Karuk Tribe of California

Council Meeting Minutes

July 29, 2004

Yreka, California




The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Arch Super, Chairman.


Roll Call


Arch Super, Chairman

Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member


The preamble of the Constitution was read aloud by Leeon Hillman, Treasurer.


Approval of the Agenda for July 29, 2004


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve the Agenda for July 29, 2004.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


1.         Approval of the Minutes


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the Council Meeting Minutes for June 24, 2004 and Special Meeting Minutes for June 30, 2004, July 14, 2004, and July 22, 2004.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


2.         Joe Snapp

Joe distributed information to the Council regarding the proposal from the Assembly of God Church to staff the facility at Oak Knoll to provide transitional living services to men.  It can be called the Men’s Discipleship Home.  He gave a brief overview to the audience of what they are attempting to do.  He is already on the agenda for August 9, 2004 to present this to the Housing Authority as they own the Oak Knoll facility.  The committee had a meeting last week to discuss this and see what they can do.  They would like to begin drafting a lease agreement that can include the concerns of all involved parties.


Arch presented Joe with a diploma frame to honor his academic achievement of receiving his Bachelor’s Degree from Southern Oregon University.  Joe states that the education has made a huge difference in his life.


3.         Todd Goldman

Todd and Ken were present on behalf of West Rim Pictures to present their ideas on developing a feature film on the story of Hooty Croy and what happened in 1978.  They presented a proposal to the Council regarding how they plan to approach the project and also explained to the audience what they are interested in doing.  He sees the story as a way to draw attention to Native American culture in a sensitive, non-exploitative and honest manner.  He sees it as a way to show the huge injustice that was done against the family.  They would like their support to work with members of the Tribe on this film.  They do not want any money; they just want the support of the Tribe to move forward with developing the movie. The movie will not focus on stereotypes but the injustices against the Karuk People.  The name of the film will be War on the Croys.  Leaf thanked them for coming and presenting this information and explained that the Council has been reviewing their request and that some of the Council is in support, some have questions and concerns.  They have decided to have them at the Council meeting to speak to the people and see what they think about the idea and express their feelings, concerns, issues, and questions before they make a final decision.


Charlie Thom states that recently he was stopped by the Highway Patrol and feels that these issues are still not settled.  He states he is the son of the individual that they are talking about and he is still paying for what happened and would like to see the Council support this project so that the real story can be made public, even if it bothers some people, they should speak up for the people.  He thanked them for coming; he states the issues go back to the Gold Rush times.


Francisco Gomez feels that the family wants to make sure that the story is positive for the Karuk people and he wants to know if the story will be told through the individual’s eyes and tell the true story.  They state that it comes directly from him and it is his story to be told the way he wants it told and empathize with his point of view.  Their plan is that the main character is Diana Samuelson (Hooty and Norma Jean’s attorney) who fought for them.  The reason for this is to facilitate a positive view into the Tribal culture of modern day.  He is working with the involved individuals directly to develop the story.


They pointed out that they would like their blessing to approach other Tribes as well to help all Indian people as a whole, there are many wealthy Tribes that can contribute funds to make it happen and make it financially successful.  Even if it isn’t financially successful, they still feel it is a story that needs to be told.  They feel it will do very well in the festival circuit and everyone they have spoken to that has heard what it is about has been overwhelmingly supportive.


Laura states that she has concerns because it was a very sad and very divisive issue in the communities.  She feels it would dredge up a lot of pain and memories that are not good for the Tribe and the people.  Charlie states he is a Counselor through the State and has worked in numerous prisons and his point of view is that there are a lot of ignorant people in those prisons, back then there was only one Indian in prison, now look at how many are in there.  Many echoed Laura’s concerns that it will be a negative influence on the communities.


Sonny Jerry voiced his concerns and there was further discussion regarding the inequities against the Indian people and what has happened in the legal system and the injustices when crimes are committed and the wrong people are penalized.


Florence states that she remembers when this happened because some of her family was involved in this.  She states it still matters in the County what happened.  As far as the legal system is concerned, all Indians are Croys and she worries about the repercussions in the community when it is all brought up again and the fact that the legal system will not be happy about a movie of this nature and it may cause even worse treatment of their people.


