Karuk Tribe of California
Tribal Council Meeting Minutes
October 27, 2005
Yreka, California
The meeting was called to order at 5:04 PM by Arch Super, Chairman.
Roll Call
Arch Super, Chairman
Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Roy Arwood, Member – 6:53 PM
Florence Conrad, Member
Robert Goodwin, Member
Robert Grant, Member
Alvis Johnson, Member
Quorum is established.
The preamble to the Constitution was read aloud by Robert Goodwin, Member.
Approval of the Agenda for October 27, 2005
Florrine Super moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Agenda for October 27, 2005. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1) Approval of the Minutes for September 22, 2005
Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Minutes for September 22, 2005. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 2 pupitihara (Alvis Johnson and Leaf Hillman).
2) David Pelham
David was present to discuss an initiative on the November ballot that relates to the College of the Siskiyous. He would like to give a brief overview of what it is and what they hope to accomplish with it. He appreciates being able to be present before them. He states there are several reasons for the measure. There is the need for the ability to train community members for jobs to allow them to remain in the area especially in the health field. There is also a need for upgraded facilities within their campuses. He states there is limited funding available to meet their needs and most funding goes to other schools. They have looked into private fundraising; they also looked into what other community college districts have done. There are other schools that have put a similar bond measure on the ballot to be able to fund their needs. They have all been successful. The bonds will fund their ability to expand their training areas into the health industry and allow community members to gain these skills. They will meet with healthcare providers to determine what their priorities will be. The cost to taxpayers will be $25 for every $100,000 of assessed value of property for homeowners. They will also expand their tele-conferencing system to increase access to schooling through their college with these dollars. They will be able to put additional equipment in place in all of the area High Schools to be able to share information both incoming and outgoing. They believe this is an investment in their community and everyone will benefit from it. He distributed informational flyers for them to review and allowed them to ask any questions. How long will it continue? It can continue for up to 40 years but the goal is that the payback will increase as property values increase.
3) Matt Rokes and Mickey Hayes
Mickey was present to address the Council regarding the Beverly Manor property and the possibility of the Tribe purchasing this facility. It is a large convalescent hospital that is licensed to hold many elders. The reason it closed is due to the fact that the State of California requires that if you are on Medi-Cal and there is a bed available the hospital must take that patient. The reimbursement rate, however, is much lower than what it actually costs to take care of the patients. There was also a lawsuit against the hospital which they lost. The cost is 1.45 million dollars; it could not be built brand new for less than 5 million dollars. He states this could easily be converted to a drug and alcohol treatment facility as the licensing standards are very similar between the two. He states that convalescent hospitals lose money but drug and alcohol facilities are rather profitable. The closest facility is in Medford and they charge $400 per patient, per day. The County spends thousands of dollars for this type of treatment. He states the building is in good condition but requires some upgrades he is prepared to cover prior to sale. He is willing to lease the facility for 65 cents per square foot for the first two years and then 85 cents per square foot for following years if they are interested in that type of arrangement.
Mary Kelly asked who he is and what he does in the community. He states that most recently he owned the sixth largest dental HMO in California and now he is in real estate investments.
Leeon states that they can take this information to their Wednesday meeting next week to discuss further. Mickey asked if he needs to be present. Arch states they will contact him if they are interested in pursuing the discussions further.
Andrew Difuntorum asked if the County has been approached and if they are interested. Mickey states they have met with their attorney but they have expressed little interest.
4) Marlene Rodriguez and Lena Smith
Florrine states she received a message stating they would not be present.
5) Ben Riggan
Not present.
6) Dennis Devlin
Dennis was present to address the Council and he states that he does not have anything to present to the audience or the Council. He states the person he had questions about has left the room. He states that he feels Happy Camp is the center of the Tribe and he felt offended that the presenter from the College did not even mention that nor did Mickey Hayes, their entire presentation focused on the Yreka community and did not take into account that several Siskiyou County residents reside in Happy Camp.
7) Barbara Short
Barbara states she lives in Somes Bar and works as a school counselor in Happy Camp, Somes Bar, and Forks of the Salmon. She is present as an individual to discuss possible youth activities that can be pursued as there is a lack of services available in the communities she works with. She states there are many youth that are working hard to be good kids and want to make a difference in the world and want to go away to college and then work for the Tribe. They are capable of doing great scholastic work but have alienated themselves and fallen into depression due to the fact that there is nothing for them to do. If you are not involved in sports there are not many options for them to pursue or things to keep them busy. It is hard for them to get out of town due to lack of transportation and it is hard to get a job after school because of how depressed the community is. She states it is very heartbreaking to witness. She states that drugs and alcohol abuse is so prevalent that the kids find themselves around those things no matter what they do. She has tried to implement some other scholastic activities for these kids to try and give them something to do for them to get involved in.
She states that she has a proposal for them to review regarding development of a collaborative after-school program that would be 2 days per week for a small group of teens to work with a small group of elementary schools to do school/homework and then play games to be able to be involved in something. They would need for the Tribe to provide a facility to have these activities, transportation for them home, a stipend for at least one supervising adult, a stipend account for the high school youth that participate, and some snacks and supplies. The Family Resource Center will provide supplies and games for the activities. She will train the teens to work with the youth. The Elementary School will sign up students and then transport them to the facility after they get out of school. She projects that the cost would be minimal at $1,200 for the remainder of the school year. It can help give them something to do. Dorcas Harrison is willing to be the supervising adult for the program. She states there is also the possibility for the teens to earn school credit for doing this also. It will get them involved, make them feel needed, and give them something to care about.
Connie Frazier states the churches used to do things like this in the communities. She may want to pursue that if possible. She states she is more in tune with the Tribe and the schools and doesn’t really know anyone at the churches.
Andrew asked if there is anything in place to address the drug abuse problems. She states at this time she provides counseling at the school and the kids are currently not using drugs and alcohol. She states none of them use during school or at school, they use on the weekends. She states most of them are clean and sober.
Erin would like her to meet with Jennifer regarding this. Barbara Norman would be interested in having them contact the social services department to allow them to try and help those kids as well with the substance abuse issues.
Mary Kelly states that she feels that paying them may not be a good idea. She states that what she anticipates is putting the monies into an account and not give it to them on an ongoing basis but give it to them at the end of the school year.
She also distributed a second proposal to them about a teen support youth group to be implemented to try to help the kids and have their own sessions. Laura states she would be interested in helping with this if she can.
They would like her to meet with other staff members regarding the youth activities they have and how they can all work together.
8) Alma Navarro
Alma was present to address the Council and let them know about their upcoming Youth Conference for 5th through 12th grade students to participate in on December 3, 2005. It is a Saturday in Happy Camp and they plan to do several presentations on substance abuse, healthy living, and traditional values. She distributed the flyer and the application for them to look at. She encourages them to pass the information on to any youth they want to participate.
9) Dr. Solus
Dr. Solus was present to introduce himself as the new doctor at the Yreka Clinic. He wanted to come to speak to them about the Fun Run he is putting on in November. They are calling it a Turkey Trot and it will be held on November 19, 2005 (the Saturday before Thanksgiving) starting at the Yreka Clinic at 8:00 AM. It will be a 5 K Run (3.1 miles) and a 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk. The categories are 12 and under, 13-18 years, 19-30 years, 31-50 years, 51-64 years, and 65 and over with male and female categories for each. They will be raffling off prizes at the event also so it doesn’t feel like a race but just for fun!
10) Barbara Norman
Barbara was present to address the Council and the audience regarding the Bring the Salmon Home campaign that the Tribe is working on. She states that PacificCorp is owned by Scottish Power and their 50 year license on the dam at Iron Gate is up for renewal in March of 2006. The dams have been very detrimental to the Tribe. There is a company named Mid American owned by Berkshire Hathaway wanting to purchase PacificCorp and in turn purchase the dams they own on the Klamath River. On Thursday, November 3, 2005 there will be a public meeting in Yreka to discuss the possible sale of the PacificCorp company to Mid American. They want to show that Mid American does not want to buy this problem. This is the power user’s only opportunity to voice their opinions and make sure that Mid American understands what is expected from them. All customers that pay a bill have the right to dispute this and show them what they want. They need to show them that they are buying into a large liability by purchasing the company due to the violations that have been done by PacificCorp over the past 50 years. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates own the majority of the stocks in the company. Barbara states she will be present speaking as a customer, the Tribe cannot speak as they are under gag orders in the current cases.
Mary Kelly wants to know who will buy it if Mid American won’t. The hope is that if they show Mid American it is too costly and too difficult to remedy the situation and they don’t buy the company, then Scottish Power will be faced with the likely alternative of decommissioning the dams. She hopes they come out in force as no one ever shows up for these things. It will be 6 to 9 PM at the Yreka Community Center. They would like flyers printed up and distributed about this so that people know when and where it is. The community center is the building by the High School.
11) Old Business
None at this time.
12) Bob Goodwin
Flo is requesting permission to rent 5 motel rooms to support the Elders traveling to Eureka for the NCIDC Elder’s Gathering. The cost would be $371.25 for all of the rooms. It would be funded from discretionary.
Florence Conrad moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve up to $371.25 for lodging at the NCIDC Elder’s Gathering. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Roy Arwood arrived at 6:53 PM.
13) Sandi Tripp
Not present, written report only.
Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Sandi’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Troy Hockaday asked about the DNR report and discussion he had with the Ranger regarding revitalizing the Fish Hatchery up Indian Creek. The Ranger states that he has left messages and received no response from DNR. He suggests that instead of using all of their resources to fight the dam, why don’t they use the funds to revitalize the Fish Hatchery. Bob states he started meetings with the Forest Service regarding their wishes to work on the Steelhead Spawning Channels but there was SEVERE resistance from the Forest Service at the Supervisor’s level. Troy states that his family is willing to allow them to use the channels that were in place on his family’s property on the creek as well. Bob states that it seems there is cooperation on the local level, but it is actually the SO Level of the Forest Service that greatly hindered the process when they approached it previously. They would have to work with Fish and Game as well. There was further discussion regarding the issues associated with fish hatcheries and introducing them into the water systems. There was also discussion regarding the activity of the Tribe and where they are currently focusing their dollars with regards to the fish in the River.
14) Hector Garcia
Not present, written report only, he had to leave for Sacramento.
Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Hector’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
15) Dion Wood
Dion was present to review his written report with the Council.
He states he has one action item which is permission for Laura Olivas and himself to attend the Childcare Administrator’s Training in Seattle, Washington, November 8-9, 2005 as she will be learning the Childcare program to assist him when needed so that more than one staff person knows about the program. He has funding available in the budget to cover this.
Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve out of state travel for Dion Wood and Laura Olivas. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
He states he will be traveling to Sacramento on November 29, 2005 to educate CalTrans on TERO and attempt to initiate their compliance with the TERO and proper jurisdictions. He is keeping Scott informed on that as well.
He reported with April Attebury on the TANF Planning that they have been working together on. They distributed information regarding their research and briefed the audience on what their plans would be which is to administer the currently County administered Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF/Welfare) Program to Tribal Members. They continue to be able to make a final recommendation as they will not determine the level of funding until ACF decides what the Tribe’s TANF Service Area will be or the Tribe agrees to proceed with Siskiyou County only. The major question regarding the match has been answered by ACF stating that Tribes have no match responsibilities under a Tribal TANF program; the State has a match requirement but Tribes do not.
She will need to know who from the Council will participate in the upcoming conference call regarding forward progress on TANF as well as possible dates/times next week to gather further information. Monday at 1 PM or Friday are both available to set up the conference call.
Laura asked about the spreadsheet they received indicating matches for different levels of service and April states that they have been advised the chart is in error and the Tribes do not have a match requirement under TANF, only under Title IVE. She also indicated California has a different program than other states.
Bob asked if they will have a budget presented to them regarding the start up funding required and how much funding will be available to develop a Tribal TANF Program. They state they need to re-design their current program systems to be able to link those in. Bob asked if Laura can sit in on the conference call, she states Erin should be involved due to the fact she supervises several of the programs that would link into this.
Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Dion’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
16) Jennifer Goodwin
Jennifer was present to address the Council and review her written report. She states she has been very busy. She pointed out that there is still funding available for tutors and also for full time college students to receive grant awards. The deadline for the scholarship applications is December 1, 2005. She states she has been working with Florrine on the upcoming Youth Conference and continues to work with the CASA Program as the Education Program Representative.
Elsa asked about the $1,000 scholarships available through the American Indian Chamber of Commerce. She states she sent out applications to all students in the Higher Education Program and tried to distribute it best as she could. Florrine suggests posting items such as this on the Tribal Website. She states she hopes to develop an email list so that she can forward information such as this on to students everywhere.
Florrine Super moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jennifer’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
17) Rick Hill
Rick was present to address the Council and review his written report. He distributed information regarding Stewardship Incentives to be directed to individuals, legislature, officials, and others who hopefully can influence federal land management policies and stewardship opportunities. It may be used for reference and for strategic planning also. He reminded them about the meeting on Tuesday regarding the IRMP; this will be discussed further at that time.
Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Rick’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
18) Chris Kleeman
Not present, no report submitted.
19) Larry Jordan
Larry was present to review his written report with the Council. He distributed a flyer regarding the Bi-Annual Staff Meeting which will be November 9, 2005 in Happy Camp. He encourages the Council to attend if they are available.
He reported that at the CRIHB Meeting, Lessie Aubrey received the Regional Luna Wessel Leadership Award for outstanding service to improve the health status of American Indians at the regional level. CRIHB also surprised them with an additional plaque for their fourteen years of involvement with the CRIHB program. Roy states he gave the plaque to Lessie to bring back with her. He passed around photos for them to look at.
He requested approval of Resolution 05-R-127 rescinding Resolution 04-R-97 and approving the revised Sliding Fee Scale for the Karuk Tribal Health Program’s Medical/Dental Clinics. The scale will be adjusted in the future in accordance with the Federal Poverty Guidelines as they are updated.
Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-127. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
He presented a very brief update on the Pharmacy Charging Policy that was approved by the Council in August and implemented on October 1, 2005. It wasn’t really implemented until October 17, 2005 when the Pharmacy reopened after being intermittently closed. There has been some confusion and he pointed out what the four significant changes were.
Tribal Members are now charged a $2 per prescription co-pay. To put this in perspective, he points out that UIHS charges a $10 co-pay. They selected this from the options of $2 and $5 in August when presented. There is a $1 dispensing fee for Medi-Cal patients. They have also implemented a $5 per prescription co-pay for Tribal Descendents. The largest change made is for Tribal Members living out the service area which are now charged $2 per 30-day prescription or the cost of the medication whichever is higher. Due to the high cost of medications, they implemented this charging policy to help recoup some of their costs. He gave a very brief background on how prescriptions used to be paid for and how they are covered at this time with the Retail Pharmacy in place. They are expected to lose about $239,000 this year at the Pharmacy. That is the reason they have been making some changes regarding prescription coverage to allow them to be financial stable and continue to provide the service.
Robert Grant asked about Tribal Members that are on Medi-Cal. They would fall under item II and would only pay $1 instead of $2. They need to clarify this with the Pharmacy Staff. He pointed out that several Tribal Members don’t understand this. Larry states they are trying to make the information as clear as possible.
An audience member asked what will happen if they do not have the $2 or $1 to get their medications. They must charge the fee in order to be able to keep the Pharmacy open. They plan to monitor this and if they get to a point where they are more financially stable this would be the first item that would be changed. Troy asked about the Members out of the service area and if they even are required to serve them. That is why they charge the full cost of the medications so that they do not lose money by serving them.
Another audience member asked about the fact that they are “counted” but are not served the same as other members. They state that they do not receive funding based on the total number of Enrolled Tribal Members; they only receive funding based on the number of Native Americans in their service area. All Tribal Members can still receive services at their Clinics free of charge; this is the only change they have made to attempt to be able to continue to provide this service.
There was another question regarding the fact that they provide medications to Non-Indians but cannot provide coverage to their Tribal Members. Laura states that there are hardship provisions under which anyone can go to the Tribal Council and request assistance at any time if they are absolutely destitute and cannot cover the expense of their prescriptions.
Laura states that the Tribe used $300,000 of Contract Health Funding, $122,000 of grant funding, and $200,000 of Third Party Billing which all went into the Pharmacy and they still went $239,000 into the hole. They must make these changes to avoid de-stabilizing their Health Program. Several other Tribes that are providing prescriptions to others are getting ready to close their doors as they are losing dollars.
Another audience member asked if they will ever implement an Assisted Living Facility for the Elders and if they will have to pay to live there. They do not know how that will work and will have to address it if and when they get there.
They pointed out that the Council does not decide who they receive funding for, the IHS sets those standards. If it were up to them and there were enough dollars they would provide services to all Tribal Members no matter where they are.
Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Larry’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
20) Laura Mayton
She states she has no action items to add to her written report.
Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Laura’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
21) Erin Hillman
She states that she has no action items to add to her written report.
Robert Goodwin moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Erin’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
22) April Attebury
April distributed updated budget reports for their review. She states she will be working with Hector on a pilot project to incorporate Probate into the Tribal Court Program. She is also seeking grant funding. The Council pointed out that considering the other grant writing priorities and staff shortage at this time, she will need to take the lead on that grant. She states Sara has minutes from the Monday Planning Session but they are rough draft so they will be distributed shortly.
Leaf Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve April’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
23) Lisa Aubrey
Not present, written report only.
Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Lisa’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
24) Scott Quinn
Scott was present to review his written report. He distributed four action items for them to review and approve.
The first is Contract 06-C-004 in the amount of $2,750 with CERES Associates for a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Contract 06-C-004. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The second is Resolution 05-R-130 requesting the Bunker Hill Property be accepted into Trust.
Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-130. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
The third is Resolution 05-R-131 accepting the Title exceptions for the Bunker Hill Property.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-131. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Robert Grant).
The fourth is Resolution 05-R-132 requesting authorization to join the Humboldt County Tribal Transportation Commission (HCTTC), approving the By-Laws, and appointing the Vice Chairman as the Tribal Representative on that Commission.
Florence Conrad moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-132. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Leaf Hillman).
The last is Resolution 05-R-133 authorizing the purchase of the Frank Jacobs/Indian Ned Allotments consisting of 176.30 acres in the amount of $176,390 from Huddleston Oates.
Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-133. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Scott’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
25) Susan Gehr
Not present, written report only.
Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Susan’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
26) Toni McLane
Toni was present to review her written report with the Council.
She requested approval of one action item which is the Service Delivery for Children with Disabilities and Their Families Enrolled in Head Start and Local Education Agencies in California Interagency Agreement Between the California Department of Education, Special Education Division, and the US Department of Health and Human Services, ADF, Head Start Bureau – Region IX and XII Final Agreement of October 1996 as revised February 2005. Erin assigned Agreement number 06-A-001.
Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Agreement 06-A-001. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
It may need to be adjusted to Agreement 06-A-002 as the Agreement Number log is not available.
Florrine Super moved and Alvis Johnson seconded to approve Toni’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
27) Leo Carpenter
Not present, written report only. Florrine pointed out that he spelled Laura Olivas’ name wrong.
Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Leo’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
28) Sami Difuntorum
Not present, written report only. Josh states he is present in case they have any questions. Robert Grant asked about the ICDBG Loans available. Josh states they are dollars for Tribal Members to purchase homes on private land at 4% interest for 30 year mortgages around $100,000. It is the same program as the First Time Homebuyers Program. He states the process is more giving than bank loans if they have credit problems. Robert asked if there are grant dollars available to do home repairs. Josh states that will be included in the CDFI but they have no money to loan at this time.
Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Sami’s report. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara.
29) Fred Burcell
Not present, written report only.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Information was included in Fred’s report that they are pursuing options to put speed bumps in place in the Yreka Housing community due to traffic control problems near the playgrounds. Robert Goodwin read the information aloud to keep them up to date on their actions to try and remedy the problems. They hope to have a plan approved and in place in the near future.
30) Don Voyles
Not present, written report only.
Roy Arwood moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Don’s report. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
31) Requests
None at this time.
32) Phone Votes
The phone votes for the past several months were read into the record including:
1. 10/20/2005: $1,000 from Third Party to fund CHS Case #155. Passed.
2. 10/12/2005: Resolution 05-R-126 authorizing submission of a proposal to the California Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $20,000 to develop a social impact analysis (SIA) of the degraded Klamath River Fishery from 11/2005 through 11/2006. Passed.
3. 10/12/2005: Resolution 05-R-125 authorizing the Senior Nutrition Program to submit a grant proposal to the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs for the amount of $1,250 to educate and enroll seniors in our service area for the new Medicare Prescription Drug Card Program. Passed.
4. 10/7/2005: Request for out of state travel for Bill Tripp and Earl Crosby to Forestry Training in Quinault, Washington. Passed.
5. 10/3/2005: Resolution 05-R-122 authorizing acceptance of Tribal Jurisdiction in ICW Case. Passed.
6. 9/20/2005: Request to obligate $10,000 for new phone system in Orleans to be funded through Blue Shield of California. Passed.
7. 9/20/2005: Request for travel for Chairman to HRSA Conference in Burbank, California, September 28-30, 2005. Passed.
8. 9/7/2005: Request to obligate funding for the Language Program Director’s salary from discretionary until ANA funding for the new fiscal year can be secured. Passed.
9. 8/5/2005: Resolution 05-R-98 authorizing submission of the 2nd year of HRSA continuation funding. Passed.
10. 8/5/2005: Request to purchase fisheries supplies in the amount of $2,438.59 from Salmon Recovery Funds. Passed.
11. 7/25/2005: Authorization to submit a funding proposal to the US Fish and Wildlife (3) in the amount of $142,076 to continue adult/juvenile Coho radio telemetry, thermal refugia studies, monitor juvenile Coho populations on the Salmon/Klamath Rivers, fall Chinook spawning surveys, and water quality monitoring in Seiad, Orleans, and Happy Camp. Passed.
12. 7/12/2005: Resolution 05-R-91 to submit a funding proposal to the Seventh Generation Fund the amount of $9,434 for community organization to construct a men’s sweat house adjacent to the People’s Center. Passed.
13. 7/12/2005: Resolution 05-R-92 to submit a funding proposal to the Ford Institute for Community Building in the amount of $669.60 for the CASA Program. Passed.
14. 7/8/2005: Request to submit a grant proposal to the Blue Shield of California Core-Support Initiative in the amount of $10,000 to address telecommunications deficiencies. Passed.
15. 7/8/2005: Resolution 05-R-87 designating Tribal Representation in the Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt for ICWA Case #JV040045. Passed.
16. 6/30/2005: Resolution 05-R-83 to submit a funding proposal to the Head Start Bureau ACYF for a one time proposal for Health and Safety needs at the Happy Camp Head Start Center in the amount of $42,834. Passed.
17. 6/24/2005: Authorization to loan $800 to Tribal Member #MS. Passed.
18. 6/14/2005: Out of state travel for Holly Hensher to Phoenix, AZ to visit and review cultural collections at the Heard Museum and document NAGPRA for the funding agency. Passed.
19. 5/16/2005: Request to submit a grant proposal to the Institute of Museum and Library Services in the amount of $20,000 to ensure cultural continuity and provide income generating skills to local artisans. Passed.
33) Informational
A thank you card from the Happy Camp Library Board was received thanking them for their $100 donation toward the Welcome to Happy Camp Sign on the West side of town.
34) Committee Reports
Arch wanted to ask for an update on the KCDC Board’s activities. Leeon states that he will do this in closed session. There is not currently a director on board so there is no one to report. Laura states that Jim Berry could probably report monthly if they would like. Robert Goodwin states he will speak to him about this at the next meeting.
Closed Session from 8:38 PM to 11:45 PM
Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve up to $500 for one month of prescription drug coverage for Tribal Member #1026 from Third Party. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: To place Tribal Member #261 on the Agenda for Wednesday so she can provide them with further requested information.
Consensus: To table Tribal Member #2402’s request
Consensus: To table Tribal Member #1673’s request pending further information to be provided regarding the referral process.
Consensus: To direct Tribal Member #3516 back to the Housing Committee to present additional information and request they reconsider their decision regarding the lease.
Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 05-R-128 authorizing intervention in Cases #CF35877 and #A173759 as recommended by ICWA. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: To forward Tribal Member #1232’s information to Barbara Norman for further guidance. Tribal Member shall also speak to Lisa Aubrey about their LIAP request.
Directive: To resend the Directive requesting the Housing Committee to suspend the eviction action against Tribal Member #510 until the Housing Committee can re-evaluate the situation and give the tenant the opportunity to present all information and appear in person before the Housing Committee. The previous request should have been to evaluate new information that he was not given the opportunity to present.
Consensus: To accept the recommendation to transfer Employee #2267 into the Administrative Assistant position with the addition of Health Program Liaison duties by working with the Executive Director and Health Program Directors on assigned projects.
Consensus: To review Tribal Member #650’s request on Wednesday.
Consensus: To review Tribal Member #1878’s request for assistance on Wednesday.
Florrine Super moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve a loan to Tribal Member #1013 in the amount of $2,500 to be repaid at the rate of $350 per month at 5% interest. 7 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florence Conrad).
Next Meeting Date: November 17, 2005 at 5 PM in Orleans.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to adjourn at 11:49 PM. 8 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary,
Sara Spence