Karuk Tribe of California
Council Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004
Happy Camp, California
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Arch Super, Chairman.
Roll Call
Arch Super, Chairman
Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman
Florrine Super, Secretary
Leeon Hillman, Treasurer
Roy Arwood, Member
Florence Conrad, Member
Robert Goodwin, Member – late – 6:10 PM – excused
Quorum is established.
Florence Conrad read the preamble to the Constitution aloud.
Approval of the Agenda for June 24, 2004
Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the Agenda for June 24, 2004. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
1. Approval of the Minutes for May 27, 2004, June 4, 2004, and June 14, 2004
The June 14, 2004 meeting minutes need to be tabled until Resolution information can be entered.
Leaf Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve the Minutes for May 27, 2004. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leeon Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the Minutes for June 4, 2004. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
2. David Goodwin
David was present on behalf of the Indian Club to thank them for their support on their recent trip. They brought them a card and pictures from their trip. There were nine people that went on their trip. Jennifer states they behaved themselves very well. They attended a pow wow and also went to Six Flags while they were there.
3. Rodney Grant
Rodney was present on behalf of himself, his son, and his dad. His son had the opportunity to go to a football camp for the upcoming season. They had very short notice to pay the $145 fee and so his Dad paid the fee with his money and he would like to know if they could help with reimbursing him for that fee as it was a hardship but they did not have time to come to them to ask for help with the expense. It was a great camp and a wonderful opportunity for his son to attend the camp. The camp was held in Gold Beach, Oregon. There were seventeen teams involved in the camp. He will be playing on the Yreka Miners Team in the Fall when he starts High School.
Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the reimbursement in the amount of $145 from discretionary funds. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
4. James McNeal
James was present to request financial aide. He states he has been on chemo-therapy and his medical coverage has ended. He is requesting help with his rent and utilities for two to three months during this treatment. He also wanted to pass on an idea for the Casino that either on their property or across the street, they put in some sort of Water Park in Yreka that can be used in the summer months with a wave pool. He states it goes very well in other areas and it gives them an opportunity to experience surfing and boogie boards since the ocean is very cold in this area. They could also work on some tours, a theme park with miniature ceremonial grounds, a campground, and a hotel. Florence asked what the dollar amount is that he is requesting. The rent is $230 per month. His father passed away in April and he is now on the list for housing in Happy Camp. The utilities are about $75-80 per month and he lives in Central Point, Oregon in his father’s home. He goes to the Yreka Clinic for his medical services. He is in the Operating Engineers/Iron Worker Union and usually works; he is unable to work at this time due to his condition and expects to be able to return to work in September. He is currently number 55 on the Housing Waiting list. He may have to do vocational rehabilitation due to his condition and go into a different line of work. They will discuss the issue in closed session to see what funding is available and then they can get back to him.
5. Robert Super
Robert was present to point out that on June 30, 2004 his program will end unless Arnold Schwarzenegger signs a budget to approve his re-funding. He is concerned about the NA, AA, and Naa Vura Yee Shiip programs that are still using the building. Laura states that if Housing cannot allow them to use it rent-free, they could possibly use the KCDC building for these groups. Robert’s program has been paying the rent each month, but without that funding there are no dollars to pay the rent expense. Currently the proposition is for each of the California programs to take a cut in their budget of up to 22%. Laura states that way they wouldn’t be able to afford it anyway. Leaf feels they should explore use of the KCDC building whether it is refunded or not. The building has a conference room and a kitchen. Leeon states the KCDC Board will meet Monday at 2:00 PM and they should come to that meeting.
6. Arch Super
He states that Brad Downes would like to request a meeting date to meet with Dan Kolkey in San Francisco to discuss their recent meeting with the City of Yreka. July 12, 2004 at 2:00 PM in San Francisco will be the date.
His other item is regarding a call Lisa Aubrey received from Human Services in Yreka regarding Leslie Hoss Bennett requiring a monitor heater. She states there is funding to assist with this, but requires Council approval of amounts over $250. She will be gathering quotes also to make sure they get the best price. They will vote once bids have been obtained.
He asked if they received the information from West Rim Pictures and the possible documentary the War of the Croys. He is requesting an answer and he is willing to come up for an on site presentation if they would like. Florrine would like him to come and do a presentation so that they can have all of the information and ask questions. Florence states that she does not want to back anything that will stir controversy again. Arch states that his impression is it will expose what happened to them as Native Americans. Robert Super states that there have been many trainings lately surrounding inter-generational trauma and would like to know if any of the proceeds would go toward treatment of this type of trauma.
Directive: Arch to coordinate an on site presentation with West Rim Pictures.
Robert Super suggests they post notices about the meeting. Florence feels they should wait to see what he has to say first. Arch states he may ask him if he is interested in having Tribal Members present at the presentation. Leaf states that anyone who would have a direct interest in this issue should contact the Chairman or Council Members to express those feelings so they know how they feel.
Arch also had information from Nadine McElyea regarding her son who has been accepted to a football camp in the Sacramento area. The cost is $525, he has received a grant of $225 and the remaining balance of $300 needs to be paid for him to attend. She has raised $150 and would like assistance from the Tribe in the amount of $150 for the balance.
Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to donate $150 to Grant McElyea for football camp from discretionary. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
7. Old Business
Arch states he has contacted Sami regarding wood for the Follow the Smoke gathering but there needs to be workers to get it together. Leaf suggests talking to Fred Burcell and he can have his Somes Bar staff gather the wood and get it to them, not necessarily hauling it from Happy Camp. It needs to be delivered on July 11, 2004.
Arch asked if they have heard from Angela Worchester, no one has heard from her.
Arch asked April if they received non-profit status for the CASA Fair Booth. Florrine states they did not but the fee was approved at the meeting on Monday.
Arch asked Dion if the childcare project for Happy Camp ever moved forward. Dion states is has fallen by the way-side; Arch states he understood there were not dollars available. He asked if the policy workgroup was formed. Dion states that he will update them in his report. He also asked about the TERO workboot assistance program. Dion states they will be working out those issues for next year to address all of the concerns. He asked if the SWEEP workers are on the computers yet, he states he is still working on getting them setup.
Arch asked if the Housing minutes were received, Florrine states she received them today and they requested copies of the Tribe’s so Lynn will work on getting those back to them.
Arch states KSWA has been looking for a contact person, Leeon states that has been worked out; they will contact Paula and she will contact the KCDC Board Members.
8. Laura Mayton
Laura states she submitted her report but she has no action items. They asked her to come up so they could talk to her. Arch thanked her on behalf of the Council for her very hard work and the extra time she has put in at KCDC to get their audit in order. They presented her with a necklace, bracelet, and earrings as well as a certificate of appreciation. She worked at KCDC to get their financial records in order to obtain a good audit. Leaf personally thanked her for not only her hard work and dedication but also for every time that she worked late at night and on the weekend. They appreciate her commitment to the Tribe and they feel her work makes a huge difference. Leeon pointed out that having a clean audit makes the Tribe stable and it feels good and he thanked her. Roy states it really does make a difference when they apply for grants to have that clean audit.
Florrine moved and Leeon seconded to approve Laura’s report. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
9. Sandi Tripp
Sandi was present to review her written report. She has several items that are in process to review. The first item is a Protocol for Construction Monitors. If they would like to review it and vote at a later date or through a phone vote that is fine. Leaf has reviewed the document and states that next Wednesday they have a meeting so they can review it and approve it then. Leaf also suggests that they distribute this document to Sami and Fred for their review as well so they can provide comments before the meeting on Wednesday at 11:00 AM. This item will be placed on the agenda for that meeting.
She announced that every Monday they have Management Team Meetings at 8:30 AM and invited them all to attend. She states they are very productive and it keeps them all in touch. On Monday at 10:00 AM she will be meeting with the Ranger in Orleans to discuss the miners on the Salmon River and the Ti Bar Demonstration Project as well as the fire the occurred near the Davis Ranch and the mistakes that were made. There was boraid in the creek as well as other items and proper protocol was not followed in accordance with the MOU that is in place with the Forest Service. Tuesday she will be going out with Sue Daniels to see the work the fuels reduction crew has done on Indian Creek in Happy Camp at 9:00 AM.
July 7, 2004 is the US Forest Service Programmatic Meeting at 9:30 AM in Happy Camp. She will also be checking on the dredgers with Alan Vandiver a couple of times this month.
