Karuk Tribe of California

Tribal Council Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2004

Yreka, California


The meeting was called to order at 5:01 PM by Arch Super, Chairman.


Susan Smith gave the opening prayer.


Roll Call


Arch Super, Chairman

Leaf Hillman, Vice-Chairman

Florrine Super, Secretary

Leeon Hillman, Treasurer

Roy Arwood, Member

Florence Conrad, Member

Karen Derry, Member

Robert Goodwin, Member



Frank Wood, Member - excused


Quorum is established.


Approval of the Agenda or January 22, 2004


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Agenda for January 22, 2004.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


1.                  Approval of the Minutes for November 20, 2003


Karen Derry moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the Minutes for November 20, 2003.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 maanata (Robert Goodwin).


2.                  Approval of the Minutes for December 18, 2003


Karen Derry moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve the Minutes for December 18, 2003.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


3.                  Old Business

KTHA Foster Home:  They need to make a decision if they will move forward with the foster home or place the house back into the housing stock.  Leaf states the Housing Committee would like to have Florrine obtain information regarding the progress and status of the foster home project before they make a decision.  Florrine states that she will work on it.  Leaf states the next Housing Committee meeting will be held February 18, 2004 in Yreka and they would like the information then.  Karen states there was also a discussion regarding not placing the foster home in housing.  That is what she would like to know at this meeting is their feelings about having it here.  If the home were in the housing community the child that is removed from their home may see their family on a regular basis but not be able to be with them.  Robert Super states that having it on Tribal Land would give them more control over the home jurisdiction wise.  Their goal would be to still have control over the home just not have them in the housing community.  They would not want the foster parents to be harassed by the parents either.  Robert suggests they discuss this at the Housing Planning Session in early February.  Leaf would like the ICWA Committee to discuss these issues and give them a recommendation regarding the location of the foster home.  They also have to decide if it will be a foster home or a foster family agency.


Oak Knoll Building: Florence, Karen, Joe, and Trista met today to look at the facility.  There needs to be a survey done to see what the need is to move forward with the project and decide what it will be used for.  She states they understand that after-care is very important and they will be working diligently on the project to get it going.  Trista is going to put together a list of everything they will need to do to get it running.


Date to meet with the Election Committee: February 12, 2004 at 3:00 PM was set to meet with them (Sara will notify the Election Committee).


Date for Council planning session: February 29, 2004 in Happy Camp at 10:00 AM.  They will see about having a facilitator - Georginna Wood - they may want to include management staff also if possible.  There will be minutes available to the membership on these meetings.


Date for Council/Committee Member training: March 18-19, 2004 in Happy Camp.


Webpage: Arch requested an update on the website.  Marty states he will give that in his report.


Demonstration dancers to Washington, DC: They asked what the status of the coordination of this project is.  Florrine asked if anything has been done with this.  Fred Nahwooksy was to work on this.  He would like to know exactly what they want.  They want him to organize and identify funding for a group of youth from all three communities to attend this.  He suggests they discuss it at the February 2, 2004 meeting.


4.                  Philip Albers, Jr. and Dr. Jesse Drake

Philip Albers and Dr. Jesse Drake were present to give a presentation on the upcoming cycling project they will be working on putting together.  They gave them brochure with information.  Karuk Diabetes Prevention Cycling Team is the name of the project.  Jesse Drake states he is the Mental Health professional at the Yreka Clinic.  He and Phil plan to put together a cycling team with professional coaching and financial sponsorship.  They will ride bicycles to other Tribes in the area and they will be teaching traditional Native American ways and healthy living through the project.  He states he has diabetes and is legally blind and he greatly enjoys cycling.  In 2005 they would like to have a coast to coast trip going from the northwest up through Michigan, Canada, Maine, and ending in New York.  The Captain of 1976 US cycling team will be the professional coach.  Through his connections he can help them get sponsorship through major manufacturers for clothing, equipment, etc. as he is known in the field and is in the cycling hall of fame.  You will not have to have diabetes to be on the team.  The members of the team will be instructed in all aspects of nutrition and they will have professional help with traditional Native American food health, general health, and sports fitness and health.  They are working on applications and what the selection process and screening process will be for the project.  There will be rules and regulations for the riders on the team also.  They will have the Karuk name on their shirts and also a design on the shirts.  There is also the possibility of providing high school credits for participation in the program as well.  He states they would be able to do it with about $30,000 and can get most of their items through sponsorship.  The insurance can also be obtained through a cycling organization for a very reasonable cost.  They hope to have 4 men and 4 women between 16 and 22.  They will also have two alternates and four staff members.  Jesse feels that the team should be all Karuk, however, he himself is not and some of the other helpers are not.  Wes states there is a grant to General Mills that is due on February 2, 2004 for $10,000 that will be going through the review process next week and will need to be approved through a phone vote.


