Karuk Tribe of California

Council Meeting – Yreka, California

October 26, 2006

Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 5:01 PM, by Vice-Chairman, Leaf Hillman



Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Florrine Super, Secretary

Alvis Johnson, Member at Large

Florence Conrad, Member at Large

Roy Arwood, Member at Large

Robert Goodwin, Member at Large (5:15 PM)


Quorum is established.



Arch Super, Chairman (travel- San Francisco)


Leeon Hillman read the Mission Statement aloud for the group.


Florrine motioned and Leeon seconded to approve the agenda with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Minutes of September 28, 2006:

Florence motioned and Alvis seconded to approve the minutes 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


April Attebury: Guest 1:

April introduced Cheyenne Davis as the new CASA Program Manager. Cheyenne was trained as an intern under the FORD Foundation. She recently applied for the vacancy left by Barbara Houle’s resignation and was selected for the position.


Cheyenne explained that she grew up in Happy Camp and was born and raised there. She went to UC Davis to receive her degree and enjoys the work she does. She was under Darlene Navarro as an intern and is very interested in pursuing her career. She is glad to receive the opportunity to work for the Tribe and she is excited to be selected for the position.


Guest 2: Corina Alexander, Naa Vura Yee Shiip:

Corina is present to request approval for a resolution in support of her OES 2005-2006 grant. It is almost spent out but the funding agency required the updated resolution for her grant.


Leaf asked if the Administration staff have reviewed this. Jim and Corina stated no, but the previous resolution was approved and it is exactly the same.


Florence motioned and Leeon seconded to rescind resolution 05-R-149 and approve resolution 06-R-126, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.




Guest 3: Troy Hockaday, Tribal Member:

Troy would like to request the use of the backhoe to assist in cleaning up the grounds of the Ranch. Leaf stated that there is currently equipment in the area, and he has already received the request. He has authorized the use of the equipment to assist in the clean up. They are planning to utilize the flood disaster crews as well as the equipment.

Roy asked if there has to be a signed release to remove the vehicles and have them car crushed. Troy explained that he notified the family of the car crushers coming and if they want to remove their vehicles.


Troy also asked how the speed bump issue is progressing for Yreka Housing. Erin explained that this was finalized on Saturday and the project will be moving forward according to Housing’s timeline.


Barbara is to send a note to Sami to have the issue added to the Housing agenda to finalize the issue.


Director Reports:

1.) Scott Quinn, Land Manager:

Scott stated that the Jacob’s Allotment clean up is almost complete. There are only a few piles left for clean up. He went through two thirty yard dumps, and utilized the FEMA crews and the equipment of the Tribe’s. Sandi mentioned bringing the dump truck to the Aubrey Ranch, but if needed they will order another one. There is enough funding left in the budget.

He explained that the NIGC went well, but he was unable to get the time to meet with face to face.

While in DC Carrie attended a meeting with Cal-Trans regarding the Bunker Hill property and discussed their dumping near grave sites. They have stated that they will block off the area to clearly mark where they are unable to dump. They will also build a road to the gulch in the middle of the property. The supposed encroachment was not exactly affirmed after review.

The BIA Larry Blevins explained that soil samples have shown that there is a better area for a disposal site, but Scott will go down with the ceremonial leaders to review if this is appropriate.  

He spoke with the County today regarding the zoning for the Oak Knoll building. The County representative wants to switch the property to a residential use permit for a group home. This is the best option in his opinion.


Leaf questioned if the Tribe is moving with the Fee to Trust option regarding that project. Scott confirmed that he is, but he does recommend that the permits go into effect as soon as possible.


There is property near the Yreka Elders housing that is for sale. He spoke to Sami and she seemed interested, but he heard that she is not interested. Erin clarified the situation for the Council. Leaf asked that Scott discuss this with Sami and then have this added to the agenda at the next Wednesday planning meeting.


Leeon motioned and Florrine seconded to approve Scott’s verbal report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.) Susan Gehr, Language Director:

Susan explained that Bill Bright has passed away. She stated that he will be missed, and that she feels that the Karuk language and education of the language is better due to his assistance and work on the language. The funeral service is in Boulder later this month, and she and Arch will be attending. In January there will be honors to him at the annual conference. Susan also stated that the plaque that was approved by the Council was well received by his wife and family. His wife is willing to ship it to the conference and back, and Susan would also like to ship it to the conference.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to reimburse Bill’s wife the cost of shipping to and from of the conference, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Susan went on to explain that the New York Times that ran the obituary on Bill Bright, has determined that they are working on and obtaining some artifacts that belong with the Karuk Tribe.


Leaf asked if the Karuk flag was sent to Bill’s family. Susan stated that she has arranged for the purchase but it is not sent to date. She will carry it with her to the services and deliver it personally.  


Florrine motioned and Bud seconded to approve Susan’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf thanked Susan for working with Bill’s family and he noted that Bill was special for the Tribe and instrumental in the preservation of the Karuk Language. Letting him know and his family know that his work was appreciated is important for the Council and they thanked her for her special interest and detail spent on honoring him.


3.) Sandi Tripp, DNR Director:

Not present, written report provided.


Robert stated that he and Bud attended the USFS summit meeting, and he had the opportunity to discuss some language changes in their annual agreement. He believes now that he has effectively explained the reasoning why the Tribe insists on keeping the language protecting the Tribal Ceremonial Grounds in the agreement, and is willing to sign the agreement with the language included.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve DNR’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


4.) Hester Dillon, Grant Writer:

Erin distributed a grant application that will be coming via a phone vote tomorrow. The project will be the same as presented, but there are some revisions to salary that need to be done and she will go over those with Hester.

The grant was written by Nikki Hokanson and Dr. Weaver toward a dental sealant program, and Hester has been assisting them. The program will provide sealants to the Happy Camp Elementary School and the Happy Camp High School.


Florence requested that the dental staff realize that there are other communities that are in need of dental care and even some communities that the Tribe serves that do not have any dental services. Erin explained that if this project works well, then this should be expanded to other areas, but she will definitely direct Hester to work on grants for the other communities as well.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve the Grant Writers’ report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.




5.) Martha Schrock, EDHHS:

Martha will be stricken from the Council Meeting agenda until further notice. She will report directly to the Health Board.


6.) Dion Wood, TERO Director:

Dion is present and reviewed his report with the Council. He announced that he received a partial amount award for the Childcare program. This is how the program is run; he did receive a directive to work with Headstart to collaborate and has set an appointment to work with Headstart to view the scenarios of each community regarding childcare. Dion stated that the County schools have been funded for the communities, and this will be provided for free until 6 PM it is his belief that this will change the operations of the childcare program but they will determine in which manner once the program begins to operate.

Dion thanked Arch and Florrine for attending training in regards to the Childcare program. He would also like to work on having a financial guideline for the Tribe as opposed to the State or Federal levels. He believes this would work very well and be more supportive of the Tribal clients that use the program. He will research different tribes and what their income levels are currently set at.

The Junction School project has no further updates, but he is attending a regional meeting next week and at that time he will gather input on having the TERO tax applied. Dion asked how far the Tribe is willing to move toward trying to gather the TERO tax on that project.


Florence stated that she represents that community in particular and the school there is 70% Native American. She has issues with the building of the school without taking this into consideration. She is disturbed that that community is continually overlooked and goes without assistance on several bases when they are mainly Native American. Dion clarified that he has assisted in several programs, so he does not agree that there is no assistance provided in that community. Florence stated that the school there is less than 40 students, 70% of that low number being Native American. It is disturbing to her that the School chose to not take into account the Native American population but she does not want to jeopardize the new school as they need one.


Leaf believes it would be helpful if the Council had a better understanding of the unique situation for California in these circumstances. Also what the precedent is that would occur by seeking legal counsel regarding this. Leaf would like more information on this as the Council needs to further understand what the comparison to other Indian communities is.  He would like Dion to look into this and provide a brief in writing at the next Council meeting or possibly a planning meeting.  


There was a TERO retreat held October 25, 2006 and the Ordinance was reviewed word for word. Once approved TERO feels that they will have solid ground to enforce the ordinance. Interview protocol would include documenting who is on the panel and an established threshold to hiring. He will work with Sara on this, to ensure the panel and the Directors are comfortable when hiring.

He questioned the drug screening policy and the process as well as the procedures for emergency hires and long term hiring.


They discussed the policy on committees and the cross between Tribal Members, employees and also committee members.


He explained that there is order taking place for the TERO committee in regards to the ordinance and he will be working on this to clarify all the questions that arose regarding drug screenings, hiring, interview panels, and policy regarding committees.


The TANF consultant is going to send a schedule regarding working with the Tribe. This will be moving forward and he hopes to have more input from Laura Mayton, as she attended training recently regarding TANF.


Leeon motioned and Florrine seconded to approve Dion’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


7.) Jennifer Goodwin, Education Coordinator:

Not present, no written report submitted.


Barbara is to send a notice to Jennifer asking for her report to be submitted.


8.) Erin Hillman, Dir. Administrative Programs & Compliance:

Erin is awaiting an answer to what will happen with the application regarding the building in Happy Camp. The building will be bid out again, due to the fact that the two proposals received were too expensive. There will be some changes to cut costs to attempt to reduce the bids received.  


Michael Thom assisted in getting items returned to the State Museum and Roy delivered them to ensure all persons handling the items were appropriate.


Erin will meet with Jennifer next week regarding the Basketweavers gathering. At this time they will review the survey with suggestions to make the event more pleasurable to the participants and achievable by the Tribe.


The LIAP committee met October 24, 2006 and reviewed the poverty guidelines. She stated that there are differences in the income guidelines to try and include up to 200% of the State’s income guidelines. This will be going to the Council on Wednesday for approval.


Andre Cramblit would like to request the Council’s nomination to a review committee. Seven members will compose the review committee. The deadline was October 16, 2006, but possibly a letter for recommendation could be done. Florrine would like to know why Holly was not nominated as she works with that program directly. It was explained that the grant in which provided Holly’s position was not funding for another year, so that program is vacant currently.


Leaf explained NAPGRA, noting that these individuals represent the issues when there are disputes regarding opposite of Tribes interests and when items need to be returned back to the Tribe’s to which they belong.


Roy motioned and Leeon seconded to provide a letter of nomination of Andre Cramblit to NAPGRA, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Arch and Erin have set up a meeting with Carol Moon to view her items at the Museum on Saturday October 28, 2006 to verify her items are carefully taken care of.


Florrine motioned and Bud seconded to approve Erin’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



9.) Chris Kleeman, IT Manager:

Not present, no written report.


Barbara will send notice that he is directed to report at each Health Board Meeting as requested by his supervisor until further notice.


10.) Sami Difuntorum, KTHA:

Update on the Yreka Elders homes was given by Leaf. He has been experiencing slow progress but has been negotiating with the City attorney regarding an easement and encroachment for water and septic service so that those persons have access to the services. The language has been removed from the agreement, and KTHA has been having discussions over the agreement along with the City. As of this afternoon Leaf has signed a copy of the agreement that has the final language in which KTHA has deemed appropriate and it will be sent to the City Counsel. Once the agreement is signed and executed, this will allow for four more elders homes in Yreka to become occupied.


Robert stated that the Tribe has been working diligently on getting the homes for the Elders in the Yreka area, and KTHA has been working very hard on the agreement.


Leeon motioned and Florence seconded to approve KTHA’s written report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11.) Laura Mayton, CFO:

Not present, on travel, written report provided.


Florrine motioned and Bud seconded to approve Laura’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12.) Lisa Aubrey, LIAP:

Lisa distributed her report for the Council to review. She presented the grievance procedure which includes the time frames in which the clients have to respond, outlining within ten days for each appeal step.


Florrine motioned and Florence seconded to approve the LIAP grievance procedure with changes, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florrine motioned and Robert seconded to approve Lisa’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13.) Hector Garcia, Self-Governance Director:

Not present, on travel, written report provided.


Leaf noted that the Siskiyou Daily News’ last editor had an agreement to run articles in their newspaper and did not follow through. It is known that the Tribe is not included in the Siskiyou Daily News nor does the newspaper provide timely information regarding the Karuk Tribe’s position on any given issue especially regarding any position or programs or services provided by the Tribe.


Robert clarified that the SDN is not presenting adequately what the information is that is coming from the people through the Tribe. The Papers have friends that oppose the Tribe and it appears that their information is shared publicly but the Tribe is not afforded the same opportunity to provide information and share their position regarding issues.


Robert would like clarification specifically one or two sentence briefs (he means it) and also Hector’s recommendation regarding the said bills noted in Hector’s report, and if Hector supports and proposes the Council should support back to the Council. This would ensure that the Council can make better determinations regarding their support or opposition on behalf of the Tribe.


Robert motioned and Florrine seconded to approve Hector’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14.) Jim Berry, KCDC CFO:

Jim explained that Rosie’s program was awarded the recent ANA grant. KCDC is currently flying for two positions in Happy Camp and a ½ time position in Orleans which will be Student Services Coordinators. They will assist the Orleans computer center as well as keep the Happy Camp center open. Then in year three they will open a center in Yreka.


Robert asked if there was clarification regarding the donation of Computers to the Orleans center. Jim explained that Laura was unavailable to answer the question but he will follow up on that as soon as she returns from travel.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve Jim’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florrine asked that Toni provide information on the Headstart Reauthorization Act and that that information shall be provided to the Council.


15.) April Attebury, Tribal Court Administrator:

In Hector’s report he stated that they received a draft Title IV-E agreement with the County. Don Langford County Counsel has drafted the agreement. She would like to contract with Joann. The State stated that when the draft agreement is done it should be ready to go. Everything will be submitted and sent to Sacramento to get the finalization done. It will not exceed $1,800 this will come from BIA negotiation funds. The contract number 07-C-013.


Robert motioned and Florrine seconded to approve contract 07-C-013, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Request for agreement 07-A-001 this will be displaying how the Tribes work together. The only issue Robert foresees is jurisdiction. He stated that that would be between Tribe to Tribe, and April explained that this outlines that the judges will work together.


Leeon motioned and Robert seconded to approve agreement 07-A-001 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara (Roy Arwood, absent for vote).


April will follow up regarding the budget for CILS since Daniel Pratt is out. Florrine asked if she has heard back from Chris regarding email connection and phone installation issues. April did the phone service herself, and she has not heard back from him regarding email or computer access.


Cheyenne needs her email address and her computer from the prior staff person and the phones when they move into the new CASA building. April took care of the phone situation, and the company will come out on October 30, 2006 to complete the work. Chris did come out and assist her, but not as an employee and the documents are in employee mode. April will fax Gerry her work order since Chris is out of the office.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve April’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

16.) Maintenance Report:

Not present, written report provided.


Florence motioned and Leeon seconded to approve Davey’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17.) Fred Burcell, Construction:

Not present, written report provided.


Florrine motioned and Bud seconded to approve Fred’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


NOTE:  There is too much information in Fred’s report, personnel issues shall be excluded in the future.


18.) Craig Tucker, Klamath Campaign Coordinator:

Not present, written report provided.


Leaf stated that there are several articles that have been picked up that Craig has submitted and they have been published in other areas. At a public hearing held in Sacramento at a water resources control board meeting the Karuk Tribe asked that they be assigned a numerical standard for the blue green algae where a hearing was heard for public comment. It appears that this will become successful.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve Craig’s report, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Phone Votes:

1.       Request approval for out of state travel for Susan Gehr to Boulder, CO. to attend Bill Bright’s memorial services 11/5 and donate a Karuk Tribal flag to his wife. Passed.

2.       Request approval of position description for a grader operator to be hired to work on the FEMA Projects identified that have been funded. Passed.

3.       Request approval for Contract 07-C-011 for $24,760 with Biostream to conduct work related to the winter water conditions of juvenile Coho Salmon. Passed.

4.       Request approval for resolution 06-R-122 for proposal to Fish and Game for $90,012. Passed.

5.       Request approval for resolution 06-R-123 for proposal to Fish and Game for $695,000. Passed.

6.       Request approval for resolution 06-R-124 for proposal to Fish and Game for $1,668,248. Passed.

7.       Request approval for resolution 06-R-125 for proposal to the Panterea Foundation for $10,000. Passed.

8.       Request approval to sign support letter to Heal Therapy for the grant that they are submitting and claiming in-kind from the Karuk Tribe staff. Passed.

9.       Request approval to close all offices Friday October 13, 2006 beginning at Noon in honor of Paul Gary Beck. Passed.

10.   Request approval for out of state travel for Scott Quinn, Alvis Johnson, and Hector Garcia to Washington DC, October 17, 2006. Passed.

11.   Request approval for procurement by Susan Gehr to purchase computer equipment. Passed.



Committee Reports:

1. Michael Thom – Election Committee Chairperson

The notice of special election has been sent for March 7, 2006 to fill one vacancy on the Council. Notice has been sent in a bulk mailing to all eligible Native Americans.


A letter that was sent to the persons who applied for absentee ballots explaining that they have missed the return date according to policy. In special circumstances an absentee ballot can be approved and Michael would like to send three absentee ballots to each site and then two for the Council members that will be on travel. Michael stated that in the last couple years there were fifty made due to how previous elections are done. The first fifty usually go to absentee ballots, and there have been 36 that have been mailed out to date. There are 14 left that have been created, and those should be sent to the communities to have them in case there are special or extraordinary circumstances. The special circumstances are identified by the Election Committee. Michael stated that this must be approved by the Council in accordance with the Election Committee.

Leaf explained that if the committee has identified special circumstances then they should follow their ordinance. It is understood that if someone had to go out of town in a case of a special circumstance as determined by the committee then they should follow their process of denying or approving absentee ballots.

Florrine believes that the Election Committee appears to be taking the people’s right to vote away, and also there are persons who have wanted to vote but have not received their absentee ballots.

Robert understands people’s rights to offer suggestions to revise the ordinance however he does not feel it appropriate to revise the ordinance in the middle of an election.

The process is rigid, but that is the nature of it at this point, and this needs to be revised during a more appropriate time.


The Council thanked Michael for his work and the Election Committees work and progress in moving forward.


KCDC Board Meeting Minutes: FYI.


Closed Session:

Consensus: for Tribal Member # 3222 to provide all documentation to Barbara regarding separate renters insurance and all correspondence to be forwarded to Housing along with a note that the Housing Board shall allow time for discussion of this issue with all documents in their possession.


Consensus: Tribal Member # 1829 request for a power wheel chair shall be referred to the EDHHS. She shall follow up on the insurance questions and if unable to find a funding source she shall present the request back to the Council.


Consensus: to notify Stephanie Dolan that the Council would like to discuss the validity of the recent election.


Florrine excused herself from the meeting at 8:57 PM.


Consensus: to refer Tribal Member # 4297’s loan request to Wednesday’s Planning Meeting.


Florrine returned to the meeting 9:05 PM.


Consensus: to refer Tribal Member # 3200’s loan request to Wednesday’s Planning Meeting.


Consensus: to allow Barbara Norman to provide her recommendation regarding assistance request from Tribal Member # 2132.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve 50% of  invoice submission by Dennis Wittelsey according to his proposal, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.  


Consensus: to purchase and donate a bear grass necklace to Sue Daniels for her work on the burns near Happy Camp and her effort to work cooperatively with the Karuk Tribe and Basketweavers of the Karuk Tribe.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve the purchase of the bear grass necklace not to exceed $200 and a certificate, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara. Leaf will work on this task.


Meeting Request: there shall be a meeting scheduled with Gerald, Earl, Florence, Sandi, Bill Tripp, Harold Tripp and any Council members that would like to attend regarding discussion to have three full time positions on staff from the Karuk 1 fire crew.


Robert motioned and Florence seconded to approve the forest service Summit meeting minutes of February 8, 2006, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus: to offer $1,500 to toward the total CHS bill, and if it is o.k’d by Dr. Chaas, then the parents shall be requested to repay $750 in monthly payments.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to approve out of state travel for Arch Super to Boulder Colorado, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florrine Super).


Consensus: no election campaigning material may be posted in offices or the Tribal buildings according to policy.


Robert motioned and Florrine seconded increase employee # 7553’s wage to $80 hour, 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Roy Arwood),


Robert motioned and Roy seconded to make employee # 7553’s increase retroactive to October 1st, 2006, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.                       


Consensus: for Stephanie Dolan to assist Tribal Member # 1071 regarding their legal issues.


Directive: to employees that the Community Building is open for the NA/AA group to conduct a drug and alcohol free Halloween dance Oct. 31, 2006 meeting.


Consensus: for Barbara to check on the plumbing issue for the building to see that the repairs have taken place.  


Consensus: for no Policy Council Members representing Headstart to be allowed to step down, until they evaluate their issues with the KCDC board.


Robert motioned and Florrine seconded to offer temporary employment to Tribal Member # 469 at the standing salary to ensure the Museum gift shop remains open for the Holidays, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.

Consensus: for the EDHHS to attend the Happy Camp Council meetings to ensure that the community and/or the members have the opportunity to meet or interact with her.


Leeon motioned and Leaf seconded to appoint Robert Goodwin to be the onsite representative for cage fights, and Roy as the alternate, 4 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Robert Goodwin & Roy Arwood).


Consensus: for Leaf and Arch  to meet with employee # 1051 to discuss what priorities are set for the position, reporting requirement, and staffing issues.  


Next Meeting Date, November 30, 2006, in Orleans.


Robert motioned and Leeon seconded to adjourn meeting at 11:13 PM, 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Respectfully submitted,





Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman


Recording Secretary, Barbara Snider