She states she has been working with Siskiyou Telephone to develop a draft contract for their review. Erin has also reviewed it. This is for the work up Indian Creek on which they have a monitor on site. The contract will allow Siskiyou Telephone to pay them for their monitor. The Happy Camp job will end in mid-July and then they will start the project in Somes Bar. Once it is reviewed it can be approved at the special meeting.
She also distributed some documentation to them regarding Tribal water rights. Jim Henderson has located the firm of Lane, Hess & Associates to enter into a proposed contract in the amount of $10,000.
Florence Conrad moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Sandi’s report. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert Goodwin arrived at 6:10 PM.
10. Jason Lang
Jason was present to address the Council and discuss two items he would like help with. He is currently living at the Llama House in a rehabilitation program and would like to remain there for two more months and then transition to an out-patient basis. He has been in the program for thirty days but feels he needs to stay longer to deal with his addiction and alcohol issues. The cost is $400 per month so he would need $800. He receives SSI Disability and has his own place he has to maintain so he does not lose it. After his monthly expenses for his regular residence he only has $65 left each month. It can be paid for from Third Party dollars.
Florence Conrad moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve $800 from Third Party to the Llama Ranch for Jason Lang. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
He would also like to present information to them regarding what the program is all about and what they want to try to do with it to create a larger program to help more people. There are eight people that are interested, but there is nowhere in town to do it. Joe Snapp is very interested in trying to get this up and running. The program seems to be successful as the individuals that have completed have gone on with their lives sober. If they had a second location there could be a women’s program as well as there is no one to help them. If they could house the men’s program at Oak Knoll, they could use the Llama Ranch in Happy Camp for women and children. He would like them to take the information and speak to Joe Snapp about it. Florence states she has a meeting with Joe next week to discuss Oak Knoll. Roy Arwood volunteered to sit on the Oak Knoll Committee since Karen Derry used to sit on the committee, and they are now short one Council Member with her resignation.
11. Scott Quinn
Written report only. Leaf states he received a message from Scott regarding a follow up meeting regarding the Bunker Hill land transfer with Caltrans. The effort is moving along but to make sure it stays on track a follow-up meeting is proposed for August 26, 2004 in Redding. That is the Council Meeting date, Leaf would like to attend and if any other Council Members are interested they will need to make other arrangements for the meeting. They would like Scott to see about changing the date so they can attend.
Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Scott’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
12. April Attebury
April was present to address the Council and report her activities to them. She distributed a written report and updated them on the 23rd National CASA Conference she attended in Washington, DC earlier this month. She states that they addressed the fact that no Tribes were funded this year, and they have decided to distribute their extra dollars to the Tribes. She has also advocated for Tribal Representation on the National CASA Board to address some political issues and inequity issues. She feels that the problems stem from lack of information about how the Tribes work and how those programs are structured. This Board decides how the Federal dollars are allocated for CASA Programs. She also explained to them how the funding flows. The National CASA takes the Federal dollars and allocates them to the States to allocate them to the programs. The Karuk Tribal CASA Program is the first Tribal CASA Program in the State of California.
She thanked the Orleans community for their hospitality when they visited down there. The facility was wonderful and the lunch was great.
Her action item is not ready yet as she only submitted a preliminary budget and needs to go over it with Erin and Laura first.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve April’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
13. Fred Burcell
Written report only.
Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Fred’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
14. Toni McLane
Written report only.
Florrine Super moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Toni’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
15. Erin Hillman
No action items. She wanted to point out that there are Construction Manager Interviews scheduled for June 29-30, 2004. She has been at a BIA Meeting yesterday and today and obtained very good information on the Roads and HIP projects. She is in the middle of a program review with Lisa Aubrey and can better evaluate the HIP files now with this information. She also met with Diane Oliver regarding the transfer of the Learn and Serve Grant at the Computer Center. They are unwilling to re-issue the grant to another tax ID number until after June 30, 2005 so it will remain at KCDC. She is working on the California Wellness transfer also which goes to December 31, 2005. She states that if they are OK with leaving it up there, she will not aggressively pursue it and they can just work on having new grants awarded through the Tribe. She states that due to under spending in the Learn and Serve Grant they were not funded for the third year. She reviewed Corina’s new Naa Vura Yee Shiip Grant Application and she did very well.
She gave them an update on the Yreka Roads Project to let them know how that is going and what needs to happen to complete the project.
Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Erin’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
16. Fred Nahwooksy
A written report was included. He requested approval of the applicants that submitted for the Museum Advisory Committee, he would like to accept all eight of the letters and hold their first meeting in July or August.
Robert Goodwin moved and Florrine Super seconded to accept the first seven letters. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
July 2, 2004 was set at 9:00 AM to discuss the People’s Center Budget with Leaf Hillman, Arch Super, Erin Hillman, Wes Valentine, and Laura Mayton.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
17. Lisa Aubrey
Written report only. Florrine and Erin pointed out that Terry Lincoln commented that Lisa’s files are the cleanest he has ever seen at their recent meeting. BIA also commented that Lisa has done very well for that program.
Florrine Super moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Lisa’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
18. Chris Kleeman
Chris was present to address the Council and introduce himself. He distributed a written report to them to update them on his activities. He has been doing a lot of research into what they have, what they need, and who needs help. He has spent a lot of time trying to help people as they need it. He has been working on the phone system, email access, computer systems, and other locations to see what everyone needs. He states they currently pay $3,000 per month for phone and fax lines in Happy Camp alone. He is researching a fax server where everyone can have fax access without the inkjet printers and individual fax lines. He has also been working on the website and email accounts to bring them in house on their own equipment saving $150 per month. He also discussed some possibilities he has for electronic recordkeeping and digital data management systems that can be implemented and how it can save time and money. They would like him to meet with Trista to find out about possible grant dollars for these types of systems as they are capital improvements. Leaf would also like him to make the Enrollment conversion a priority on his list.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Chris’ report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
19. Susan Gehr
Susan was present to review her report. She only had one action item which was the extension of Jim Ferrara’s Contract 02-R-50 through August 31, 2004.
Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the extension of Contract 02-R-50. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
She thanked them for the scholarships for the students at the Southern Oregon University Language Class which will move forward with enough students.
She updated them on her meeting with the President of Humboldt State University to discuss Language at the school and how they can get more Native American students enrolled at their college. She states it was very positive and he is very interested.
Leeon Hillman moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Susan’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
20. Hector Garcia
Written report only.
Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Hector’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
21. Jennifer Goodwin
Written report only. Roy states they had their first Education Committee meeting and there are good things going on. They have identified an under-funding of the Higher Education Program and they are working on increasing that funding to help the youth. They are also looking into other programs that can provide vocational skills to help them be able to find jobs and have more options to be productive community members. He has located grant dollars available through his fraternity when he was in college as well.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Jennifer’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
22. Sami Difuntorum
A written report was included as well as Resolution 04-R-70 authorizing the Karuk Tribe Housing Authority to develop a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).
Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-70. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 pupitihara – Florence Conrad,
Roy pointed out that he attended the NAIHC Convention in Anaheim and they supported Alvis Johnson in running for Chairman, he was not successful but will most likely run again. There is also the possibility of a free on-site grant writing training. Trista pointed out that they currently have a contract approved through December 31, 2004 and the trainer is ready to schedule for this summer. For a future training they may be able to contact NAIHC to get these services.
Leaf states that he has a request from the Housing Committee regarding the use of Oak Knoll. The Housing Authority needs to be kept informed as it was purchased with NAHASDA dollars. The Housing Authority continues to pay the utilities for this building which are very high. They would like to stay informed. Trista states that Joe plans on having an Oak Knoll Committee meeting at the Family Resource Center sometime next week. Council states that Karen is no longer on the committee and they need to have the meeting at the Tribal Offices. Since Roy is now sitting on the Committee, he can inform them on what is going on.
Housing’s second question is the status of the Yreka Foster Care Home. They don’t know what is going on. They need to know if the building is going to be used for this purpose and will there be any type of an agreement to that effect. Leaf suggests that Roy sit on that committee as well so that he knows what is going on. Their next meeting is July 13, 2004 at 5:00 PM. It is a potluck so he needs to bring something.
Erin points out that under A-87 the costs of an idle building are unallowable costs so due to the utility expenses that is why they need to find out what is going on. Laura states that there are no dollars available to pay for these utilities from the Tribe. Leaf encourages them to make a realistic decision as to whether or not they will be able to use the building in the future so they can make a decision on the house. A suggestion is to put residents in the house so that when their foster care agency is up and running they can find a different place to house the facility. Some timelines for the project would be beneficial also.
The next item is the McKinnley acquisition. She is asking $10,000 above the appraised value so they are requesting the Tribe pay that amount to acquire the property.
Robert Goodwin moved and Roy Arwood seconded to pay the $10,000 from discretionary. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Sami’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
23. Dion Wood
Dion was present to address the Council. He has three additions. First is an update on the TERO Convention, he states they learned a lot of information, and are getting together as a commission, he learned about TERO taxes and fees and ways to raise money, he will continue to update the TERO Skills Bank, he also has information regarding a Disadvantages Business Entity and 8A status.
He states they helped the fire crew with boots and have supported nearly $13,000 in boots this year. They hope to have it more widely advertised for next year to help more people.
He is working on a cultural skills bank to know who has language skills, can make drums, and other useful resources. He is going to send out a tear-out in the next Newsletter to gather this information from Members who are willing to volunteer it. He will have it available at the Reunion to be filled out as well.
He thanked them for the meeting on June 4, 2004 and all of their help. The numbers have been submitted for the Childcare grant to bring it back to the level it was at previously.
He states he has eight summer youth slots available through NCIDC with two in each community and two at Housing. He will work with Sara to identify areas they can work in the offices.
He states the policy workgroup met earlier this week to begin working on gray areas and non-existent areas that exist in Tribal policy. There are items such as a Committee Member Ordinances that will include all of the areas that are not addressed. There was discussion regarding the implementation of a progressive discipline process that works hand-in-hand with the at-will employment status. Determination into where TERO falls in the grievance process and what areas it should not be involved were also discussed. There will be more work and further meetings to get it moving forward. The next meeting will be July 20, 2004 at 10:00 AM. Currently he has a small group working on these issues.
He also states that the youth attended the TERO Convention. He states that David Goodwin did a speech in front of all of the attendees and it was wonderful. It was very intense and he was very impressed. He is very proud of all of them; there were eight that attended the conference.
Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Dion’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
24. Trista Parry
Trista was present to request approval of a grant application to the PSA 2 Area Agency on Aging which is due June 30, 2004 in the amount of $23,110 for the period of August 1, 2004 through May 31, 2005 to implement a Senior Nutrition Center in Happy Camp. Resolution 04-R-71 was assigned to the grant. It is the remainder of the dollars for Siskiyou County and then in April of 2005 they will apply competitively for future funding to get activities and increase services. They were already going to use Title VI dollars for this, now they can code half of it to Title VI and half to this amount which is very helpful for the Title VI grant. The Resource Center was the only competitor, and they feel the Tribe has better facilities so they will not compete. The Indirect Cost shortfall will be $1500 for the nine month period. They can work on the next funding period to decrease it as much as possible. They also have the required resources for the kitchen to be up and running and compliant.
Roy Arwood moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-71 for the grant to PSA 2 Area Agency on Aging in the amount of $23,110. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Trista’s report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
25. Wes Valentine
Wes was present to review his written report. He has four requests. The first is for the IHS Technology Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, August 23-27, 2004. He is requesting permission to attend for himself, Chris Kleeman, and David Eisenberg (or another Health Program Director) as there are so many different sessions to attend.
Florence Conrad moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve out of state travel for Wes Valentine, Chris Kleeman, and David Eisenberg (or other Health Director) to Scottsdale, AZ, August 23-27, 2004. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
In September there will be an IHS National Health Summit held in Washington, DC, September 22-24, 2004. It will be a mixture of Tribal Representatives, private funders, private universities, etc. He would like permission to attend as well as any interested members of the Tribal Council. It is the same week that the museum is opening so they need to book early. Florrine would like to attend if possible; Arch would also like to attend.
Leaf Hillman moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve out of state travel for Wes Valentine, Arch Super, and Florrine Super to Washington, DC, September 22-24, 2004. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
He distributed Contract 04-C-058 for approval with Ghost RX, Inc. in the amount of $4,050.66 to provide pharmacist services at the Karuk Tribal Pharmacy. They can then use them in the future if there is a need. It will cover the week that Mike DeHart takes vacation which is August 9-13, 2004. Other Tribal pharmacies have used this agency as well. The pharmacist will come from Sacramento and is California licensed. Rich Spini at UIHS recommended this agency. They inquired about negotiating them to sign a Tribal Contract so that they can charge TERO taxes. He will research it and then request a phone vote.
