karuk tribe
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This is Katimin, the center of our world.
Where Masuhsava (Salmon River) meets Ishkeesh (The Klamath River).
The cone shaped mountain near the bottom is Auwitch (Sugar Loaf).
Mission Statement

The mission of the Karuk Department of Natural Resources is to protect, promote, and preserve the cultural/natural resources and ecological processes upon which the Karuk People depend. Natural Resources staff work in conjunction with agency personnel to ensure that the integrity of natural ecosystem processes and traditional values are incorporated into current and future management strategies within our area of influence.
Public Notice

The Karuk Tribe of California, Department of Natural Resources is hereby initiating public scoping in regards to the development of an Eco-Cultural Resource Management Plan (ECRMP). This plan is intended to integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the best western science into a format that outlines programmatic resource concerns, goals, and objectives. The ECRMP also outlines historical, current, and future desired conditions of ecological, social and/or physical interactions of humans and the environment in the interest of developing standardized Cultural Environmental Management Practices for the Karuk Aboriginal Territory.

This first round comment period closes June 26st, 2006. If you would like a copy of the preliminary draft Eco-Cultural Resource Management Plan, click here to download a preliminary draft of the ECMRP, contact the Department of Natural Resources at (530) 627-3446, or   E-Mail Bill Tripp by clicking here. Written comments, suggestions, questions, support or input from interested parties are welcome and encouraged. Written correspondence can be sent to:

     William Tripp
     Eco-Cultural Restoration Specialist
     Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources
     PO Box 282, Orleans Ca, 95556

These videos can be viewed with Windows Media player on Windows-based computers. Click on any of the links below to download videos:
   Karuk Cultural & Ecosystem Restoration Program 1999 (28MB)
   Steinacher Project Update 2000 (22 MB)
   Tribe's in Scottland (21 MB)
   Uknii-Karuk Fishing Rights (32 MB)