5.                  Barbara Norman

Barbara was present to introduce herself to the Council as the new contracting attorney for the Tribe.  She is currently working with April at the Tribal Court and getting involved in the cases.  She states it is great to work with the Tribe and is enjoying getting to know the families.  She states she has known Jack Thom for many years and is grateful to be working with them as she has always admired and enjoyed being involved with the Tribe.  She has been doing mediations and also some self-help with individuals that have legal troubles they are facing.


6.                  Robert Super

Robert introduced Jolanda to the Council.  She is present to discuss the possibilities of an MOU with the Council to work with them and their non-profit organization Stop the Violence Coalition in Hoopa.  They have been working with families in the Hoopa area.  They have many clients that are not comfortable going to the shelters that are available and for this reason they are trying to get a grant to form a Tribal shelter in the Hoopa area.  She states that without a coalition of Tribes working together to get a grant there are not enough dollars available to create an adequate shelter for Northern California.  They already have two grants with the Office of Violence in Washington, DC and they will use the funds from this grant to have a shelter with transportation and legal counseling for the women that need assistance.  She states that she knows what the problems are and wants to see the help that Native Americans need provided to them.  Currently they only have Hoopa signed up with them.  The Yurok Tribe has decided to go with another organization.  The Tribes must apply with a non-profit organization to be eligible for the funding.  They service native women and children, not one individual Tribe.  There would be a shelter in Hoopa.  There would be four positions; two Victim Advocate/Van Drivers and one Shelter Manager and one Office Support staff that would all be stationed in Hoopa at the shelter.  They would go and pick up the women when they call and request assistance.  They would request office space at each Tribe for the Advocate/Van Driver and may also later request $100 per month to assist with the food budget for the shelter.  The grant is $990,000 for two years.  They work directly with the Courts to ensure the Tribes get the sovereignty they deserve.  The grant deadline is February 3, 2004 to apply for the consortium dollars.  They need to have all Tribes sign the same MOU together they cannot do separate MOUs with each Tribe.  They will serve men if the need arises also.  They also mention having the Shelter Manager work with them on their men’s shelter.  They state that even if they don’t sign on they want to work with them on ways to fix the problems that are occurring.  They will have a five bedroom double wide and an emergency fund for motel room vouchers if they are full.  They will also seek additional grants for another home or open their own homes to victims, travel to other locations to get women into a motel room, etc.  Leaf states the Council is surely interested, however, they would like to discuss it with some of their staff members before taking action.  Jolanda states they will check in on Monday to see the status.


Florence Conrad excused herself from the Council to discuss a request she has.



7.                  Florence Conrad

She states the Junction Elementary School has plans to build a new school on its current site in Somes Bar.  They are requesting support from the Tribe to partner with them as the school is 60% Native American.  She states they will be present at the Orleans meeting but she wanted them to have the information ahead of time.


Florence Conrad again sat as a Council Member.


8.                  Josie Lewis

Josie was present to address the Council and the audience to make sure they are aware of presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich (D).  She states she went to a meeting recently to discuss this candidate and wanted to come here tonight to make sure everyone knows there is a presidential election this year and wants to get the word out that this candidate is sympathetic to Tribal issues and what they need.  She states that they need to be involved in the election and get information on all of the candidates not only the ones that have the media coverage.  Her friend Jerry was present to give them some information on the candidate.  She states that this candidate thinks of the average person and has a “grass roots” policy that they should support.  She states that the current administration is not sympathetic to their needs and their programs are the ones that are being cut and they are the ones that are losing dollars.  She gave them an overview of how the governments budget breaks down and how the tax dollars are being allocated.  Dennis’ platform is to trim the waste in the budget.  He plans to take 15% off the top of the budget and put it into programs for education and other needed areas.  She states currently the US spends more on the military than any other country and even if they take this 15% away there will be plenty of government dollars available.  She states this 15% could fund education for all children.  She states that the Navajo Nation is endorsing this candidate, Chief Lookinghorse has also endorsed this candidate.  She read aloud Dennis’ Tribal platform that he is taking for the people.  The website is www.kucinich.us to obtain more information.  Josie states they must come together as Tribal Nations and as one group and one voice they should make a difference to ensure the future of their children.  He will not take any funding from large corporations, he has raised $5 million dollars from every day people for his campaign, then the government matches those dollars.  She states that if they don’t get out there and vote in the primary on March 2, 2004 he may not even make the ballot.  She would like the Council to consider what the other Indian Nations have endorsed.  They will play a video during dinner so that they can decide for themselves.


9.                  Franklin Thom

Franklin was present to address the audience and Council.  He states he was a volunteer for the Head Start Program in 1994 once each week.  During that time he worked with many children.  He states it has been very rewarding for him to work with the children and now see them in the community.  He states that him and his wife have been going through a very hard time with her health and it has caused many hardships in his life.  He has spoke to Toni McLane and Cathy Scott of the Head Start Program and he is requesting a hardship loan of $1,000 to take care of personal business and then donate two hours each week to the Head Start Center to work it off.  He states he is six units away from an AA Degree to be able to get a better job.  They will discuss it in closed session.


10.              Rodney Grant

Not present.


11.              Richard Johnson

Not present.

12.              Sandi Tripp

She states there are many upcoming meetings and she will send them a memo with all of them.


She distributed a grant proposal to EPA for their review.  It is not due until February 9, 2004 so she will do a phone vote to obtain approval.  She has another grant that will be coming to them as well that is due on February 4, 2006.  She will do the phone vote on January 28, 2004.


She updated them on the grants they have received to date.  Leaf states that Resolution 04-R-01 was also included, however, it requires some changes prior to approval so he will present it at the next Council meeting.


She requested a date for the next mid-month meeting.  February 6, 2004 at 10:00 AM was set.


Leeon Hillman moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Sandi’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


13.              Erin Hillman

Erin states she has no action items.  Florrine asked a question about the utility vaults on the Roads project.  Erin states some of them must be moved as they are in the Right of Way and she has discovered it is Housing’s responsibilities to fix it with their contractor. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Erin’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


14.              Laura Mayton

Laura states she has no action items. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Laura’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


15.              Toni McLane

Not present, written report only.  Leaf would like Toni to point out that the Karuk Tribe is not a Rancheria to the IHS Representative that did her review.  A directive will be sent to this effect. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Toni’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


16.              Fred Nahwooksy

Fred’s only action item is on page 2 regarding the Eban collection.  She states these baskets were given to her in the early 70's by Madeline Davis.  She would like $5,000 for each basket.  The additional basket was made by herself and it was only for them to look at.  Leaf states they should talk about it on the 2nd when they meet with Fred.  He distributed the policies and procedures to them both on paper and on disk for preparation for the meeting.  


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Fred’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.



17.              Trista Parry

Not present, written report only.  Leaf requested that Trista be available at the planning session they scheduled. 


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Trista’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


18.              Hector Garcia

Hector was present to introduce himself as the Self Governance Director for the Karuk Tribe.  He is currently working on gathering agreements, organizing them and putting them into a database so that he can advise them at the next meeting of their status. 


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Hector’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


19.              Lisa Aubrey

Not present, written report only.  Karen asked about the policies from their meeting as they are revising the policies and were supposed to be included for approval.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Lisa’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


20.              Sami Jo Difuntorum

Not present, written report only.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Sami’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


21.              Wes Valentine

Wes was present to review his report with the Council.  There are two requests for Alliance Data.  The first are invoices for finish up work on the Yreka Clinic project, however, it occurred after the date of the contract expiration.  He is requesting an extension to December 31, 2003 so they may pay the invoices under the Contract.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to extend the Alliance Data Contract to December 31, 2003.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


The second is a new contract with Alliance Data for the Pharmacy building work that has and is being done.  They are a sole source contractor as no one else will come to Happy Camp to do the work.  The amount will be up to $8,200 and is budgeted in the start up.  A phone vote will be done tomorrow once Erin has reviewed it and assigned a number.


He gave them an update on the Dentist position in Happy Camp.  He states Dr. Tran declined the position.  They do have another Dentist that is interested in coming up the first week of February by the name of Andre Metcalf.  The Contract Number is 04-C-020 and the rate is $60.10 per hour for February 2-4, 2004. 



Karen Derry moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Contract 04-C-020 with Andre Metcalf.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


There will be one more dentist coming on Tuesday to see the Clinic and meet the staff from New Mexico also.


He also requested approval of a position description for a Pharmacy Courier to do the daily deliveries.  They will also start doing the general/lab/x-ray courier services as well.  He presented them a detail of what the courier contracts cost currently and what the position would cost at $7.00, $7.50, or $8.00 per hour.  They want to add that this person must be bonded as well.  A question was proposed to look at the possibility of hiring two part time positions rather than one full time position.  Wes states they should also specify that it is Monday through Friday not daily.  They will use the silver Subaru.  Wes will make the changes and bring it back to the Health Board meeting.


He also discussed the HCHS invoice that was received from them for repairs.  The Clinic Manager had HCHS make the repairs, however, it was the Tribe’s responsibility.  They have now billed $4,590.02 for those bills.  It needs to be paid and in the future the Maintenance Department will be used for those repairs.  Because the Clinic Manager ordered the repairs, and the lease specifies they must pay for them, there is really no option but to pay for it.  It is for last year and would be coded to last year’s Health Budget.  He states they may approach IHS to see if they can cover any of it as it needed to be done to keep it suitable for business.  They will bill it to Third Party first and try for IHS assistance.


Roy Arwood moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve a payment to HCHS for $4,590.02.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Wes’ report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


22.              Susan Gehr

Susan distributed videos and brochures to the newly appointed Council Members.  She distributed these a couple of months ago when she was in Yreka.  She also brought extras for those that wanted one.


She states the HC Language Class has been changed to a lunch class instead of evening to try to get more involvement.  It is held from 12:15 to 12:45 on Tuesdays.  Phil is also doing a class in Ashland and in Yreka.  Leaf suggests she copy the CDs so that they can be put into all Tribal Vehicles that have a CD player so the staff can listen to them.


She would like to sell additional copies in the gift shop once the first distribution is gone if they approve of that.


Consensus: To allow Susan to sell copies of the Language CDs and videos once her free ones are gone.


She states William Bright will be in town next month and will be at the Council meeting.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Susan’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


23.              Rod Hartman

Rod was present to update them on the HIP homes.  He states the County lost some of their paperwork on the Swearingen home and the only thing he is waiting for is approval of the foundation and he is next on the list.  He states he calls twice a week to make sure they don’t forget about him.  He states the Aubrey parcel is moving forward also.  The Guy home is about 75% done and the carpet will be installed next week.


The Pharmacy is supposed to be moved into next week to get setup and open the following week.


He also pointed out that for about $2,500 they could take out the wall between the two rooms they hold the Council meetings in at Housing and put in a sliding partition to make the room able to accommodate Council meetings better.  There has been discussion regarding renovations to the Housing building also which would be a good time to do something like that.


There has been a request for him to do an article in the next Newsletter on the HIP homes with pictures so that everyone can see what is being done.  He states he will start doing articles.


Florrine would like to see a Council Member go talk to Lena about the project so that she knows they do care about her as she has expressed that she feels they are just waiting for her to die and want her land and don’t want to build her a house.  They suggest that he visit the house and at least show her they remember she is there.  Karen states she will go talk to her to reassure her they are working on it.  Roy said he could go too.


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve Rod’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


24.              Tom Waddell

Tom was present to address the Council.  He states he had a report ready to go for tonight, however, he was told this morning by his staff that the Board of Directors for KCDC had been excused from service and now has more pressing issues to discuss with them.


He states there are legal issues concerning Karuk-SWA that must be addressed if they don’t have a Board.  He needs to know because they are the listed partner.  If the Council is the acting Board it creates a conflict with their BIA contract for Roads.  All of the Board members are also check signers and they cannot process any payments until the signers are changed.  He states he needs to meet with them to get all of these details worked out to be able to proceed with business at their offices.  He states there has been no communication with him regarding where he needs to go and what is going to happen now that this change has been made.


Arch apologized for not letting him know what was going on.  He agrees they need to meet with him to discuss this situation and discuss how they will move forward.  Tom states they will need something in writing that can be put into files to document what is going on.  There are also provisions in the Charter and By-Laws regarding removal of the Board and removal of individual Board Members.  There are supposed to be hearings to discuss a situation first before taking action.  He states the only other item that applies is dissolution of the entire Corporation which would mean there are no staff and no operations.


Arch states they are not dissolving the Corporation, they have only excused the Board of Directors.  Tom states the most critical issue is the way this will affect the Karuk-SWA Partnership and their projects.

Arch states there are some current payments ready to be sent out and they need to know how to address them.  Tom states that without a Board of Directors they also have no one in authority to tell the bank the signers are changing either.


They will meet with him tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM to discuss these issues.  They want him to bring a list with him and be ready to discuss possible resolutions.  The Council can change the signature cards also.


Florrine also apologized as well for sending out the email.  She states she was thinking about getting information out to the membership and not thinking about the staff concerns.  He states that when things like this happen it challenges the trust that the membership has in the Tribe and the Council’s management of the organization.


Leaf Hillman moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve Tom’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


25.              April Attebury

April states she agrees with Tom that ordinances must be followed that are put into place.  Bob states they are being made out to be the bad guys and there are many issues that need to be addressed.  She states it is always beneficial to follow what you have approved and not vary from it.


She distributed a report to them that outlines the past, present, and future of the Tribal Court grants that are currently underway.  She would like to have a working session with them to begin finalizing some Tribal Court issues.  She states the Tribal Court Ordinance was approved in draft form, now they have made changes and are ready to make final changes and approve a final version.  She needs to do the same thing with a draft version of the Children’s Court Ordinance.  It needs to be done by May.  They will need about a half a day to do this.  February 5, 2004 at 10:00 AM was set.


She also provided them with information regarding the court system and what has been discussed at judges meetings at the County level.  They will also enter into Operational Agreements for the Tribe.  Hector will be assisting April with getting a government to government relationship established with the State for funding they can get.  She has also been working with Washoe as they have an approved agreement that they want to look at to see what they have approved.


She gave them a verbal update on her recent trip down South to another large gaming Tribe.  They were impressed because the Karuk Tribe is ahead of them in their progress even with their limited budgets.


She distributed a time line to them for the implementation/continuation of the Tribal Court.  She needs two Tribal Council members appointed to the Project Advisory Team to fill the current Council vacancies that exist.  Florrine and Robert both volunteered to sit in.


She states there are codes that specify there will be a Judicial Oversight Committee that will be established in the same manner as the Tribal Elections.  She distributed the draft to them for their review so that it can be advertised and filled.  There will be one representative from each community, one Elder (60+), and one youth (18-25).


Consensus: To begin advertising for the Judicial Oversight Committee.


She also discussed the Tribal Court CASA Program.  They have to have a provisional membership in the national CASA organization to apply for funding.  She has been working toward this, however, she needs a planning committee.  She suggests using the ICWA Committee.  She would just need a fiscal representative.  It will be the CASA Planning Committee. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to use the ICWA Committee for the CASA Planning Committee with the addition of a fiscal person.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


She also distributed a position description for a Tribal Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteer Coordinator.  She has verified the budget modification with Erin and Sara has reviewed the position description. 


Robert Goodwin moved and Leeon Hillman seconded to approve the Tribal Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteer Coordinator position description.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


She states that they sent out about 300 surveys and only received about 10% of them back.  She states she can give them the detailed results if they are interested.


Wes states that when he attended the Community Services Council meeting last week they expressed how impressed they are with the Tribal Court’s progress and the County is very pleased with what is happening.


Leeon Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve April’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


26.              Marty Waddell

Marty was present to review his written report with the Council.  He updated them on the progress of the website.  He states that they have offered the IT Technician position to Jonathan Parton and he has accepted and will be working full time on the web presence of the Tribe.  He has some questions regarding content.  Do they want to post the Constitution and Ordinances?  Yes, they would like to do that.  Hector has talked to him about a Self Governance page with this type of information and also links of interest and other items for them to go to and read.  There has been discussion of posting the Council minutes for a twelve year period.  There was also the suggestion of giving individual people access to post their own information to not tie up Marty and Jonathan with posting these items.  A lot of sites have surveys to get input.  There wouldn’t be a way to limit it to Tribal Members only.  The log on could be the roll number and they could send out passwords quarterly in the newsletter.  He would need to talk to Jonathan about how long it would take to set it up.  They suggest one user name and password for everyone to use to at least limit who has access to the survey sections, etc.  He wants permission to post the website in the next couple of days. 


Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to post the Tribal website publicly.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


He asked if they want individual council member e-mails or only an email that goes to all council members.  There may be reasons for individuals to be contacted for other reasons.  There would not be e-mails posted on the website either, they can send messages but cannot get the address.  They want both options on the Council page.

He asked them about software for the Mac computers.  There is no software for them so they cannot really use them for anything.  There are some problems with the license agreement as it cannot be passed on to someone else once they load it on there.  The software may not even be available for purchase as it is so old.  Discussion followed regarding the issue.  They are giving the computers to Tribal people and therefore it is staying within the Tribe.  They are going to allow use but will still own them to avoid the licensing issues.  He legally has to advise them of this issue.  He will have people sign a disclaimer.  Joyce wants some of the extra computers for her office if possible.


His last question is regarding high speed Internet for DNR separate from the IHS Health Network.  They have requested their own connection and would like to have it paid from Indirect as it benefits all programs.  In Orleans it will be about $200 per month for a frame relay line.  They state he will have to ask Laura about funding.  Marty states Directv won’t license businesses and the other satellite provider has about a $3,000 installation fee and still $200 per month.  April states she has funds for all three sites and they may be able to pay for it through her grant if they designate an office for her to use in that area.  They can also install wireless for Council use at that location then it would definitely be indirect.  They feel comfortable with coding it to Indirect but would still like him to run it by Laura.


He requested approval of his position description as the IT Manager.  They will have to discuss the salary in closed session.  Wes would like Marty to also review all proposals for work by outside contractors to make sure they are getting a good price and adequate services.  There were two changes in the summary to change Tech to Manager and establish to develop.  They will also add services to number 15.


Roy Arwood moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve the IT Manager position description with the changes.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


They also asked if the flag or logo is copy written.  No, it currently is not.  It can be looked into to see how hard it would be.


Karen Derry moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Marty’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


27.              Fred Burcell

Not present, written only.


Karen Derry moved and Florrine Super seconded to approve Fred’s report.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


28.              NCIDC Meeting Minutes

The Council thanked Florence for the minutes from the meeting.


29.              Phone Votes

a.         Request to send Tribal Member #520 to Cornerstone Rehabilitation Center in Redding.  The cost will be $2,000 and will come from the Drug and Rehabilitation Grant.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata, 3 unavailable.

b.                  Request from the Happy Camp Family Resource Center for a donation to help provide a community Christmas dinner in the amount of $250 to come from Discretionary dollars.  5 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 maanata, 2 unavailable.


c.                   Request to grant all employees ½ day of Administrative Leave for Christmas Eve.  4 haa, 1 puuhara, 0 maanata, 3 unavailable.

d.                  Request for approval of DNR Newsletter.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata, 2 unavailable.


30.              Sara Spence

Sara requested approval of Contract 04-C-019 for the Council Cook.  It is with Blanche Keller at $120 per meeting plus mileage for one year.


Robert Goodwin moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to approve Contract 04-C-019 with Blanche Keller.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


She also distributed the Newsletter for approval to begin printing next week and be mailed.  She will request approval tomorrow through a phone vote so they have a chance to look through it.


Closed Session from 10:12 PM to 12:40 AM


** At Dinner:  Leaf Hillman moved and Robert Goodwin seconded to approve a $500 check to Orleans Elder from discretionary for replacement costs of vehicle.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


** At Dinner: Robert Goodwin moved and Florence Conrad seconded to approve Resolution 04-R-03 enrolling members.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


Directive: For Arch to talk to Toni regarding Tribal Member #867s work at Headstart and Laura regarding past loans before making a decision.


Consensus: To pay up to $2000 at a rate of $400 per month to Bondage Buster for Tribal #1966.


Leaf Hillman moved and Roy Arwood seconded to approve to send employee #7263 for out of state travel to Albuquerque, NM for the 27th Annual Indian School on Alcohol and Other Drug Related Issues in the amount of $1057.58 out of their program.  6 haa, 0 puuhara, 1 maanata (Florrine Super).


Directive: For Marty to add Tribal Member #3550 to the list to get a computer.  They need it for school.


Consensus: To not pay Employee #1976 for the snow day they requested.  (Robert Goodwin excused himself).


Leaf Hillman moved and Karen Derry seconded to approve Contract with Tribal Member #209 to Bring CCDF and HE programs into compliance and train appropriate Council/Staff, Contract not to exceed $5600.00.  If there isnt money in Higher Education it will be taken  out of discretionary funds.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.


Consensus: To appoint Roy Arwood, Karen Derry, and Florrine Super to sit on the Child Care Committee.


Karen Derry moved and Leaf Hillman seconded to adjourn at 12:46 AM.  7 haa, 0 puuhara, 0 maanata.

Next Meeting Date: February 26, 2004 at 5:00 PM in Orleans.


Adjourned at


Respectfully Submitted,




Arch Super, Chairman


Recording Secretary,

Sara Spence