Karuk Tribe of California

Health Board Meeting

March 9, 2006



A.) Meeting called to order @ 5:10 PM, by Arch Super, Chairman.



Arch Super, Chairman

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member at Large

Robert Grant, Member at Large

Alvis Johnson, Member at Large

Florrine Super, Member at Large

Robert Goodwin, Member at Large (6:51 PM)



Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman, excused, weather

Florence Conrad, Member at Large, excused, weather


Quorum is established.


B.) Health Statement was read aloud by Florrine Super, Council Secretary.


C.) Agenda:

Alvis motioned and Florrine seconded to approve agenda with additions, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


D.) Minutes of February 8, 2006:

  • Barbara stated that she has a correction on page 2 of 8, approval to send Hector and Carrie to self-governance training was to Michigan not Massachusetts.


Florrine motioned and Leeon seconded to approve minutes with correction, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


E.) Guest:

1.) Troy Hockaday, Tribal Member:

Troy Hockaday thanked the Council for their donation to the basketball tournament in Warm Springs. The children were thankful and had an awesome time. Troy stated that the children that participated ranged from 5 to 9 years of age. He is having a youth tournament here and has six teams confirmed so far. These teams are from Eugene, Hoopa, and the inlaying communities.


Troy is requesting funding to cover some expenses. The cost is $350 up front, for the trophies. Arch stated that several board members are on the booster club committee, and they could discuss this further in a meeting scheduled tomorrow. Troy offered to allow the booster club to have a raffle during the tournament to raise money for their club. Also, the Indian club is handling the snack shack.


Florrine will contact Genevieve Markussen to see if she is available to bring a girls team. Troy was invited to the booster meeting.



2.) Toni McLane, Head Start Director:

Toni stated that she was at their Wednesday meeting last week, and was to bring back her Head Start application for approval; she has to re submit the application as there is a 1% decrease in funding this year. Toni stated that she did receive a 1/3 award for 2006. She provided Laura, Jim, and Erin a copy. Toni explained that the Head Start program was reduced approximately $4,000 and she is planning to offset this decrease by cutting her hours of work.


Toni stated that the proposal had to be revised as her time is going to be reduced and update the application with the 1% decrease.


Florrine motioned and Roy seconded to approve 06-R-21 for Head Start, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


F.) Old Business:

None at this time.


G.) Directors Reports:


1.) David Eisenberg, PHN:

Florrine motioned and Alvis seconded to approve David’s written report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.) Patti White, Database Administrator:

Patti stated that she has her written report included in the packets for review.

Patti stated that she completed her OSHPD report for both sites. She has not completed the HRSA UDS report, but she did receive an extension on it.


Florrine motioned and Alvis seconded to approve Patti’s written report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


3.) Vickie Walden, Dental Office Manager:

Vickie presented procurement for dental equipment to request approval. The purchase is to come from the year one HRSA budget for $2,638.12, for periodontal cleaning equipment. The bids were reviewed by Erin and Laura. This equipment will be placed in the Happy Camp dental clinic. Debbie put the bids together and Vickie appreciated her work.


Roy followed up on the data entry being behind as noted in last month’s report. Vickie stated that it is still behind and she needs to set a meeting with Laura and Suzanna to discuss the issue. The HRSA grant was originally written to include a position for dental data entry/dental billing, but the position was filled as a medical biller. Roy recommended that she arrange this meeting, to ensure that there is no loss of revenue as late billing reduces funding.


Leeon motioned and Roy seconded to approve purchasing dental equipment from Henry Schein in the amount of $2,638.12 to come from the HRSA grant, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Vickie stated that Native American access to care reveals that in January the visit count has gone up. Florrine stated that she has heard several complaints on dental access. Vickie stated that there is a wait time, but the dentists are doing a lot of restorative work which is time consuming. Vickie stated that access for routine care has been an issue. Dr. Burns stated that the medical department has had studies on time between visits before and wonders if the dental departments could do this to identify the actual time between appointments. Vickie stated that that information cannot be captured as easily as medical departments, and it would require a hand count. Doing that is not appropriate as it would take time away from the daily duties of the dental staff. She does know that the clinics are a couple weeks booked in advance for appointment slots. Florrine asked if there is easier access in the Happy Camp clinic. Vickie stated that she can provide more information to the Council at their Wednesday meeting, as she would not like to vocalize the dental numbers and create negative competition. She would rather that the dentists work together as a team, and they agree. A competition between providers is not productive.


Vickie explained that Nikki and Dr. Madkins are interested in doing a dental sealant project in the community. After it is completed then it will be done in Yreka.


Robert Super asked if there was an estimate of missed appointments while Dr. Weaver is on leave. Vickie stated no, that she isn’t sure of the numbers, but that his patients are aware that he is going to be on leave.


Roy motioned and Leeon seconded to approve Vickie’s written report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Joe Snapp, Substance & Alcohol Abuse Program:

Not present, on travel written report provided. Barbara distributed his RPMS data report, which displays his counseling numbers.


