly $7,000. This fund is diminishing and CRIHB is proposing a donation increase to $10,000 annually. Roy explained that CRIHB has scholarship funds in which they possibly could cut back on, and he isn’t sure why they don’t spend less elsewhere to make up the funding.  The Darrell Hostler fund provides funding toward their political ambitions in which creates funding toward healthcare specifically for California Tribe’s. Roy explained that when CRIHB was founded there were no IHS funds allocated for Native Americans in California. Roy provided numbers identifying the funding that has increased due to CRIHB’s establishment, and the lobbying that the funding creates to further assist California Indians. Roy noted that the Darrell Hostler funding that is contributed, is optional. Lessie stated that CRIHB is proposing that all tribes become full members and if we opt out and not become full members, and then they will no longer provide services to the Karuk Tribe. Roy explained that to continue the current Karuk membership or opt out, is not time sensitive.

Lessie will provide Florrine with information on the budget of the Darrell Hostler fund.


Lessie explained that Governor Schwarzenegger wrote a letter thanking Jim Crouch for CRIHB’s participation in assisting in the recent medication coverage crisis.

Bob would like the Council members and Kerry Gregg to get together to discuss the Darrell Hostler Fund and several other topics recently arisen regarding CRIHB.


Lessie would like the Council’s opinion on a request she received. She stated that The Quartz Valley Tribe has requested a copy of the Health Program Policies and Procedures. Lessie would like to have their input on allowing the internal policies to be sent to them as the entire policies have never been sent directly to an individual or outside agency. The Council would like to assist the Quartz Valley Tribe in creating their policies, since so much research and work has been completed on them.


Bob would like Lessie to discuss the Urban Health Program budget cut issue with Hector and have him provide information to the Council regarding his findings.


Florence motioned and Florrine seconded to approve Lessie’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Joe Snapp, Substance & Alcohol Abuse Program:

Joe is not present to review his report; however there is a resolution for approval. Erin explained that the Karuk Tribe receives funding form CalWORKs in the amount of $53,000, currently that funding is being budgeted for a cut and the support resolution is to clarify the Karuk Tribe’s support of reconsidering the budget cut. The Council would like to have more detail inserted into the resolution including Karuk Social Services program data.


Florence motioned and Bob seconded to approve 06-R-048 with additional information regarding services that the Karuk Tribe Social Services program offers, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Joe will be asked to provide information on the services that are available in all three Communities and the schedules for them. For example; men’s groups, women’s groups and Alanon. All community representatives shall provide reports on their specific community services to Joe, in which can incorporate them into his report.


Florrine motioned and Bob seconded to approve Joe’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


5.) David Eisenberg, PHN:

David is not present, but his report is included for the Council to review. He has one action item, 06-R-54 authorizing submission to the Early Access to Primary Care (EAPC) funding, in the amount of approximately $90,000.


Bob motioned and Alvis seconded to approve 06-R-54 authorizing submission of EAPC funding for approximately $90,000, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Bob motioned and Florrine seconded to approve David’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


H.) Requests:

1.) David Tripp, Jump Dance Representative:

At this time David Tripp is requesting insurance coverage for the Jump Dances. Attendees that may attend the dances will have to cross private property; the property owners require insurance coverage prior to David beginning the needed work on the trails to the dances.

Consensus: to allow insurance coverage for the Jump Dances as requested by David Tripp.


I.) Informational: None at this time.


J.) Committee Reports: None at this time.


K.) Closed Session:

Consensus: to refer CHS Case #162 to the Hoopa facility orthodontic program.


Consensus: for Tribal Member #2655 to discuss orthodontic request with Anna Myers, for discussion regarding other resources. Also dental access at the Yreka clinic was noted, and the Tribal Members shall contact Vickie Walden and Anna Myers to determine Happy Camp dental clinic availability as well as possible mileage from CHS to travel from Yreka to Happy Camp for appointments.  

Complaint regarding the Yreka Medical Clinic shall be referred to Lessie Aubrey according to policy.


Florrine motioned and Leeon seconded to approve a loan in the amount of $350 with repayments in the amount of $50 monthly to Tribal Member #558, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Florence absent for vote).


Florrine will complete a phone vote with the LIHEAP Committee regarding $500 emergency assistance in regards to Tribal Member # 558.  


Laura Mayton will complete a loan agreement and it shall be handled as quickly as possible.


Consensus: to refer loan request in the amount of $1,152.50 with repayments of $120 monthly from Tribal Member #2139 to Wednesday’s planning meeting.


Consensus: to deny loan request from Tribal Member #1275 at this time.


Consensus: to employee #1017 explaining that the Council would like to continue with their approved recommendations regarding the Health manager’s committee attendees.


Bob motioned and Leeon seconded to approve $1,000 loan with repayments in the amount of $100 a month to Tribal Member # 390, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: all loan requests shall be required to state reason, in order to determine need and priority.


Employees are present to request that the Council allow for a patient survey regarding the determination to return operations of the Yreka medical Clinic to Monday - Friday 8 hours a day as directed to be effective May 15, 2006. The Council provided information regarding the lack of use of the extended hours. If there is further information that the Council should be presented with, then they should forward it them. However at this time, the Council thanked the employees for their input but they shall move forward with the determination to return to regular operating hours in accordance with the effective date.  


Robert Grant left the meeting at 9:05 PM.


Approved CHS policies signed by the Chairman of the Karuk Tribe were presented to the Council, along with follow up regarding a directive that was issued. After review of the policies the Health Board concurs that their directive was sufficient.

Consensus: for Lessie to obtain a copy of the letter regarding Medicare Part D, this was sent to Tribal Members. She is to determine who it has been sent to, and clarification on the information in the letter. If the intent of the letter is correct, then the letter shall be revised to more accurately explain the information as well as demonstrate professionalism.


Employee #4315’s request will be referred to the Wednesday planning meeting, in which by that time Florence will have discussed request with the immediate supervisor to ask for input in regards to the request.


Tribal Member #1428’s loan request will be referred to the Wednesday planning meeting in which she will be asked for further information, regarding what resources they have tried, and specifically what the funding is needed for. If more information is presented by Wednesday’s planning meeting then it will be re-discussed.


Bob motioned and Leeon seconded to uphold the CHS denial 062-LHCC-208 and pay $62.78 from Third Party, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Robert Grant has requested to resign as a CRIHB representative alternate and as the CASA Chairperson at this time. The Council representative replacement will be selected at the next Wednesday planning meeting.


L.) Next meeting June 8, 2006, 5 PM Happy Camp, CA.


M.) Meeting Adjourned.


Bob motioned and Alvis seconded to adjourn meeting at 9:56 PM 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.





Respectfully Submitted,




Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman


Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider