Karuk Tribe of
Council Meeting Minutes
December 28, 2006
Happy Camp,
The meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM by Arch
Super, Chairman.
Roll Call
Arch Super, Chairman
Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Robert Goodwin, Member
Alvis Johnson, Member
Quorum is established.
The preamble to the Constitution was read aloud by
Approval of the Agenda for December 28, 2006
Florrine Super moved and
Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the Agenda for December 28, 2006. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1) Approval of
the Minutes for October 26, 2006
2) Swearing in
of Appointed Council Member
Charron Sonny Davis was duly
sworn into the position of Council Member at Large and took his seat at the
3) Old Business
None at this time.
4) Susan Gehr
Susan was present to review
her written report. She states she has
been contacted by the
Susan states she plans to
coordinate a Language Committee Meeting for January that will work with the
Council Meeting date and there are many interesting topics to discuss at that
5) April
April was present to review
her written report which included the current draft MOU with the Humboldt
County Sheriff’s Department which has many revisions based on a recent
conference and should work better for them.
They have also received an email requesting a meeting date/time to move
forward with this.
April states that she met
with representatives regarding the Cal-CASA Program and they are waiting for a
letter to be written allowing them to enter into the Contract, but the State
has not specified who the individuals are, the good news is they will receive
more funding than anticipated, they are just waiting for the State to send the
letter once they determine what they are doing.
She states she is beyond frustrated with both of these situations and
the lack of forward movement from the State.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve April’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Not present, written report included. April states that one program requirement is
that the Governing Board completes a questionnaire letting them know how the
CASA Program is doing. She states it is
somewhat unfair because
The Friends of CASA Committee
has voted to no longer due fundraising at the cage fights as they do not feel
it is appropriate. April states that
when developing a calendar for the coming year, they already had other events that
could be successful for them and therefore, they would rather focus on
those. They do not feel comfortable
dealing with abused/neglected children and doing fundraising at the cage
fights. That does not mean that non FOC
members could not do the fundraising and contribute the money to CASA; it just
means the FOC Committee Members will not be participating. They did not make very much last year, but
there are plans for about six events next summer which could generate funding
for the program. There could be a
sub-committee established so that CASA is not doing the fundraising, there
could also possibly be a change on the distribution of the revenues from the
fights. There are many options that can
be researched before the season starts.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Leeon Hillman seconded to approve
7) Hector
Not present, written report
8) Jim Berry
Not present, written report
only. Arch asked if they should have Jim
come to a meeting and report. Robert
states that the KCDC Meetings are held on the Monday preceding the Council
Meeting which he, Alvis, and Leeon all attend.
If the information exchange is not sufficient, they can ask that he come
to more Council Meetings.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Jim’s report.
8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
9) Scott Quinn
Scott was present to review
his written report. He has two action
items this evening. The first is
Resolution 06-R-145 requesting the price change on the Indian Ned Allotment
EUR-140 as the appraisal is lower than the offer. The reduction would be from $38,890 to
Leaf Hillman moved and
Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Resolution 06-R-145. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
His second action item is
Resolution 06-R-146 to purchase the Oom Property in Yreka for $150,000. It would be done with a $20,000 down payment
and then monthly payments of $1,000 per month with one balloon payment at the
end of two years and an interest rate of 7%.
The goal is to pay it off early, but they want to make sure they can
retain a cash reserve.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Robert requested a copy of
the Draft Fishing Ordinance, Scott states he will print it for him.
10) Sandi Tripp
Sandi was present to review
her written report.
Her first item is a proposal
to demolish the
Leaf Hillman moved and
Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Agreement 07-A-002 with the Karuk Tribe
Housing Authority in the amount of $32,000.
8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Her next item is a subcontract
with T&T Construction in the amount of $25,000 to work on this
project. Contract 07-C-025 has been
assigned and Laura and Erin have reviewed it.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Her next item is a Special
Use Permit with the US Forest Service for Katimin. There is a copy of the old permit and the
proposed permit in the packet. She has
been working with them for quite some time on this document. She has received word from Clay Gregory that
he feels the document is acceptable and they will be signing it. He has also spoke to them about a land
transfer for that property and she will keep them posted on that. She would like them to review the new
document. The new Permit would not
expire until December 31, 2016. The mess
hall will need to be demolished and the Forest Service is prepared to fund
that. Robert suggests a Resolution be
assigned when it is approved after they have looked it over very closely. Sandi states that the final document will not
have the strikethroughs noted.
Leaf pointed out that the
references to the water line and a permit being issued for it are not necessary
and are new references that were not in there before. She states she will speak to them and find
out the particulars for them. She would
like to have this approved within a week if possible as it expires December 31,
She would like to be on the
Agenda for the Wednesday meeting if possible as she will have some items to
present for approval. She also requested
a Mid-Month Meeting Date. She will just
come to the Wednesday meetings if she needs something approved.
Leeon Hillman moved and
11) Lisa Aubrey
Lisa states she has no
actions items at this time, just the written reports.
Leaf Hillman moved and
12) Dion Wood
Not present, he presented his
report prior to the meeting tonight for approval and it was accepted.
13) Jennifer
Jennifer states she has no
action items in addition to her written report.
She states she has been
working with Hester on the grant for the sweathouse project that Hester spoke
to them about previously. She inquired
if the Council has any questions about the Language Class funding request for
Hoopa High School because that will most likely be referred back to the Council
as the Education Committee does not have funding at that high of an
amount. She encourages Council Members
to attend the District Budget Meetings if they are available so that they can
inquire about this.
She states she continues to
work as a CASA Advocate. She states
there is funding for the spring 2007 Semester.
The rent vouchers must be applied for in August each year, so no new
vouchers will be issued for the Spring Semester. Florrine asked how she is getting the word
out about the Spring Semester and also the Tutoring Funding. Jennifer states it is an ongoing item and so
she lets them know as they call in, she also keeps contact information on file
for the students that did not get their applications in on time for the Fall
Semester. Applications are due by
January 31, 2007 and there is $7,000 to $8,000 of funding. Jennifer states she put it on the website
last week. Arch suggests flyers in the
Leaf Hillman moved and
14) Hester
Hester was present to review
the written report for the Grant’s Office.
She states she has no action items and couple additions.
She states a letter went out
today that was written for the Sanitation District so they can request
emergency assistance from the County for the current sewer issues. Leaf thanked her for that.
She states she has some new
information about the radio station and what costs would be involved in
that. There would be some technical work
and non-technical work that would need to be done. She will speak to them on Wednesday about
that as the timeline is rather short for this project. She would like them to be able to make an
informed decision. What Joseph Orosco
would be interested in is a translator station to broadcast the Hoopa channel. The cost will be $2,000 to $5,000 for the
engineering work and she could prepare the legal work for review. Dr. Burns states that he has some information
from the County regarding this; Hester states she has received that from
him. She states the second part of this
would be to run their own radio station which would probably include a second
station in Orleans as the signal would not carry very far which could get
Robert Goodwin moved and
Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Hester’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
15) Erin
She states the ICDBG Grant
was awarded and they went out to bid for the Environmental Assessment Services
which closes on January 3, 2007. She has
also advertised for the Architectural Services on that project for a community
building in
She has finally received a
bid for the Yreka community building in the amount of $987,161 with Neel &
Company. This will be run through the
Housing Authority and the Karuk Tribe will be invoiced for their share of the
project as previously agreed to. There
were three bids and this was the lowest.
This is the third round of bids on this project. Because funding comes through the Tribe she
requires Council approval, although it will not have a Karuk Tribal Contract
Leaf Hillman moved and
Florence Conrad seconded to approve procurement for Neel & Company in the
amount of $987,161. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0
She states she will prepare
the letter to the Smithsonian requesting an inventory that can be passed on to
the new director when hired, hopefully soon.
Leaf Hillman moved and
16) Sami
Written report only, not
present. Robert would like to see the
detail of the Shivshaneen Property and how that will be plotted out.
17) Laura
Laura was present to review
her written report. She states she has
no action items tonight.
Florrine Super moved and
18) Davey Davis
Written report only, not
Robert Goodwin moved and
Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Davey’s report. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (Leaf Hillman not present for voting).
19) Fred
Written report only, not
Robert Goodwin moved and
20) Donation
Request from Cheryl Titus
They will consider this
request in closed session.
21) Assistance
Request from
Josh was present to discuss a
request from the Orleans Volunteer Fire Department (OVFD) to cover the
emergency phone system in the amount of $2,000.
They were granted this request in 2004 and would like to request the
funding. The cost is $165 per month,
they only have enough funding to cover either their insurance or the phone
system and they are required to have the insurance by law so they will have no
choice but to discontinue the phone system without this contribution.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve the request for $2,000 of assistance. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. (Leaf Hillman was not present for voting).
22) Phone Votes
Request approval
for resolution 06-R-138 authorizing intervention by ICW regarding Tribal Member
#MS. Also authorizing two Tribal Members to become a certified Tribal Foster
Home. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 06-R-134 authorizing submission of a proposal to the EPA in the
amount of $150,000.Passed.
Request approval
to EDMP in the amount of $105,926. Passed.
Request approval
to submit proposal in the amount of $112,138. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 06-R-139 authorizing intervention of Tribal Member #4016 by ICW. Passed.
Request approval
of loan in the amount of $2,000 to Tribal Member # 1013. Passed.
Request to
authorize exception in outstanding debt and provide food voucher under special
circumstances to Tribal Member # 1128. Passed.
Request approval
for loan in the amount o f$600 to Tribal Member # 520. Passed.
Request approval
for assistance in the amount not to exceed $360 to Tribal Member # 517. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 06-R-136 authorizing submission of proposal in the amount of
$9,999 to the State Water Resources Board. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 06-R-137 authorizing submission of pre-proposal. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 06-R-102 authorizing ICW to intervene on behalf of Tribal Member
# 3343 also authorizing Cheyenne Davis to be the Tribal Representative. Passed.
Request approval
for the KTHA 2006 Annual Performance Report. Passed.
Request approval
for loan to employee #7694 in the amount of $273. Passed.
Request approval
of resolution 06-R-133 authorizing submission of grant application to the
National Institute for Conservation in the amount of $3,260. Passed.
Request to defer
loan payments for Tribal Member # 1895 until able to return to work or family
is financially stable. Passed.
Informational Items
None at this time.
24) Committee
None at this time.
25) Closed
Session from 8:12 PM to 10:25 PM
Robert Goodwin moved and
Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Resolution 06-R-144 enrolling fifteen new
Tribal Members into the Karuk Tribe of
Consensus: They will discuss the request from Employee
#2966 for assistance on Wednesday.
Consensus: Happy Camp/Orleans LCSW and Executive
Director will work on a joint presentation regarding the Mental Health Program
as it is currently and where they see it going in the future.
Leaf Hillman moved and
Robert Goodwin seconded to post a RFP for Family Mediation Services to be
funded from OES/BIA Funds. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Florrine Super seconded to approve the position description for a
Consensus: To offer the Chief Judge position to Judge
Henry and advertise for an Associate Judge as a backup.
Leaf Hillman moved and Robert
Goodwin seconded to approve purchasing business cards for the
Consensus: The request from Tribal Member #269 will be
considered Wednesday.
Consensus: They will speak to the Director of
Administrative Programs & Compliance regarding the request from Tribal
Member #454 on Wednesday.
Leaf Hillman moved and
Leaf Hillman moved and
Robert Goodwin seconded to move forward with termination of Employee #0028
pending legal advice. 8 haa, 0 puuhara,
0 pupitihara.
Consensus: Martha will negotiate with the FNP applicant
to develop an agreement that can work for both sides to recruit this individual
into that position.
Consensus: To deny the request from Tribal Descendent #D01683
for assistance.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Leaf Hillman seconded to approve the letter of support for Takota
Consensus: To table the request from Tribal Member #1346
to Wednesday.
Robert Goodwin moved and
Leaf Hillman seconded to approve procurement for
Consensus: To issue a letter to Housing Resident
indicating that no action is going to be taken by Tribal Council on this issue
and that the offer made by the Housing Authority stands as the only available
Next Meeting Date:
January 25, 2007 at 5 PM in
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM.
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Sara Spence