He distributed to them a draft agreement for Healtherapy, Inc. using the Ish-Kayish Ranch for their program. Previously they provided the liability insurance. It expired, and they became a private for-profit entity and no new agreement was approved. Erin took their old agreement and revised it to fit the current needs and reflect the new relationship. It will require them to provide insurance and to pay for the porta potties. They use the Ranch one day each week for $50 each day. They can discuss it and make a decision. Contract 04-C-059 will be assigned; the date will be June 24, 2004 through May 31, 2005.
Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Contract 04-C-059. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Wes’ report. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
26. Harlem All Stars
Florrine reviewed the information with them that was distributed regarding the Harlem All Stars. They are proposing to do a show in Happy Camp for the amount of $2,000 plus rooms. There is not enough time to plan for this year, but next year they may be able to do some fund raising to put on this show.
27. NCIDC Meeting Minutes
28. Phone Votes
a. Request for Metal Masters to repair heating/cooling system at Pharmacy in the amount of $2,500. Passed.
b. Request to enter into Contract 04-C-049 with Dr. Scott Wells to do a detailed analysis of water quality modeling, amount not to exceed $3,225. Passed.
c. Request for approval of Contract with Kari Norgaard, Ph.D. to focus on the effects of altered diet on the health of the Karuk People in the amount of $4,500. Passed.
d. Request to submit Resolution 04-R-36 for a grant to the National CASA Association in the amount of $15,000. Passed.
e. Request to purchase fisheries gear in the amount of $2,606 from Pro Sport Center. Passed.
29. Committee Reports
Florrine and Roy gave brief updates on the committees they serve on. They are all moving forward and getting things done.
Roy gave them some information on the Turtle Health Plan and the progress of that project. Their target startup date is now September. They will talk to Wes about the information at the Health Board Meeting next month. Council is under the impression that they have tentatively given a commitment to be involved in this group, they can opt out if it doesn’t work and go back to Medi-Cal reimbursement.
Leeon states that KCDC met with Scott Cummings and the meeting did not seem to go very well and there was discussion about the current situation with KSWA.
Closed Session from 10:05 PM to 12:59 AM
Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-69. 5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Leaf Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-68. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Consensus: Leaf and Florence will let someone in the office know when the meetings are regarding the FERC re-licensing so that all Council Members can be contacted and have the opportunity to attend.
Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to loan $604 to Tribal Member #ET to be repaid at $25 per month. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Directive: To fly the Computer Center Director vacancy as a RFP.
Consensus: To review the letters from the youth at their Wednesday meeting so they can make a decision.
Request regarding the Tribe’s position on adoption of a Tribal Member was referred to ICWA Committee for input.
Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to donate $500 toward the Family Matters Camp.
Consensus: To wait for a price quote from George Rivera before making a decision on the roof request.
Consensus: Lisa Goodwin can fax them the prices and a phone vote can be done to see if they can assist with a rehabilitation program. They also want a report directly from Joe Snapp.
Directive: For Wes to direct Daniel to develop a plan for them by Wednesday so that they can make a decision and determine if funding is available.
Directive: For Wes and Arch to meet with Daniel to discuss the letter of support to determine if it needs to be done so that it can be ready by Monday.
Directive: For Wes to submit the monthly ICWA caseload reports with his Council report.
Consensus: To have the Elders talk to Barbara Norman and CILS to see if they can help them locate a resource that can help them.
Leaf Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve $6,194 from discretionary to send the Election Committee to Reno, Nevada. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florrine Super moved and Florence Conrad seconded to inform the employees they will review the request during budgeting. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Roy Arwood moved and Florrine Super seconded to offer Tribal Member #JM a loan of $1,000 to be repaid at $50 per month starting in January 2005. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve $2,500 toward funeral expenses from discretionary. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Florence Conrad moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to offer a loan of $650 to Tribal Member #SM. 3 haa, 2 puuhara, 2 pupitihara.
Roy Arwood moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to pay up to $5,000 for travel expenses for Scott Quinn to Scotland from discretionary. 6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 pupitihara.
Next Health Board Meeting Date: July 15, 2004 at 5 PM in Happy Camp.
Next Council Meting Date: July 29, 2004 at 5 PM in Yreka.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 AM.
Arch Super, Chairman
Recording Secretary, Sara Spence