Roy states that he feels that he doesn’t want to sound insensitive because these issues and the feelings are real.  But he feels that to bring out the truth and show the Native American side can help to bring about better relations in the community and help to heal the situation and the way of life.  He would like to see the youth live a better life, be proud of who they are, and be successful.  He states there is a whole world out there that is sensitive to their issues.


Kristy asked if they have gone to the Siskiyou County Sheriff to see how they feel about this.  Because of the fact that there are many issues not brought out and they are in denial about what happened and they don’t think that it will be a full story if both sides are not involved and she doesn’t see them cooperating, how can it be properly portrayed, when the staff in the Sheriff’s office are still in denial of what happened.


Arch states that annually there is an event in Yreka for the law enforcement official that died, so the Karuk people should have something for their side as well.


Joe Snapp feels that from a therapeutic standpoint this will bring up a lot of emotion, but in order to heal from trauma you must relive it in order to go forward with your life.


Lorelei Super feels it happened a long time ago and this will open up a can of worms and the youth that don’t know anything will feel the scorn from the movie and they will be the ones that suffer, she doesn’t want to see them grow up with hurt and hate.


Robert Super feels it may help because what happened that night involved alcohol and it may be a good story to use to help the youth stay away from alcohol and show what can happen, it could be a learning lesson.  It could have been avoided if they were stopped and not drinking.


Duke Arwood wants to know what their driving force is in making this film.  He states everyone does things for a reason.  He would like to know what the reason is for making the film, what type of support are they looking for.  They state this is not about money, it will take a lot of time and they have already worked on it for two years doing research, they have spent their own money working on it.  That is not their goal, to make money.  They want the blessing of the Karuk Tribe, and they just want their word and a letter of support to state that they are in favor of making the movie.  Florence pointed out that the reason they are at the meeting is because the Council asked them to.  Duke states that he feels they would only need the blessing of the family.  They already have that backing and support of the family and would like the Tribe also.  Duke feels if the family has put their blessing on it, the Council can’t go against that.


Florrine Super states that as a community, they will need to establish a healing process with talking circles or whatever else they can do to help the families, children, and Tribal people heal during this process.


Jessica Thom would like to know what family they received a blessing from, there were many families involved and she was a child when it happened and no one in her family has discussed it?  They state they have spoken to those that were in the car and at the scene that they could get a hold of and that were directly involved.  They would like as many perspectives as they can on the subject and anyone that has not been contacted, it was not deliberate and no disrespect was meant, they encourage anyone to call or write them and he will leave business cards.


Sandi Tripp thinks that the worry is the fact that the police never took responsibility for what happened and they are afraid it can bring that up again and cause negative action and anger against the Indian people again and their youth that will have to deal with that on the streets and the cops taking it out on them like they used to.  He states that they will tell it from Hooty’s side and don’t feel it could be thorough without mentioning law enforcement, it is told from his side because that is what the facts support.


Charlie Thom states they should have a voice and this is a way for them to get their story out there and show that justice was not done to the Native Americans and tell the true story.


Deanna states that life is a lesson and you can learn from anything if you want to.  She states she is Hooty’s ex-wife and she raised her son in Yreka.  He completed school and still returns to the area and participates in the Tribe’s traditions, he carries his fathers last name and has made himself a good life and made himself into a good person and if he can do it, anyone can and it is possible.  They should let the story be told and be strong.  She states she has spoke to Todd and understands the issues that her son will have to go through this again when the movie comes out but he is strong and can rise above and make it through that.  He is friends with the police officer’s kids and everyone can get along with no problems.  They can dwell on the negative or they can rise above it.


Leaf encourages them to talk to others and get their ideas and opinions back to West Rim Pictures and back to the Council.


4.         Alma Navarro

Alma was present to thank the Council for help with her trip to Washington, DC and New York.  She read a speech to them in Karuk since she recently attended Phil Albers class at Southern Oregon University.  She let them know some of the things that she did on her trip and the great things she saw and learned.  She brought them back pictures to look at as well.  Darlene also provided some information into what the group was and how important it is.  There were three Tribal Members that went this year from Jackson Street School.


The Council took a quick break to go outside and meet all of the twenty-person Karuk Tribal Fire Crew as they were all present to head out on a fire.  They received an excellent rating on their performance on the fire they recently went to.


5.         Constance Frazier

Moved to closed session.


6.         Jason Lang

Not present.


7.         Geraldine Peters

Moved to closed session.


8.         Florence Conrad

Florence has some questions regarding Enrollment.  She would like to know why they require original birth certificates for Enrollment.  They are very expensive and inconvenient to obtain.  Leaf states that for many years the originals were brought into enrollment and then copied.  The last time the Ordinance was reviewed it required an original so it would have to be an amendment to the Ordinance to change that requirement, which the Council can do.  If the Council would like to direct the Committee to draft language to change the Ordinance they can do that or they can work with Chris to work this into the document management system which would hold a digital copy of the original birth certificate.  The Ordinance requires and original birth certificate “with a raised seal” which is where the complication is.


Josie asked about the fact that her paperwork is incorrect and what does she need to do to address that, Leaf states she needs to come into the Enrollment Committee to work that out and discuss the issue.  There are errors from time to time that don’t get caught unless they are pointed out.


Consensus:  To have the Enrollment Committee propose language for the change to the Ordinance.




9.         Old Business

Leaf asked about the language for the Enrollment Ordinance that was requested, Florrine states that she and Sara met and drafted this for them to review later.


Robert asked if the trip to Scotland went well.  Leaf states it went well and they were well received and he will be preparing a statement for them.  He gave a brief update to the audience on what they went there for and what has been going on with the FERC dam re-licensing and the non-existence of means for fish passage at those dams in PacifiCorp’s final application for a license which would be valid for 50 years.  He explained that PacifiCorp is a subsidiary corporation of Scottish Power in the United Kingdom and they went last week to the shareholder’s annual meeting in Scotland to let them know what the issues are and what they want to happen.  It was a group of four Tribes; Karuk, Hoopa, Yurok, and Klamath that are working on a public/political campaign.  The decision of the license will be made in 2006, so they have until then to get their voices and issues heard and addressed.


He states it seems to be fruitful as he has been contacted by Judy Johansen of PacifiCorp to schedule a follow-up meeting with them in the near future, when previously she has been unwilling to work and meet with them.  He states that further information can be obtained on the Internet regarding their trip as well.


Duke asked who approved the group that went on the trip to Scotland.  He also asked why the Secretary that is also his fiancé was included in the group as well as his infant son.  Leaf states she is a member of the Fisheries Department and a Tribal Member and she represented the Tribe very well while they were there.  Leaf states that his son was not paid for by the Tribe and because he is an infant they do not leave him home for a week at a time.  Leaf pointed out that the Tribe did not pay for all of those individuals; there were also grant dollars and private dollars that funded the trip.  Duke pointed out that it looks bad when things like this occur and they are all in a small group of families.  Sandi pointed out that Harold and William Tripp are both traditional fisherman and Tribal Members.  Leaf gave some background into how they went and why they went and how successful the trip was.  Duke thanked him for his response.  Robert also pointed out that Ron Reed, Duke’s brother, represented them well also over there and they were proud to have him go.


Josie asked if they will pay close attention to the follow-up now that they have “their foot in the door” with PacifiCorp.  Leaf states they will take full advantage of that and will pursue all of the meetings they can.  Josie also suggests a scrapbook to demonstrate to them how powerful the Tribes can be.


10.       Susan Gehr

Not present, no action items. 


Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Susan’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


11.       Trista Parry

Trista distributed the Comprehensive Child and Family Services Plan for Fiscal Years 2005-2010 which is required for the Title IV B dollars they receive.  To be eligible they must submit a plan every five years.  About a week ago she discovered this was due and she met with Wes to revise the previous plan for submission.  Resolution 04-R-81 was included for their approval of the plan. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-81 for submission of the five year plan.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


She also requested a period of time at their next Wednesday meeting to discuss the Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Program.

Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Trista’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


12.       Hector Garcia

Hector states he has no action items but is pleased to announce he now has copies of all of the Compacts.  They requested that he email the information to them.  Leaf presented him with the agreement for the McConnell Foundation for the ceremonies at Inaam in August to follow up on tomorrow.  Leeon asked about the OSD information he mentioned in his report.  Hector gave them a brief overview of the report that was prepared after their on site visit in January, they responded to the criticisms that they issued and they have replied that they were wrong in their criticisms and now that has caused numerous problems in the OSD because OSD is being told that they are not spending their dollars correctly and they are trying to steal people from BIA to figure out how to work with the Tribes because the Tribes are so organized.  Hector is working with Danny to send him to DC to petition to get the dollars that Congress gives to OSD directly to the Tribes so that they can administer them since they have the procedures and OSD doesn’t know what they are supposed to do.


Basically OSD spent the dollars wrong then tried to make it look like the Tribes were doing things wrong, but actually found the Tribes were doing it better than they ever could.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Hector’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


13.       Scott Quinn

Not present, no action items. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Scott’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


14.       Jennifer Goodwin

Not present, no action items. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Jennifer’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


15.       Laura Mayton

Laura requested an amendment to the Fiscal Policy implementing the 5% interest rate on all personal loans. 


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the amendment.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Laura’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


16.       Sandi Tripp

Sandi distributed a non-federal match waiver for their EPA PPG to reduce their rate from 40% to a 10% match.  They put in for the dollars and actually got more because of their fiscal history and performance history so any time there are additional dollars they contact them for those dollars.  This is a letter they submit each year and they have the match available for the 10% amount. 


Consensus:  To approve the letter.

Holly requested dollars for the Brush Dance in Somes Bar.  There will be twelve porta potties from August 11-17, 2004.  They would like to do a phone vote with the dollar amount which will come from State Indian Health.


Sandi states she will get with Florrine to set her date for the mid-month meeting for DNR.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


17.       Wes Valentine

Wes states he recently held interviews for a position and they interviewed four individuals and the one that would be best qualified does not meet the driver’s license requirement.  Currently almost all job description require a driver’s license.  The duty to drive is not required for this position and he would like to know if he and Sara can work with the Directors to use their discretion on the driver’s license requirement.


Roy Arwood moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to allow Wes and Sara to work with Directors to remove the driver’s license requirement from all positions that do not require driving.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Wes requested consensus on the requirements for the foster families prior to writing up a request for applications from prospective families.  He also announced that they will be sending out an advertisement to obtain letters from families that are interested in serving as parents in the foster family home in Yreka or to have their home available.  Council feels the requirements are fine.


His last request is regarding a request for assistance with a roof.  He was asked to get bids on labor for this roof.  They only obtained one and the cost is $4,321.41.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Wes’ report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


18.       Toni McLane

She requested approval of Resolution 04-R-78 authorizing submission of a funding proposal to the DHHS, ACF in the amount of $4,000 for supplemental one-time funding for January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-78.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Toni’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


19.       Lisa Aubrey

She requested approval of Resolution 04-R-82 to submit the FY 2005 HIP Applications to BIA.  She states she really needs applications because if they can get someone approved by September 30, 2004 there is $103,000 available for a home.  They can get all of the information from Lisa and she can send them an application. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-82.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Jessica asked who will communicate with the Elders that apply.  Will they receive information regarding if they submitted why they didn’t get approved but they see other people getting assistance.  Lisa can give the information to the Elders and CHR workers to help the Elders get the paperwork done also.


Jessica states she remembers getting information in the mail that was very limited; it should be more thorough and more informative.  Leslie states that many people have come in and had questions as well because the information doesn’t make sense.


Lorelei states that the wording doesn’t make sense to them sometimes because the directors know it so well that they don’t word it in plain terms for those that don’t work with it on a regular basis.


She submitted a proposal to them to consider helping Tribal Members that live outside the aboriginal territory.


Robert Grant asked about the HIP improvement crew and what happened to that.  Leaf states BIA did away with the program and now BIA requires an application and then they send the dollars for that person to the Tribe.  He asked if they can look into doing that again the way they used to.  Joe also mentioned that the individuals at the Men’s Transitional Facility could be used for this type of crew as well.


They went back to her request for assistance out of the territory.  Leaf asked about the funding.  Lisa states that she has additional dollars this year that she must spend by September 30, 2004 so she is requesting the ability to help those members that are out of the aboriginal territory to use the dollars.  Usually the funds do run out, but this year she must spend them.  They could adjust the boundaries until September 30, 2004 it would not be a change in policy.  She states in the past it wasn’t so strict but now it is. 


Consensus:  To adjust the boundaries for assistance until September 30, 2004.


She also asked them about the air conditioners and monitor heaters to see if she can do those purchases with Wes’ approval since she has to get approval for everything over $250 in her program.  Robert suggests the LIAP Committee approve these purchases.  Monitor heaters also require approval as they are over $2,000. 


Consensus:  She can do phone votes if the amount is over $2,000 as those won’t be so often and the purchases that are over $250 but under $2,000 can be done with Wes’ approval.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Lisa’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


20.       Dion Wood

No action items.  He states he just returned from the Employment Law Conference with Sara and Josh and states that it was very enlightening and they would like to request a special meeting with them to go over what they learned and determine what direction the Council wants them to move.  There are some hot issues and some policies and ordinances that can be amended in accordance with the laws that govern the Tribe and their self-governance status.  They would also like Hector to attend the meeting as well.  They will set that date and get back to him.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Dion’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.



21.       Erin Hillman

Not present, no action items. 


Florrine Super moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Erin’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


22.       Sami Difuntorum

Not present, no action items. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Sami’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


23.       Fred Nahwooksy

Fred requested approval of the Humboldt Area Foundation (HAF), Native Cultures Fund to support script development and training for the Karuk video project.  The amount is $6,100 and there is no match requirement.  One will be a short video and one will be a public television announcement.  Resolution 04-R-83 was assigned.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-83.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


He also distributed some promotional postcards that were made for the People’s Center and also some information about the Ceramics Class that was held in Happy Camp earlier in the month.


Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Fred’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


24.       Chris Kleeman

Chris was present to review his summary that was included in their packets and the changes he has made to telephones, cell phones, fax lines, etc.  These items all save them huge amounts of money.


He recommends they terminate payments to Avaya for their support of the telephone system.  They told him he could not stop paying them, he told them to produce documentation showing they must pay them and they have been unable to do that to date.


He would also like to consolidate the phone system in Happy Camp into a T1 line; it results in some up front hardware purchases but will save monthly charges by making the change.


He would like to make some upgrades to servers to increase the users and services needed for Health and Administration.  The cost would be around $10,000 but does not have to be acted on right away.  There are some batteries that need to be replaced and also some upgrades to the Yreka phone system through Alliance Data Systems.


He states that he has taken care of the issues that arose at the Computer Center in Happy Camp and will have it ready to go by Monday; he has obtained the required hardware and software to fix the damage at the Center and will continue to work on it until it re-opens on Monday.


Laura suggests he prioritize these items and they can vote on them at their next meeting.  Wes states many of them can be done as they are under $2,000 and they can work on it together, he can come back to them with the large purchases.


He suggests they install the T1 line and use Avaya for assistance and then cancel the Avaya contract that they pay monthly.


They want him to prioritize and then meet with them on a Wednesday so they can discuss it thoroughly.  He can run all of the information by Laura first and items under $2,000 they can approve on their own without Council approval.


Jessica states that she really appreciates all of Chris’ help and his help.  Everyone agreed and feels that he is very valuable to have on board.  He thanked them for having him.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Chris’ report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


25.       April Attebury

She distributed the remainder of her report which didn’t make it in.  She states she doesn’t have any action items.


Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve April’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


26.       Fred Burcell

No action items, not present. 


Florence Conrad moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Fred’s report.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


27.       NCIDC Minutes



28.       Phone Votes

Arch read the phone votes aloud:

            a.         Request for additional $700 of State Indian Health dollars to be used for 2004                               Jump Dance.

            b.         Request to enter into Contract 04-C-064 between Siskiyou Telephone and KTOC                                     to provide cultural monitoring for work being done along Indian Creek Road in                                  Happy Camp, not to exceed $30,000.

            c.         Request to enter into Contract 04-C-65 between Siskiyou Telephone and KTOC                           to provide cultural monitoring for work being done along Highway 96 in Somes                                 Bar, not to exceed $30,000.


29.       Newsletter

Sara requested approval of the Summer 2004 Newsletter to be printed and mailed.  It is again a whopping 22 pages!


Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the printing and mailing of the Summer 2004 Newsletter.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


30.       Committee Reports

Robert states he met with the CASA Committee and the result is the wording change they approved in closed session earlier.


Florrine states her report is in the Newsletter and announced the Reunion is September 18-19, 2004 in Happy Camp.


Leeon announced that the 8(A) meeting has been re-scheduled for August 10, 2004 at 2 PM in Happy Camp.


Jessica states that she enjoys seeing the Council Members at the meetings on a staff level and it makes them feel more comfortable and it feels good to know they are involved and it makes the members and employees feel like they are being heard.


Norman thanked the Council for their help with the Salmon Ceremony and the porta potties for the upcoming ceremonies.  He also pointed out that there have been some activities scheduled that conflict with the ceremonies, one of which is the Naa Vura Yee Shiip Culture Camp that is being held during ceremonies.  Leaf states they have established a committee to work on planning this to discuss location and dates for future camps.  The ceremonial calendar is published widely and early in the season to avoid anything being scheduled during those times.  Those schedules need to be watched closely to make sure that nothing is held during those times.  It is a matter of respect and allowing people to not have to choose what they attend.  They can look into the possibility of changing the dates and location of the camp to hold it in an area of the Tribe and try to make it coincide with the ceremonies.


Closed Session from 9:35 PM to 12:25 AM


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-79 for Enrollment.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florence Conrad).


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Indirect Cost Rates of 66.06% for BIA and 58.97% for other Tribal Programs.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To order a credit card for fire crew boss Terry Davis for use on fires.


Leaf Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve contracts for $1,500 each with Earl Aubrey (04-C-070), Willis Conrad (04-C-71), and Beau Goodwin (04-C-69) for work at the Falls.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara (Florence Conrad).


Leaf Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the changes to Rules 16.04 and 16.05 for the Court Appointed Special Advocate Program incorporating that language into the Siskiyou County Court procedures.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Consensus:  To get back to Tribal Member #1829 regarding the request for a $5,000 loan.


Consensus:  To get back to Tribal Member #JF regarding the request for a $1,200 loan to be repaid $50 every two weeks.


Consensus:  To get back to Tribal Member #KG regarding the request for a $5,000 loan to be repaid $50 every two weeks.


Consensus:  To prepare a letter authorizing Tribal Member #390’s child to attend the Naa Vura Yee Shiip Camp.  The letter must be done by August 5, 2004 and will be drafted by Wes Valentine, Lisa Goodwin, and Florrine Super.


Consensus:  To have Tribal Member #651 contact Wes Valentine tomorrow and start the ICWA process with a potential Tribal intervention. 


Consensus:  To uphold the Housing Committee’s decision regarding resident DR and have Sara forward the request for a door to the Housing Committee.


Consensus:  To get back to Tribal Member #1895 regarding a loan for $7,000 to be repaid $62.50 every two weeks.


Directive:  For Wes Valentine to schedule an audit of the Medical Records at the Yreka Clinic and report back. 


Results:  Individual needs to follow up with the Enrollment Office to finalize the process and be issued a Tribal Roll Number, and then update their Housing application. 


Directive:  For the Housing Committee to review the transportation policy to determine if non-employees are allowed to ride in Housing vehicles.  Currently Tribal Policy allows non-employees to ride in Tribal Vehicles as long as the Driver is licensed and insurable through the Tribe.  Tenants who have no transportation cannot attend Housing Meetings outside of their own communities and they request the Tribe or Housing attempt to try to be more accommodating Housing Members.   


Directive:  For Chris to work with Florence Conrad to help establish Internet connection so that she can use the internet from her home. 


Consensus:  To approve compensation for Employee #5763 at regular rate for 3 hours each day and at the Inspector’s rate for 5 hours each day.


Leaf Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to adjourn at 12:30 AM.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.


Next Meeting Date:  August 26, 2004 at 5 PM in Orleans.






Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary, Sara Spence