An additional LCSW for Orleans and Happy Camp was hired. Chuck Lent was selected and will be starting in May at two ten hour days.


Florrine motioned and Alvis seconded to approve Joe’s written report, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Barbara will send Joe a note asking that he include data reports on the other Substance and Alcohol abuse counselors.


5.) Lessie Aubrey, DQMCH:

Lessie presented her report for the Council. She presented the binders of information for survey preparedness, in case she is not available at the time of the unannounced survey. She has made binders for the Yreka facility and a binder here in Happy Camp for the facilities here and Orleans to share.


Lessie stated that regardless of the statements made earlier today, her research on accreditation bodies was presented un-biasly. She researched several accreditation bodies, and found several replies on the issue. She received information from K’maw, John Rosing and other facilities. Lessie provided an email from Karen Dekker, the last JCAHO surveyor for our organization. She provided a few comparisons, and offered to provide training to the staff, and come on site to do a presentation.   Lessie commented that the information, presented earlier did not view all sides.


Lessie stated that she is not presenting a credential file for Jesse Drake, LCSW tonight as he needs to have peer review. In actuality, he was not a member of the health program, but a previous member of the Council had requested her to complete peer review for him.


Lessie stated that she attended HIPAA training. She really enjoyed the training as it was more related to State law and she has previously received a lot of Federal law training. With HIPAA, organizations must adhere to the strictest law set regarding HIPAA, either state or federal. This recent training provided examples and resources on the comparisons.


Margaret Lawson was present in the Orleans clinic while Dr. Willett was on leave. Lessie performed checks on her background and found her to be clear and approved to work for the organization. It was nice to have someone cover so that the clinic did not have to close.


Lessie stated that the Health plan for HRSA was not accepted, as there are revisions that HRSA would like. Lessie asked for an extension on the revision, which was granted and she will complete the necessary revisions.


Lessie explained recent progress regarding the HRSA budget completed in the last health manger’s meeting. The HRSA grant had set aside money to allow funding for some screenings, dental services and pharmaceuticals. The staff will pull financial data from the EAPC grant and move HRSA funding back to the health program, offsetting KTHP for discounts provided and services to patients with no coverage. This is a step forward and she was happy to have made progress regarding this.


Lessie stated that in her role as acting EDHHS she has been spending a lot of time on personnel issues. Vickie stated that she agrees that time spent on personnel issues is overwhelming. Vickie would like to recommend that the Council consider hiring a non related staff person to attend to personnel issues.


Lessie provided the ACQI reports that were available for review.  


Robert Goodwin motioned and Florrine seconded to approve Lessie’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


H.) Request:

1.) Dr. Burns, MD:

Dr. Burns stated that he hasn’t been to a conference in a few years. He would like to request out of state travel for a pediatric conference in Hawaii.


Roy motioned and Florrine seconded to approve out of state travel for Dr. Burns to Maui for a pediatric conference June 25 – July 1, 2006, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


I.) Informational:

Title IVE funding meeting March 16th and 17th at Red Lion in Eureka.


J.) Committee Reports:

Roy stated the concern over the CAIR program losing funding was rectified, and it is no longer an immediate issue.


K.) Closed Session:

Consensus: Anna Myers is to work with Lessie on clarifying qualifications for non provider staff to initiate referrals in which CHS will cover expenses.


Consensus: To table loan request from Tribal Member #2822 to the Wednesday meeting, Barbara will follow up on questions that the Council would like clarified.


Consensus: Decisions of patient care or lack there of by employee #8470 will be addressed at a later date.


Council representatives will attend the health staff meetings, and provide clarification if needed to the group that the function of the group is not to represent one person’s agenda, but to provide quality of care to patients that use Tribal programs as well as represent what the board has put forth for it’s people, and the Tribe. 


Directive: For Sandi Tripp to change the answering message in Orleans to include the Social Services department along with their extension so that patients may directly contact them.  


Consensus: The Tribe will remain with JCAHO until this accreditation cycle is complete. At a later time further discussions on changing accreditation bodies will take place.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Alvis seconded to approve a $1,400 loan request to Karuk Sports, that will be repaid at the conclusion of the Adult tournament, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Florrine Super and Roy Arwood).


Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon seconded to approve a $1,200 loan for Tribal Member #538, with payments of $100 monthly to repay the loan, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood).


Consensus: Authorization for Robert Super to gather more information regarding intern insurance coverage, vehicle availability, and funding options and review with Laura and present it further at the next Wednesday planning meeting.


Robert Goodwin motioned and Roy seconded to approve lodging for Florrine Super’s travel to the ICW state training in Sacramento, February 17, 2006, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florrine Super).

Roy motioned and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve sending Arch Super to Michigan to the Self Governance Conference, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florrine Super).


L.) Next meeting scheduled for April 13, 2006.


M.) Robert Goodwin motioned and Leeon seconded to adjourn at 9:03 PM, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.





Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider